Things before and after marriage

Chapter 40 Lu Yang Comes on a Business Trip

Chapter 40 Lu Yang Comes on a Business Trip

On Monday, Lingyu accompanied the owner to choose lamps.The owner was quite picky, and she went through several stores in succession but was not selected, so she had to swallow her anger and accompany her.No way, the customer comes first.

Just when he was getting dizzy from watching, he received a call from Lu Yang, saying that he would come to G City to have dinner together at night.It was agreed when I was in my hometown, and she couldn't refuse to invite her to dinner when she was on a business trip.So, the two made an appointment at Gaode Plaza.

She checked the time, it was less than five o'clock.Thinking that Lu Yang had thought about her, he hesitated for a while and called Chen Cheng.

"Do you want to work overtime today? One of my middle school classmates came and agreed to have dinner together, so you can go with me."

Chen Cheng was surprised that Lingyu rarely invited him to have dinner with her classmates, and even Yunni only met her a few times.

"Is it important? So grand."

"No, last week my mother took a fancy to a small house by the sea. It happened that this classmate was working there and helped to apply for an internal discount. He got a [-]% discount and was exempted from property management for eight years. No, he came today On a business trip, it is only natural to treat him to a meal."

After listening to Ying Hao, Chen Cheng asked casually, "What house did your mother-in-law buy?"

"It's the sea view room on the coast of my hometown. Oh, I have something else to tell you. I paid part of the money for the two elders. You know, my mother didn't ask for a betrothal gift. I've always been a little..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Cheng replied, "Yes, I agree with you without saying anything."

Chen Cheng's answer was expected by Lingyu, he voted in favor of any decision made by his mother-in-law.Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and drove to pick up Chen Cheng for the appointment.

When the two arrived, Lu Yang was already ordering food.He didn't seem to have expected that Lingyu would really bring her husband to have dinner with him, so he took a serious look and found that he looked very handsome.He generously shook hands with Chen Cheng and greeted them to take their seats.

Chen Cheng attached great importance to his mother-in-law's affairs, and he was very grateful to hear that Lu Yang had put in so much effort.He said a lot of words of thanks, and the two of them came and went politely, but gradually became warm and chatted happily.Finally, when we talked about Lu Yang's business trip, he asked how many days he was coming.

"This time it may be a week, if it is confirmed, it may be three years, depending on the progress of the project."

"What project took so long?" Lingyu couldn't help interjecting as she was listening.

"Our company intends to jointly develop a real estate project with a real estate developer in Huangpu District. They wanted to lure us to invest because they were short of funds in the middle, but the conditions they offered were not attractive enough. Naturally, this was impossible. My main purpose of coming this time is to discuss cooperation conditions with them, and if they agree to our conditions, then basically it will be finalized.”

After Lingyu heard this, she thought to herself that this kid has a lot of power, it's unbelievable.She picked up the prawns that Chen Cheng peeled for her, and asked casually, "You can, you can make a decision once you come here, and you have a lot of power. What do you do in your company?"

Lu Yang was startled, and asked back, "You don't know? Didn't you hear about it when you were studying?"

Lingyu wondered, "What do you know? When you are reading, you are reading."

That's right, she was a model student who kept her ears shut and only read sage books, so she didn't know it was normal.Lu Yang smiled, and moved a plate of Lingyu's favorite dishes in front of her, "It's nothing."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lingyu just ate the shrimp in the bowl by herself.Lu Yang watched her eat happily, and thought of the shrimp he peeled for her last time, but she didn't move her chopsticks. Is this different treatment?She still maintains the habit of reading, so clear, black and white.

Chen Cheng listened for a long time, and probably guessed in his heart that Lingyu's classmate probably has a lot of background.Otherwise, there is no way to buy a house and just give a [-]% discount and waive the property management for eight years, and it is not a vegetable market.

He gently helped Lingyu pin her hair to her ears, and said to Lu Yang with a smile, "Don't think she's usually smart, but she's an idiot when it comes to certain things."

Lu Yang nodded, "Well, she never gossips, but this is what makes her so valuable. Nowadays, there are very few people who are so simple and not snobbish..."

"Okay, stop boasting! If you praise me any more, I'll think I'm a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks. Anyway, I still run a small company to make ends meet." Lingyu raised her hand to stop it.

"Don't you say that I haven't remembered yet, you said that you opened a decoration company?"

"Well, it's actually just a small office."

"Don't tell me, if I negotiate a cooperation this time, maybe it will be good for you?"

"Me?" Lingyu pointed at herself, "Your real estate companies are all rich, so there is no chance for a small shrimp like me to mess with you."

"It's not like that. I read the other party's design plan, and two of them are small apartments and single apartments designed for young people. The plan inside is to decorate several different styles of apartments for sale. You can consider bidding at that time , as long as the design is eye-catching, it doesn't matter if I do a little favor." Lu Yang made no secret of it, expressing his willingness to open the door wide.

"Really? This is an opportunity. The investment of small houses is not large, and the completion period is fast. If the amount of funds required for batch construction and batch settlement is not large, it can really be considered."

"Yes, the premise is that your design must be eye-catching. Of course, I have to negotiate a cooperation first."

Lingyu felt that she was going to be hit by the lottery, "I will work hard for this. I just recruited a very good designer a few years ago, and I asked him to work hard when I got back." She raised her glass happily, "I wish you all the best first, It's a success!"

The three of them ate and chatted, Lingyu and Lu Yang were considered to be half of the same company, and when the topic started, they chatted endlessly.

Chen Cheng watched from the side, slightly jealous in his heart but could only look at Lingyu dotingly, this little woman couldn't stop talking about work.However, it might not be bad to have Lu Yang by my side in the future.For some reason, this thought flashed through his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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