90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 203 Make a fortune

Yuxi was pulled out of the gate, only to see a lot of people coming from the opposite side, noisy, He Jiali and Wang Tiantian kept comforting everyone.

But no one listened to their reassurance and shouted, Don't talk nonsense, give the money quickly.

Yuxi was so curious, I've been away for more than a week, what happened on the other side?

Lei Yin, I don't know. The troubles have been going on for several days. Today is the most serious one. They all took sticks.

Could it be that the investor has withdrawn the capital, and the capital chain on the other side is gone?

Lei Yin said: It should be like this.

The abacus in Yuxi's heart was crackling, and she didn't look at the trouble on the other side. She turned around and entered the yard, and found Zhou Lingling, Cousin, how much money do we have in the account?

Zhou Lingling remembered money most clearly, More than 600,000, are you useful?

Yuxi grinned, Leave half of the money, the rest, we are going to make a fortune.

Zhou Lingling touched her cousin's forehead, What crazy words are you talking about, what big fortune?

Yuxi pointed outside, On the other side, the capital chain on the other side is probably broken. It was a surprise, I just found out. He Jiali and Wang Tiantian have never cleared the final payment of the cloth merchant. You didn't see it. Did you come to the door? Few merchants are here to chase after the last payment. This time we can not only win the house opposite, but also get the lowest price and get all their goods. With these goods, we can double them in our hands. What a fortune! Ah, money delivered to your door.

Zhou Lingling, I know the other party owes money, but how do you know that they are all here to chase after the last payment?

They all shouted with sticks.

Zhou Lingling turned around twice, The other side will be dumped soon, I'll go to Chen Chi to ask someone to come forward, we can't come forward in person in this matter.

Yuxi, Well, ask my brother-in-law to find someone who is quick-spoken and who can lower the price, and they will fight us in the ring. We don't have to be polite to them.

Okay, leave it to me, I'll go find Chen Chi now.

Well, I'm here to watch.

After a long fight on the other side, Lei Yin came back unsatisfied, I thought we could start a fight, but I finally promised a deadline, and they all broke up.

Yuxi paid more attention, How many days did you promise?

Lei Xiao stretched out two fingers, Two days, only two days, if the other party doesn't pay them, they will sue them, and even smash the store, the anger I suppressed in my heart finally came out, I don't know, investment Why did Fang withdraw his capital?

Yuxi grinned, The investor is not an idiot. He will not continue to invest such a loss of money. However, there is something strange. He has also lost money before, but he has never withdrawn his capital. This time it is quite neat.

Lei Yin, Don't worry about it, anyway, I'm happy that the opposite side is over, I'm going to find my aunt, I want to add food today.


Zhou Lingling came back soon, I've found him, I've met him, he's very smart,

I'll have a face-to-face talk tomorrow.

Yuxi, OK.

After eating at noon, Wang Tiantian arrived, her chin still raised, as if Yuxi had taken advantage of it, We lowered the cost by 20% and sold you the raw materials, Lu Yuxi, you owe me a favor.

Yuxi stood at the door, I can't enjoy your favor, I'm sorry, our small business, didn't you say that I can't last long? I don't have money to buy it, you can keep it for yourself!

Wang Tiantian frowned, I buy the best things, the silk is the best, and the embroidery workers are also the best. They are all embroidered by famous masters, and some decorations are also made to order. Made top quality products, don't regret it.

Yuxi thought in her heart that it was because she knew it was the best that she cared about it so much. Every time she saw a purchase, she felt that the opposite was a prodigal, not her own money, and she wanted the best for everything, but now it was cheaper for her I am happy, with a sincere smile on my face, I won't buy it.

Wang Tiantian's face darkened, I'm reducing the price by 20%, and I'll give you 60% of the price.

Yuxi still shook her head, I won't buy it, I have no money.

Wang Tiantian was in a hurry. The only person she could think of was Lu Yuxi. No one else was in this business. They sold it to other contracting companies. Everyone had stock, so they couldn't make much money in the first place, and no one would buy her.

She was depressed, if it wasn't for the sudden withdrawal of capital, she wouldn't have asked for Lu Yuxi. She was proud a few days ago, but now her heart was bleeding, and she slapped herself loudly for her cruel words.

50%, 50% will be sold to you.

Don't waste time, I won't buy it even if you lower it by 10%. I'm poor and have no money.

Wang Tiantian vomited blood angrily, she didn't believe that Lu Yuxi had no money, but when it came down, she couldn't bear it, so she gave Yuxi a hard look, turned and left.

Yuxi returned to the yard and said to Zhou Lingling, Tell Song Wu, 30% and 30% can be taken down.

Zhou Lingling took a breath, 30%? Didn't we negotiate 50%?

Yuxi curled her lips, Whoever asks Wang Tiantian to come to me, I will get 50% of the money if I ask, and I will definitely give up, 30%.

Zhou Lingling, I don't know whether to say that Wang Tiantian is stupid, or that she doesn't count money?

Yuxi, That's because she's stupid. She only wants to sell together, and never wants to go to the market for retail sales. She can sell 70% of the money.

Lei Yin interjected, Fortunately, she is stupid enough, otherwise, we would have nothing to do.

Yuxi was excited, After this time, I can make a lot of money. When I see Wang Tiantian in the future, I will definitely smile at her more.

Zhou Lingling, ...just as long as you are happy.

In the evening, Yuxi met He Rui, I haven't congratulated yet, I was promoted again.

He Rui, Lucky, lucky.

I believe more in your strength. This is my gift to you. I hope it can give you some inspiration.

He Rui touched the fabric, feeling extremely rare, It's so beautiful, thank you, this is the best gift.

nice! You love it.

He Rui hugged Bu, Then I'll go back first.


Going home in the evening, after dinner, Yuxi and Yuqing said: When I'm done working these two days, I'll take you to buy things for the university. I'll buy them all at once, and I'll send you there when school starts.

Yuqing was happy in her heart, with the corners of her mouth curled up, En.

Yuxi smiled at Lei again: You too, in two days, I will take your school to repeat the grade.

Lei Xiao hadn't seen her sister for a week, if brother Yuqing hadn't rolled his eyes at the knife, she would have leaned over and nodded, Enen.

Yuxi was in a good mood, and sat all night dreaming of gold ingots. This time, she really got rich. She had already thought about what she would buy at the end of the year.

In the store during the day, she kept paying attention to the news on the other side. Wang Tiantian was really anxious and ran around. Later, Song Wu came and talked for a long time.

Yuxi thought that Wang Tiantian would spend at least one day, and the price was very high. Unexpectedly, Wang Tiantian was afraid that no one would buy it, so she sold it three times.

When Yuxi got the contract in her hand, she felt at ease. The opposite was hers, not only the inventory, but also the house opposite. The remaining two-year lease was transferred directly.

Zhou Lingling asked, Is this too easy? The other side agreed so readily?

Song Wu shook his head, There are also twists and turns.

Yuxi asked, What twists and turns?

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