Things before and after marriage

Chapter 92 Color Blindness and Blindness

Chapter 92 Color Blindness and Blindness


What a show,
What a scheming girl!

This heart is too cruel, even my own sister can do it!

This method is comparable to the Zhao sisters, but fortunately, the hero is good, dedicated and affectionate.

"I just said that uncle looked at such a bold and upright person, how could he be such a person! It's just a pity, auntie."

"Well, the price my mother paid for this was too painful. She couldn't get out of the low self-esteem and regret for a year. Fortunately, my father was patient enough to comfort and accompany her, so that she survived. So, I Dad's business is so big now, many people say that it is because he is devoted to love and never abandons his wretched wife, and God rewards him."

During the year when Lu's mother recovered from her leg injury, the atmosphere at home was once shrouded in gloom. She either lost her temper and cried bitterly, or felt inferior and regretted locking herself up without eating or drinking.It was also in that year that Lu Yang passed by the office and overheard the teacher discussing Lingyu's mother's suicide, so he paid more attention to Lingyu, felt deeply for her, sympathized with her and concentrated on it, so he secretly fell in love with her. Then there is his longing for Lingyu for many years!

Fortunately, everything is over, the mother finally came out, and the father has always treated her for so many years, and the happy family can continue.

However, this incident left a deep shadow in Lu Yang's heart, which directly caused him to regard women as tigers and everyone as a scheming woman.

So no matter whether he was studying or going abroad, he turned a blind eye to the woman who threw an olive branch at him and avoided it.

It is also because of this that being single at the age of 30 can be very detrimental to Lu's father and Lu's mother.So regardless of his intention or not, he was forced to arrange a blind date, which led to the scene at the seaside hotel that day.

When Ziyun bumped into him that day, he thought it was some scheming girl who came to Pengci again, thinking of arresting her to deal with the matter, and just giving him some money later.Unexpectedly, Lu's father was very satisfied with Ziyun, so he led himself into a trap for a while.

Ziyun sighed indignantly when she heard Haosheng, and clicked her tongue twice, "Auntie is too impulsive and kind! How can this kind of thing ruin yourself and make the other party easy! If it were me, the first thing I would want to do is to arrest and beat me up, and then find The evidence divorces him, divides his wealth, and makes him lose both his reputation and wealth!"

Lu Yang broke into a cold sweat when he heard this, thinking that you are doing this kind of thing now!Caught cheating and causing a divorce and a divorce, and the divorce made everyone know about it, causing a sensation in the whole city!
"So you women are all scheming women! Either you want to bump into a rich man, or you want to get a divorce to get a fortune, and you don't want to work hard to realize your own life value!"

As Lu Yang said it, she thought Lingyu was better. She has always been independent, positive, pure and kind-hearted, not snobby or sarcastic, trying to please others, and only focusing on doing what she likes.

"What do you mean? If your man hadn't cheated first, the woman would have taken the initiative to ask for a divorce?" Ziyun's tantrum came again, and she opened her mouth to hate Lu Yang.

But in the next second, she came to her senses, "Wait! What are you talking about bumping into rich people? How dare you think that I bumped into you on purpose that day? No wonder."

Ziyun was about to roll up her sleeves and go through a long lecture when there was a knock on the door.

The voice of Aunt Hong, the servant outside the door, sounded. "Yangzi, dinner is ready. Sister Xia asked Miss Zhao if she packed up?"

The two people inside the door were stunned for a moment, then Ziyun pulled up the suitcase, glared at Lu Yang and was about to leave.

It's over, the eldest lady has lost her temper, and immediately teased her to leave.

How can this work!The meal hasn't been eaten yet, the cake hasn't been cut yet, and her parents are also in high spirits. If she leaves, she will definitely be ripped apart!

Lu Yang reached out and grabbed Ziyun, "I apologize! I sincerely apologize! I take back what I just said! It wasn't you who bumped into me that day, it was me who bumped into the Dragon Lord with blind eyes! Don't be angry!"

One sentence made Ziyun laugh angrily, "You are Tarzan! Tarzan the ape!"

Seeing her smile, Lu Yang heaved a sigh of relief, the apes are the apes!As long as people don't leave, it's fine.

"Then you're not leaving?"

Ziyun rolled his eyes at him, "Did I say I'm leaving?"

, Aren't you all packing your luggage and getting ready to go?Could it be that my eyesight is wrong?

"I just found a reason not to stay in this room! I still don't let go! Do you really want to sleep in the same bed with me, a sad and sad divorced young woman?"

Uh, you have a grudge?Are you sad?What does it look like?
Lu Yang suspected that he was not only colorblind but also blind, otherwise why didn't he see it at all!

Ziyun opened the door and changed her face in seconds!In an instant, she turned into a frightened and timid little woman, screaming.

"Oh my god, I'm scared to death! Auntie, take me to another room. Lu Yang's room is too scary, pitch black. I was brewing in it for a long time, but I didn't dare to take a bath. I was afraid that the devil would take off my clothes. Just come out!"

Lu Yang, "."

This face-changing magic is afraid that the devil will be afraid of you!
Lu Yang's villa is a typical European-style building, two and a half stories high, and the exterior is all made of marble, high-end atmosphere is right!
This villa was specially built by Lu's father after Mother Lu's accident.The lobby on the first floor is completely empty, and the front and left sides are glass curtain walls, which are exposed to the sun, so that mother Lu can bask in the sun without leaving home.Going up the stairs on the right is a corridor. On one side of the corridor, you can have a 360-degree view of the hall, and on the other side is a row of rooms without obstruction.This is mainly for the convenience that when Lu's father is not at home, Lu's mother can call Lu Yang brothers and sisters at will, and it is also convenient for them to see the mother's condition at any time.

As soon as Ziyun came out of the room, she yelled in the corridor, which alarmed Lu's father and Lu's mother.

Lu's mother complained downstairs, "I told Ah Yang to renovate it a long time ago. No girl likes the room like this."

Lu's father promised again and again, "Tomorrow I will ask people from the design department to design and reinstall!"

"It's still tomorrow, it's easy to call now!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll call now!" Father Lu took the phone and called, not forgetting to raise his head and tell Aunt Hong, "Sister Hong, take Ziyun to the room next to Xixi."

Just like that, with a word from Ziyun, Lu's father asked someone to demolish Lu Yang's room.

Lu Yang stood beside him in a daze for a long time, who is his real son?This girl who touches porcelain is too capable!

(End of this chapter)

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