Chapter 38 Calculation

Yes, there is, but it's a bit immoral. Li Qiao said.

Mrs. Qin became interested: Tell me.

Li Qiao: Doesn't the Peng family have a dog? Not only does it often scare people, but it also likes to chase the chickens of the production team. Tomorrow it's my turn to feed the chickens. I killed one and threw it into the Peng family's kennel. They honestly admit that it's okay. If you deny it, you will not only have to accompany the chickens in the production team, but you will also be criticized by the whole village on the radio, and you will not get the reward for the model worker at the end of the year. This is the first step.”

Li Qiao eloquently revealed his calculations.

The old lady Qin shuddered, and her usually obedient and soft granddaughter-in-law became poisonous, and the unfilial grandson of the second-rate son had to step aside. I'm afraid that the plan will not keep up with the changes.

I'm adapting to the situation, what about tomorrow, you are like this Li Qiao arranged the tasks that Old Madam Qin needed to complete.

The old lady Qin nodded frequently.

Just do what you say, and the next day Li Qiao followed the plan. She caught one of the chickens when they were pecking, but she couldn't bear to kill the chicken. She decided to hide the chicken first, and pick up the chickens scattered in the pen during the lunch break. The chicken feathers were thrown into his kennel while Feng's family was not paying attention.

Then he pretended to be missing a chicken and reported to the captain.

The captain was sure that someone would steal, kill and eat him immediately, after all, it had happened before.

No way, who would steal it?

Qin Erliuzi has stolen it before.

Li Qiao covered her face silently, sometimes she really disliked him, sneaking around, pulling sunflower seeds and eating dates.

If the parents know that the daughter-in-law is such a person, they will be mad.

Let's look for it first, and see if we can get it back.

What the captain said was exactly what Li Qiao wanted. She accompanied the captain to look for chickens, and deliberately lured him to Peng's house.

The dog barked, and the captain said as if remembering: This dog also often chases chickens with cats. Then he looked at the kennel, and a few scattered chicken feathers caught his attention, and he immediately called out to the door.

Yu Feng picked her teeth with her little finger and went out. Seeing the captain flick her fingers, she said with a smile, It's the Qing army. What wind brought you here?

Captain Feng Qingjun said bluntly: Auntie, the production team lost a chicken. Your dog often chased the chicken, and there happened to be chicken feathers in the nest. What are you talking about?

Yu Feng took a closer look, and it was true. She hurriedly explained: This dog was tied up this morning and just let go. It must have nothing to do with the loss of the chicken.

Who can testify?

My son and daughter-in-law can all testify.

Your family, don't you say what you want? Feng Qingjun said coldly.

This... Yu Feng said loudly: Grandma Qin next door can prove it.

Feng Qingjun looked at the locked door: There is no one.

The old lady Qin counted the time to appear, and smiled: Yo! What are there so many people doing?

Yu Feng briefly explained the situation: She is Grandma Qin, you can prove it to the captain.

The old lady Qin said: I don't care, it's hard to prove.

Hey, you asked this morning why the dog was tied up today.

You also said that in the morning, I went to Widow Song's house at the head of the village, and I didn't come back until now. Who knows if you let go of the dog? Are you not letting go now? Her aunt, I didn't mean you, Children often pass by the road in front of the door, if you tie your dog to the side of the road, what if it bites someone's child? Old lady Qin criticized dissatisfiedly.

Yu Feng raised his eyebrows, stood there and gritted his teeth, he was an old man, he was making trouble. That doesn't account for the chicken my dog ​​got.

Feng Qingjun didn't talk nonsense: The evidence is convincing, you must be stubborn with me, if you don't accompany the chickens of the production team, tomorrow I will report to the superior to cancel your model worker family.

Yu Feng was dumbfounded.

Model worker families can get ten catties of pork as a reward at the end of the year.

Ten catties of pork.

It costs five or six yuan to buy it.

How much is a chicken?

But she was reluctant to take money to accompany her, so she insisted on asking Feng Qingjun to provide evidence, otherwise she would ask the village chief for a review.

At this time, Li Qiao said: Maybe it's really not what dogs eat, but people eat. Auntie took a bag of things and threw it into the cesspit last night. She raised her mouth and saw the situation.

Yu Feng pointed at Li Qiao angrily: There must have been a lot of chicken last night.

It's your family's turn to feed the chickens tomorrow. Did you count them in advance? I'll go and see if the chicken bones you throw are enough, Feng Qingjun said.

Yu Feng: .

Feng Qingjun was walking towards the latrine behind the house with a stick. Yu Feng was very anxious and almost the whole family stopped him.

Feng Qingjun: You didn't catch chickens, why stop them?

As a family, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to explain.

The rabbit of the Qin family next door was lost. They went out to look for it, and finally found that it was killed by their own dog in the kennel. It's not good to give it to them again, right?

And the rabbit was not raised by the Qin family, but Qin Jin caught it without spending any money.

It's just been raised for a while, and it's not bad to keep a litter of rabbits.

Yu Feng hesitated and said: I'll accompany, can't I accompany the chicken? The rabbit's bones were fished out, even if there was no evidence to prove that they ate the Qin family's rabbit, Qin Jin would have to make trouble when he came back. The loss is not just a chicken.

Feng Qingjun: Isn't it better to be so early?

Yu Feng: How much, how much?

A chicken weighs at least three or four catties, count you three catties, two cents a catty, you can give six cents.

Yu Feng begged for the money reluctantly, his heart was bleeding.


It takes half a day's work to earn it.

Li Qiao said seemingly unintentionally: Auntie, you are so afraid of Captain Feng looking for chicken bones, is it possible that what you threw were not chicken bones but rabbit bones? My former rabbit was lost and you picked it up and ate it?

Captain Feng, you should go and have a look.

As the captain of our production brigade, you have always acted in a fair and just manner, with high ideological awareness, strict self-discipline at work, self-sacrifice for others, and you are the leader of our brigade. You regard the villagers as a family. Now my rabbit is lost. Being eaten by Uncle Feng's family, I ask you to recover the loss for our family.

Feng Qingjun was so blown away by the praise, he puffed out his chest: That's right, don't worry, I'll make the decision for you.

Yu Feng: . This little hoof! I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic!

The old lady Qin suppressed her laughter. This child, who is usually silent, never expected to be able to speak like this. It seems that learning is really useful. Look at the compliments, there are a lot of non-repetitive words.

Feng Qingjun raised the stick again, but the Feng family couldn't stop them, so they could only watch eagerly.

He covered his nose and stirred it until he reached the rabbit's head and recognized it. How do you explain it?

The whole family hesitated.

In the end, Feng Hu opened his mouth, a little embarrassed and said: We eat rabbits, and they were eaten by dogs. He explained the context.

The old lady Qin and Li Qiao didn't care to listen, they only cared about how much compensation the Feng family would give.

In the end, it was Captain Feng who spoke again: My daughter-in-law wanted to buy a rabbit to make up for it, and she offered one yuan and five. Grandma Qin agreed to sell it at that time, so you can give one yuan and five.

Yu Feng slapped his ass on the ground: God! Look at it~~ The captain stole the money~~ That chicken is not for us to eat.

Feng Qingjun scolded: Don't come here and play tricks! Rabbits weigh five or six catties, and they cost at least two yuan in the market, not much. Besides, you eat rabbits, and dogs eat chicken. They don't conflict with each other!

Neighbors heard the sound and joined in the fun, whispering that Yu Feng was not authentic.

How many people are there in the Qin family?

How many people are in your family? Counting a dozen or so children, they were obviously bullying others.

Please recommend tickets~~~

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