Chapter 67

Yunni came in holding the contract and saw Lingyu listlessly staring at the computer in a daze.

"Still gasping?"

For more than two weeks, Chen Ling and his wife didn't even make a phone call. Yunni said she couldn't do it!
"If you ask me, Chen Cheng is going too far! Anyway, if you coax you, this matter will be over! However, you have overthought, and you have said that the hotel was arranged by Party B, and Xiao Hong was also asked by the company. As for you So angry?!"

"I have repeatedly emphasized my position on Xiao Hong. Why didn't he tell me before the business trip? I didn't ask, and he didn't plan to tell me at all! Forget it, don't mention it! My aunt is here again!"

".It's no big deal, just try harder next time!"

"But what should I do when I go back on May Day? You shouldn't be painting cakes during the Qingming Festival!" Lingyu's intestines are full of regrets!

"I can't blame you for this!" Yunni turned on her phone and estimated. "May [-]st is a dangerous period again, and you two will stay in bed for seven days! I don't believe it!"

Lingyu rolled her eyes, do you want to die?
Besides, the two are currently in a cold war, and Chen Cheng will say something else if he doesn't reply!

"On May [-]st, I'll find an excuse to avoid it and not go back. At least I can avoid it, and I won't be back until the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

"No! Do you still think about it? If you don't return at this juncture, it's not to make your mother-in-law angry."

Based on eight years of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law experience, Yunni told Lingyu not even think about it!
"I'm terrified thinking about it! I'm really afraid! I absolutely don't want to have a daughter, lest she suffer from the pain of giving birth!"

Yun Ni snorted at her, "You think you are a female disaster, and you can make men and women whatever you want?"

Lingyu pouted, why is it so difficult to get pregnant!Look at Yunni, there is an accident.

She reached out and stroked Yunni's belly, "It's been more than three months? Why can't you feel it?"

"Three and a half months! What's the matter! I didn't show my pregnancy until I was pregnant with Dabao for five months. It wasn't until I was about to give birth that the neighbor next door asked me if I had gained weight!"

"Did you kick you?" Lingyu poked her head over Yunni's stomach to listen.

"Not yet, but it should be almost there. I remember Xiaobao started playing around 4 months old."

Just as he was talking, rainbow cheers sounded outside, and he saw Zheng Hai coming in with big bags through the glass!

"Where did Zheng Hai sing? Do you really want to remarry?"

"Who knows! Anyway, the woman and child are still there all day, and there is no door!"

"Did he find out?"

"No! I didn't even tell my mother, so I don't have to listen to her nagging! I only vomited twice during pregnancy, and my mother thought I ate something bad."

Zheng Hai pushed the door open and came in, holding two packing boxes in his hands.

"I packed sea urchin fried rice for you, it's very good, eat it while it's hot."

Yunni was also polite, and said while eating, "The meal has been delivered, hurry up!"

Zheng Hai looked at her, hesitant to speak, hesitantly moving.

"Aren't you leaving? That woman called me yesterday. She spoke in a very ugly way and got emotional. I can't bear the infamy of this mistress."

Before Yunni finished speaking, Lingyu stood up with a serious expression.

She turned her head to look outside the office, and it was the mistress Zhu Mimi who just walked in!
Zhu Mimi stepped on seven-inch high heels, aggressively pushed the rainbow away, and was heading for the office.

Lingyu and Yunni looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

Why is this woman not pregnant at all?Shouldn't it be almost five months?
Zhu Mimi rushed in, and Lingyu waved Rainbow to go out.She took Yunni's hand and protected Yunni behind her.

"Zheng Hai, what do you mean by avoiding me every day? The child is gone, and you want to send me away?"

"I made it clear from the beginning that as long as the child is born, you will take the money and leave, and you have agreed! Now that the child is gone, you are still lingering, what do you want?"

The child is gone!Yunni really wanted to laugh when she heard this, the old lady of the Zheng family had nothing to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and nothing to rejoice about!

"I didn't think about it! Either you marry me, or follow my request!"

"I never promised to marry you. As for the demands you mentioned, you think the child is gone, so what capital do you have to talk to my mother about it!"

"You! Hmph!" Zhu Mimi pointed at Zheng Hai, snorted, and turned to look at Yunni. "This is a man! See, it's ruthless! You still want to remarry him? Gu Buqi will bring a woman home one day, and tell you to get out immediately!"

"Enough! Don't sow discord here!" Zheng Hai stepped forward to block between the two.

Yun Ni sneered, "Go outside and talk! This is not a place for you to perform!"

"Go? I don't intend to go!" Zhu Mimi snorted coldly, and sat on the sofa next to her. "If you don't agree to my request today, I won't leave. If you don't agree one day, I will come every day."

Lingyu, "."

Yunni, "."

Who is Xiaosan?I found it this time!
"Zheng Hai, you have 5 minutes to get out with her, otherwise I will call the police!"

"Report! I'm afraid you won't report! It's best to invite all the TV stations to judge the reasoning! Let's see if the position of President Zheng Da is still guaranteed!"

"You!" Zheng Hai was angry and ashamed, this woman is sure to eat him!

Yunni clapped her hands and cheered!Kicked to the iron plate, it deserves it!

Let you cheat and let you have a son, dig a hole and bury yourself!

Lingyu didn't care, she picked up the phone and called the police.

Seeing this, Zheng Hai hurriedly stopped, turned to Zhu Mimi and said, "Let's go, let's talk somewhere else!"

Before leaving, she still did not forget to cast a wronged and begging look at Yunni, but Yunni didn't even look at him, she sat down and continued to eat with her head bowed.

Lingyu couldn't help laughing as she watched Zhu Mimi twist her waist and follow Zheng Hai out the door.

"President Zheng Da's wishful thinking has come to nothing, and the authorities have exhausted their calculations and finally lost his wife and lost his army!"

Yunni snorted, "I just hope that my stomach is a boy, and I won't be able to torture him to death, and my surname is not Zhao!"

"Yes! I will definitely give out the anger you have suffered for so many years. I can't wait to see the flattering expression of the old lady of the Zheng family."

Lingyu swept away her previous depression and was in a good mood. "How about I look for my client and let's go to his clinic to take pictures?"

".Okay! Just ask."

The two women discussed while eating, Lingyu called and made an appointment to go to the clinic to take a B-ultrasound in a week later!
Little angel, how many people in this world cry for you, suffer for you, and feel inferior for you!But also because you laugh, because you are happy, because you are proud!
(End of this chapter)

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