Chapter 42 Return

If you work hard, you will have a chance, if you don't work hard, you will have no chance at all. Li Qiao said, she put down her pen after finishing writing.

Li Jinhua came over and said, Third Sister, let me copy your homework.

Li Qiao: . Do you have to copy homework?

Don't wait for her to agree.

Li Jinhua took her notebook away, and the more she copied, the more wrong it became. In the early years, Li Qiao's academic performance did not seem to be much better than hers, but now he not only surpassed her, but also performed outstandingly in front of the teacher.

It’s all about being reborn and becoming smarter, but can learning become better?

Does Li Qiao have that or something, a cheat?

While copying, she asked, Third Sister, can I teach you how to study?

Li Qiao: Listen carefully to the teacher in class.

Li Jinhua: . Means she is not serious? She actually wanted to listen, but what the teacher said was like a bible to her. I haven't touched a book in the past six months, and I have almost forgotten all the knowledge. You can make up lessons for me.

Hu Xiufang said: You forget it after only half a year. If you start from the beginning, you will learn it today and forget it tomorrow. If you are like this, you might as well not repeat it and save some money for your family.

Tuition and accommodation fees for one semester. It adds up to five yuan and three.

Food tickets cost five cents a piece, and two good meals a day cost sixty cents a week.

It costs about ten yuan a semester.

Daily necessities are not included.

So, she never expected Qin Erliuzi to agree to Li Qiao's study.

It's better than the college student who abandoned his partner without being admitted to college.

It seems that character and education have nothing to do with each other.

Li Jinhua became angry from embarrassment: It's none of your business? I don't need your family to pay. As long as I work hard, I will definitely pass the exam.

Come on. Hu Xiufang said disdainfully.

Being looked down upon by others, Li Jinhua broke out emotionally and raised her voice, Then you will be able to pass the exam?

Hu Xiufang can't guarantee that last year, nearly 200 students from their school were admitted to only one.

She was in second place, one point short, that's why she came to repeat the exam. Li Qiao's ranking was also quite high, sixth or seventh.

The two of them have a good chance of going to college.

Li Jinhua's grades are average, and if she can pass the exam, she is the eighth wonder of the world.

At this time, the class bell rang outside, and Hu Xiufang left.

Li Qiao was about to take back his notebook, but Li Jinhua held on and refused to let it go: I'll give it to you after I finish copying it.

Depressed and helpless, Li Qiao went to the class teacher Mr. Zhou during the lunch break and asked to change his seat. The reason was that he was short-sighted and could not see the blackboard clearly.

The teacher in charge immediately agreed.

Li Qiao said again: Because of some personal reasons, I want to sit with Hu Xiufang, is that okay?

What personal reasons?

Li Qiao lowered his head and grabbed the corner of his clothes, twitching and saying: I married Qin Jin, do you know Qin Jin?

I haven't heard of it. I didn't expect you to be married. I'm a little surprised that you still come to study after you get married. I'll talk about it later in my class. You go back first.

Okay, thank you Teacher Zhou. Li Qiao bowed and left.

Teacher Zhou stared and clicked his tongue. After more than ten years of teaching, it was the first time a student bowed to him. If he disagreed, he would be sorry for the child's gift.

In the last class in the afternoon, Li Qiao got his wish and was transferred to the front to sit with Hu Xiufang.

Li Jinhua was so angry that she even pointed at Li Qiao to make up lessons for her to take the university entrance exam.

Now that she's gone all of a sudden, she won't be able to go to college, who is responsible?

Li Qiao was very unhappy to be free from Li Jinhua's harassment.

Soon, it will be the Saturday holiday.

Li Qiao simply tidied up, put on his shoulder schoolbag, and walked home with the dry food bag.

Li Jinhua chased after the school gate: Third sister, wait for me.

Through getting along with Li Jinhua this week, Li Qiao has already figured out the other party's level. If the other party hadn't actually been in high school for three years, she would have thought that the other party hadn't graduated from junior high school. Not so far.

But people work very hard. I may not have adapted to it in the first two days, and I still don’t know what to do. I have figured out the direction in the past few days, and I have worked hard day and night.

Because they study science. Li Jinhua revealed yesterday that she plans to transfer to the liberal arts class, so that she doesn't have to take the physical chemistry exam.

Li Qiao is naturally happy to comment.

Won't the third brother-in-law come to pick you up? Li Jinhua asked.

Li Qiao: He went away a few days before school started.

Li Jinhua's eyes widened: Traveling away? Are you selling antiques?

Antique? Where did you get the antique? Li Qiao remembered the bronze knife.

After Qin Jin picked it up, it was like picking up a treasure.

She never thought about selling it.

She thought he dug coal for others, or moved goods in irregular places to make money for her to go to school.

Li Jinhua was sure, she must have really sold the knife, but why did Li Jinhua know?

Link to the previous few times.

She was extremely uncomfortable and had a chill down her spine.

Li Jinhua looked at Li Qiao's innocent and pure face, curled her lips secretly, and said to herself, just pretend! If Qin Jin didn't dump antiques, would you have money to go to school? Can I have white noodles? Speaking of eating, she said: Do you still have any dry food? I didn't eat early in the morning and I was starving to death.

Li Qiao took out the sorghum steamed buns that were hard enough to break people's heads: Here. She didn't eat all morning, and she finished eating the steamed buns yesterday morning. All that was left was the sorghum buns that Li Jinhua had brought. She ate two meals, and her throat was sore.

This morning, I thought that school would be over at noon, so I couldn't resist going home to eat some porridge, so I only drank some water.

After Li Jinhua took it, she devoured it voraciously, her two cheeks were stuffed to the brim.


There was a clear Qiao Qiao in his ear.

It made her panic, she was eating ugly at the moment, but Qin Jin couldn't let Qin Jin see that the sorghum bun stuck her throat when she was nervous.

His body became stiff from choking, his eyes stared straight.

Reaching out mechanically for help: Sister Sansan, help me.

Li Qiao was immersed in the joy of reuniting with Qin Jin, and she didn't notice anything unusual about Li Jinhua. She ran towards the young man and said beamingly, Ah Jin, when did you come back?

Last night, I came here to pick you up today. As a result, I didn't see you after the students left.

Li Qiao doubted: Where were you waiting? Why didn't I see you when I left the school gate? He was good-looking, tall and handsome, and if he stood at the school gate, she would be able to spot him at a glance.

Qin Jin's eyes flashed: The entrance of the alley opposite.

Li Qiao was puzzled: Why are you waiting for me on the opposite side?

Qin Jin remained silent.

Li Qiao paused for a moment and understood, he was afraid that others would talk about her, and she felt warm in her heart, but in fact, she didn't care what others said, because she wouldn't stay in the country for too long.

She had envisioned their future, and when she was admitted to university, she would discuss with her grandma about moving into the city.

At that time, she can ask the school to arrange a security job for Qin Jin.

With the salary, and a small business secretly, plus her allowance, it will definitely be enough for the family to live on.

After a few years, the environment will improve.

Their days will be more and more prosperous.

The bright future she imagined made her laugh: From now on, you can just wait at the door. By the way, Jinhua and I are still in the same class.

Qin Jin had seen Li Jinhua a long time ago, but he didn't want to talk to her. Now Li Qiao reminded him that he couldn't turn a blind eye. He glanced at her and said directly, I won't carry her!

Ask for a recommendation ticket~~

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