Chapter 82

Third sister, you bring big pancakes this week. Li Jinhua's eyes lit up, and she instantly felt that her food was not delicious: I still bring sorghum buns.

Li Qiao didn't understand why Li Jinhua said this, implying that she would share the pie? I only brought one piece with me, and I have to eat rice after this meal.

That's it? Li Qiao, what exactly does your partner do? You're either rice or noodles every day, and the conditions at home are so good.

What can a bastard do? Liu Lanlan emphasized Qin Jin's identity.

Li Qiao took a look at Liu Lanlan: My partner has obtained the approval slip from the supply and marketing cooperative, and now I have serious business to do, and I am busy with supplying goods every day. She took out a bamboo pen holder from her net pocket: This is made by my mother-in-law. Pen holder.

Hu Xiufang took it and looked at it: It's so detailed, the phoenix painted on it looks real, how much does this one cost?

Two or three cents.

Hu Xiufang gasped: So expensive?

It's cheap. The expensive ones are made of polished bamboo strips that are about the same thickness as vermicelli. They can be sold for about 40 cents, but you can only weave two or three of them a day.

Is it all done by your mother-in-law?

It used to be, but now grandma has taken the aunts in the village as apprentices and taught them how to do it, and she gave me some pointers. Li Qiao said, If you need it, you can buy it from me, and I'll sell it to you for 20 cents.

A bamboo basket only costs 20 cents, which is too expensive for you.

I don't even want to give it away for nothing. Liu Lanlan muttered.

Li Qiao said: Don't worry, no one will give it to you for free. She continued to argue: Bamboo baskets are daily necessities, pen holders are handicrafts, and what they sell is style and workmanship. There is no comparison between the two.

Isn't it the same as bamboo?

Li Qiao didn't speculate with him, so he put away the pen holder.

After breakfast, everyone went to the classroom in twos and threes.

Li Jinhua took the initiative to hold Li Qiao's arm.

Pulled out by Li Qiao.

Seeing this, Hu Xiufang left one step ahead of time.

Li Jinhua said: Third sister, where did the third brother-in-law take over this job? You tell him to take your father to do it together? This way our family can also be rich, and when you go home, people will praise you for your filial piety, and you will have face .”

Li Qiao was speechless, and even made the idea of ​​a partnership.

It is so difficult to make money these days, who is willing to share an opportunity after finally catching it? I'm still not filial? Years ago, our family had a meal and was worried about the next meal. Why didn't your mother take my high-priced bride price and let us subsidize the family?

It was the first time for Qin Jin to travel far away, and the porridge at home became thinner day by day.

Others eat sorghum buns.

She and grandma drank a bowl of soup, and the pot was scraped cleaner than a brush.

After eating those gobs, I was hungry in less than an hour.

She picked up the knife when feeding the rabbit a few times, but she never killed it.

If Qin Jin came back two days later, she might make a move.

Just this grandma also prepared gifts of tobacco, wine, meat and eggs.

It can be described as thoughtful.

Is she not filial?

But Dong Lamei is not qualified to be an elder. Everyone after her millennium knows that the elders should give red envelopes to the newlyweds in the first year of their marriage.

They don't seal red envelopes.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Added: Every time I hear you and your mother's high-sounding reasons, I really feel unlucky! She left.

Li Jinhua: . She is unlucky?

You are unlucky!

If it weren't for you, a foreigner, I would have been married to Qin Jin long ago.


You have few days left to live.

next week.

Li Jinhua observes Li Qiao's complexion every day.

Heavy dark circles, dull eyes.

She felt that Li Qiao would be finished within forty-nine days.

Hu Xiufang also noticed that Li Qiao's dark circles were a bit heavy: You should take a good rest. And that talisman, although I'm not superstitious, it always feels unlucky to carry it, so throw it away as soon as possible.

Li Qiao: I'll put it somewhere else, I'll stick to it today, and I'll go to bed early on Saturday tomorrow.

What kind of perseverance supports you so hard? Tell me, let me also have some motivation. Hu Xiufang yawned as she spoke, got up at 5:30 in the daytime, and went to bed at 9:30 in the evening. She was too tired after studying for a day. Will still sleep.

Li Qiao never rested, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Li Qiao: Because I don't want to be a farmer digging river ditches to plant land. It's too hard. I also want to be promising in the future to provide for my mother-in-law and grandma, and build my own network to help my partner find a stable job.

Hu Xiufang: Doesn't your partner have work right now? Weaving should make a lot of money, right?

I can't do it for a lifetime. Li Qiao said, that kind of weaving can last a few years at most. When beautiful glass vases and porcelain vases become popular, those things will be eliminated.

There are also supply and marketing agencies.

She's only seen it in history books.

I also have to remind Gao Dagang that he had planned to find another job early.

Don't wait until you get old to be laid off.

At that time, there will be old people on the top and young people on the bottom.

life is difficult.

Hu Xiufang was about to go home on Saturday, but she changed her mind when she saw that Li Qiao was staying overnight. She asked her classmates in the same village to help her bring some dry food on weekends.

Li Qiao happily had a companion and said, I'm worried about what to do if I'm alone in the dormitory at night.

Isn't there someone in the dormitory next door? Hu Xiufang laughed at herself and said, Hey, if I had the energy I have now, I would have passed the exam last year. I blame myself for being slack at the time.

It's too late now. Li Qiao comforted.

The two had lunch, Hu Xiufang did exercises, Li Qiao went to bed, and when she woke up, it was almost evening, she and Hu Xiufang went out together and bought two biscuits to eat, the two chatted for a while, and then washed up.

Li Qiao sat on the bed and read a novel.

Hu Xiufang was still working on the exercise book: What are you reading? Don't you make newspapers?

Li Qiao said: I won't do it. The novel I bought with you earlier, How Steel Is Tempered. She had read it before, but she didn't have a deep feeling, but now she has a little personal experience. She flipped through a dozen pages, put down the book and covered it with the quilt to sleep.

When turning over, he reached into the pillow case and took out the yellow talisman.

Hu Xiufang lived in the lower bunk opposite Li Qiao, and she could see the upper bunk when she raised her eyes: Didn't you say you put it somewhere else? Why are you still holding it? Did Liu Lanlan curse you?

Zhao Li is honest and can be ruled out.

Liu Lanlan mocked Li Qiaoming all day long, as if she could do something.

Li Qiao said in a deep voice, Li Jinhua is more motivated than Liu Lanlan.

Liu Lanlan's heart was written all over her face, while Li Jinhua was secretly planning.

Can't you? You are sisters. Hu Xiufang couldn't believe it.

It's not a real sister. She was brought back by her stepmother. Li Qiao revealed her family affairs to Hu Xiufang for the first time. After getting along with her during this period, she believed that Hu Xiufang was a trustworthy person.

Hu Xiufang: No wonder, but your stepmother agrees that you go to school, so you should be a good person. Li Jinhua may think that you have robbed her of her mother's love.

Li Qiao laughed mockingly: Fuck! I depended on my two older sisters to fight for my studies. They are both beautiful, and their in-laws gave a high price as a gift, and they didn't bring back a cent. She had already figured out the truth: I got married, and my stepmother asked for a gift of one hundred and one.

Li Qiao couldn't vomit.

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