Chapter 56

"Sister, do you think my blush is too red? Is the lipstick too thick?"

"You've asked N times! It's not like you haven't met before, it's like meeting you for the first time."

Peipei has been studying makeup while waiting for Zhao Ziming's call since he accompanied Lingyu to the company in the morning. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is facing a big enemy.

"You don't understand that. We're strictly on a first date!"

"Whether people come or not is another matter!"

Lingyu's blows always come so unexpectedly!

But in the next second, he was so caught off guard by the slap in the face!

Just as she finished speaking, Peipei's phone rang.

"I have something to go to City G, where is the Changzhou Island you mentioned?"

Zhao Ziming will never admit that he went there on a special trip!

Peipei is about to jump up, the fish is hooked, is there any?
She hurriedly stated the location, made an appointment with Zhao Ziming, and walked out the door with a pace that her relatives did not recognize.

At the end, she gave Lingyu a wink, "Honey, don't hold the door for me tonight!"

Lingyu only felt that the corner of her right eye jumped up again, it was broken, this is the rhythm of another big event!

She suddenly felt that it was too light for Chen Cheng to sleep on the floor last night, and she would have a whole durian tonight!

When Peipei reached the destination, Zhao Ziming had already arrived.Don't blame her, the overpass in City G is really unbearable to complain about, she has raised hundreds of thousands of grass mud horses on the way here, and she was late even if she hurried.

After parking the car, she hurried to meet Zhao Ziming by the river.Seeing him standing there smoking a cigarette from afar, he excitedly shouted and waved, "Brother Ming, I'm here!"

Then, in the next second, something that caused extreme joy to cause sorrow happened.

I saw her pounced forward, landed on her knees, propped her hands forward, and fell like a dog eating shit.

God, God, aunt, where am I?Who will save me?
What about my date?What about my well-prepared makeup?Where is my good image?
Peipei asked the sky speechlessly, holding her bruised knee, tears streaming down her face!It hurts so much!

Zhao Ziming turned his head in response, and what he saw was Pei Pei holding his knees, with a face of pain, tears dripping, and looking at him pitifully.

He ran over in a hurry, but what he heard was. "Your Majesty, my concubine is suffering!"

The show is fine, and the upper body is in seconds, and I will ask you if you are convinced!
Zhao Ziming couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.This crazy girl was sent by the heavens to make fun of her, right?

He held back his smile, straightened his face, and stretched out his hand to hold Peipei cooperatively, "Come on, let me see how hard you are doing?"

Peipei threw herself into his arms, and then burst into tears, "Brother Ming, I'm going to die of pain!"

It wasn't until Peipei stopped crying that Zhao Ziming helped her get the heel out of the slot of the drain.

Fortunately, only the right knee is bleeding and the right ankle is sprained.Fortunately, Peipei reacted in time and supported it with his hands, otherwise he would get down on the ground and have zero distance contact with the ground, this face would be finished.

Zhao Ziming carried Peipei back to the car, ran to a nearby convenience store and bought a Band-Aid.

The wound was bigger than a one-yuan coin, the skin was broken, and it was bleeding, and it hurt to look at it.

He took a tissue and sucked the blood first before sticking it on. Peipei cried and shouted, "It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Brother Ming, take it easy! I'm afraid."

Well, this cry is too imaginative.

After hearing this, people thought that the two of them were doing indescribable things in the car in broad daylight.

Ziming's ears were burning red, and seeing Peipei crying so hard, his heart ached for no reason.He put the lightest force on his hands, and coaxed gently, "I'll try to be as gentle as possible. Don't cry, um."

Peipei had never seen him talk to her so tenderly, she froze for a moment, gritted her teeth and nodded.

Well, it looks like the wrestling was worth it!It's okay to have a few more kicks!
Is this for love and you don't want legs anymore?
"I'll take you to the hospital and prescribe some medicine to wipe it, otherwise you may get an infection." Zhao Ziming finished putting the band-aid on her, and then wiped her tears.

"Don't! It will hurt to death!"

"If the skin is broken, it will become inflamed. The drain is so dirty, you might have a tetanus. You can't go there!"

"do not want!"

"It would be ugly to have a scar."

"Stay as long as you want! Anyway, you have to be responsible. If it weren't for you, how could I fall?"

Well, blame me huh?

These days, the old man will go bankrupt if he is supported, and the beautiful woman will lose his virginity if he is supported.

Zhao Ziming felt deeply helpless, so he had no choice but to resort to aggressive methods. "But what if I don't like girls with scars on their knees? I'm a leg control."

Peipei, ".".

As a result, the romantic date that Peipei had expected fell through.

At first, I thought it was holding hands on a boat, strolling, and eating, but it turned into Ziming holding her in line, filming, and taking medicine.

Well, it's not too bad, after all, it's hugged by a beautiful man, isn't it?

But when cleaning the wound, Peipei didn't think so.She was crying so hard that ten beautiful men couldn't bear the burning pain.

She stretched her legs and couldn't help wanting to kick the nurse, so she diverted her attention and hugged Zhao Ziming hard.

While crying, she still didn't forget to add drama to herself, "Brother Ming, you will never forget me this time! Unexpectedly, I fell and became your woman."

Zhao Ziming, "."

I was touched by a beautiful woman, what should I do?Wait online. . .

(End of this chapter)

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