Things before and after marriage

Chapter 58 David Has Changed His Heart

Chapter 58 David Has Changed His Heart

The next day, Ziming took Peipei to see a bone trauma doctor.

The Diet doctor said that it would take a week at the earliest to be able to walk on the ground.As for driving, it will take 1 month to be safe.

It seems that after a week, I will have to go to class with a cane, and I can't speak standing up, I have to sit.Well, the image is going to be greatly reduced, and the monkeys in the class are laughing out loud.

She called the school director Dong Le to ask for leave, but was scolded all over her head and face.

"Boss Dong, I don't want to either. Who knows that you can fall into a dog and eat shit when you walk. I guarantee that I will keep in touch with the substitute teacher during the leave. After I go back, I will work hard to catch up with the class. I will never let our class fall behind."

"Well, that's what you said. If you don't get an excellent grade at the end of the semester, see how I will deal with you!"

Director Dong valued students' grades the most, and because of this, he liked Peipei very much and took care of Peipei, because the grades in the classes she taught were all outstanding.

"Okay, I'll work hard! I'll work hard! The director is the best! my ex-boyfriend still coming to school?"

"You didn't come the next day after you left. I heard from Mr. Zhang yesterday that he was having dinner with music teacher Li Zi. Don't worry about him, just don't come. Otherwise, the parents of the students know and come to complain, and I can't keep you. !"

Why did you get involved with Li Zi?Peipei wondered secretly, she and Li Zi were the most at odds, and she would not help herself logically.

Peipei called Zhang Yan, the teacher in the same office. The two of them have always chatted and played well.

As soon as Zhang Yan was connected, she yelled.

"Peipei, why haven't you come back yet?"

"I sprained my ankle and have to take another week off."

"My God! It's so serious. I'll tell you something that you'll never guess. Do you want to hear it?
Zhang Yan didn't pay much attention to her sprained ankle, and went straight to gossip.

What made her so excited?Peipei became curious for a moment.

"what news?"

"I'm telling you, don't be sad. That ex-boyfriend of yours left with Li Zi! God, what kind of person are you talking about? One second he was crying to his ex-girlfriend with a sad face and begging to get back together, and the next second he was with someone else. The girl holding hands. Fortunately, you broke up early, otherwise it will be a matter of derailment after marriage."

Well, this turning point is amazing, even better than TV dramas.Although Peipei knew that David would not last long, it was too soon.

"I just said that since Dawei appeared, what did Li Zi run to the school gate? Until I saw them having dinner together yesterday, I finally understood that she had this kind of heart. How is it? I'm not wrong! You are in love with Dawei and have dinner with everyone a few times. I can see that Li Zi has no good intentions for Dawei. You still don’t believe it! This time it’s a real hammer! Don’t say anything else, Miss Ben, it depends on people’s ability It's one, one, one, I can tell which one is a demon or a fox at a glance."

"Yes, you are amazing! Then why didn't you kick your boyfriend who stepped on a few boats and secretly crossed Chen Cang on the plank road!"

"Zhou Peipei, which pot do you not open and which pot do you carry?"

Zhang Yan is a native of City H and graduated from a well-known normal university in the province.Grandpa is one of the top ten outstanding teachers in the city, father is the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, aunt is the principal of a key middle school in the city, and mother is the owner of a well-known chain kindergarten in the city, which can be described as an authentic scholarly family.

From the first day she went to work, all unmarried and single male teachers in the school and even in the city were gearing up and eager to try, wanting to pluck this famous flower.

It is obvious that once you become a son-in-law and have a smooth life, who doesn't want it?

However, such a sweet pastry that everyone sees and wants, but he has taken a fancy to a trainee lawyer who has nothing and has to support two younger siblings. That's right, he is the so-called Phoenix man.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Phoenix Man, after all, the future can be expected.But this phoenix man is a scumbag with a few feet on his feet. With his lawyer's golden eloquence, he specializes in seducing and abducting the hearts of innocent girls, and he has done a lot of stealing.

Unbelievable things happen in this world from time to time, the more scumbag a man is, the more women will never forget him like a treasure, Zhang Yan is one of them.Even if she knew that the other party lied to her, all she wanted to be with her was her mother's eight kindergartens (Zhang Yan is the only child) and her generous salary as a teacher.Although sad and painful, they have been unwilling to break up. The two often quarrel every three days and have a big quarrel every week.

"If you want me to tell you, you should rein in the precipice as soon as possible. Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, maybe there is a top-grade impatiens grass ready to move on the edge of the cliff, just waiting for you to lift your plain hand and pinch your fingers, and it will open for you in the wind."

"Well, we don't care about anyone else, you first take care of your monstrous Ming. I'm going to class."

Peipei looked at the disappearing phone screen, feeling a little incredulous.Dawei and Li Zi actually got together, less than a week.

Where in life is bloody!

Just like she and Zhao Ziming, this fellow has also chased after his sister.

Well, what about Zhao Ziming?Why hasn't this guy come back yet?Aren't you going grocery shopping?Seeing that it has been more than an hour, I have bought all the dishes.Is it possible to take a walk?

Yesterday, when my sister asked him to stay and take care of her, Peipei had no hope, but he acquiesced.

It doesn't feel too good to think that we can be together day and night in the next few days.Hahaha, holding hands and hugging are indispensable.Even zero-distance contact is NO expensive.

A certain strange flower became happier the more she thought about it, and the more anxious she became.Well, if I don't come back, I'm going to pee my pants.

(End of this chapter)

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