Things before and after marriage

Chapter 162 Really Made a Mistake

Chapter 162 Really Made a Mistake

After starting work after the year, Lingyu was so busy that she fell down.Zheng's mother and Uncle Xueliang went to the northwest, as a tired couple of immortals.

The days when Chen Cheng started working overtime for inspections, Lingyu was also immersed in the construction site.The two seem to be avoiding it deliberately. If time can be saved, let it stay at this moment.

It was another year's acquaintance anniversary, and Lingyu stayed at the construction site until five o'clock before leaving.When passing by the flower shop, she glanced at it, but did not get off the car, but turned around at the next traffic light intersection.

She carefully selected eleven champagne roses, the branches were fresh and green, but none of them were in bud.If it has not been opened, it can be kept for a long time, and the days will be long, Lingyu thinks so.

When they got home, it was no surprise that Chen Cheng hadn't come back yet.Lingyu arranged the flowers and placed them in a conspicuous place.Well, such beautiful things should be appreciated together, even if things are different, there is always a past.

Knowing that Chen Cheng avoided it on purpose, Lingyu packed up early and went to sleep.Dimly listening to the sound of Chen Cheng opening and closing the door in the living room, what was in his mind was whether Chen Cheng saw the flowers or not.

She dreamed that the two of them went out to eat together, and Chen Cheng was very thoughtful to fasten her seat belt, and said with a smile, if you fasten it, you can't escape, which made her giggle.

When I dreamed back in the early morning, I was infinitely annoyed that I woke up too early, so I lay down and forced myself to fall asleep again.

Even if you avoid it again, you still have to face it, why bother to be so disappointed.

Lingyu took the bottle of champagne roses, sat on the dining table, and tore off the flowers one by one.

Holding the broken and dry petals, tearing them unconsciously, rubbing them into the apex of my heart every time.

When Chen Cheng came back from overtime work, what he saw was a table full of broken petals, assembled into a broken heart.

Lingyu sat on the sofa, constantly flipping through the TV.

"Tomorrow, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

Letting go is to let the sand stay in the palm of your hand for a longer time
Chen Cheng clenched the hand holding the car key tightly, protruding blue veins intertwined, silently expressing his dissatisfaction with his master.

Finally, when the song ends, only those who love deeply understand the emptiness in their hearts.

"Okay, I'll make a divorce agreement."

Those who can break up peacefully are either not in love or deeply in love.

Lingyu returned to the room with her slippers on, but rushed out the moment the door closed, tears streaming down her face, and hugged Chen Cheng tightly, using all her strength.

"Hold me one last time, okay?"

Before the words were finished, Chen Cheng gently held Lingyu's face in his hands, and gently kissed away the teardrops with trembling lips.

The numb heart has already been emptied, so how can these tears fill it up.

Reflected in the glass window, the two hearts are tightly attached to each other to comfort each other.
The next day, when Lingyu woke up, it was already eleven o'clock.

She lay down on the position where Chen Cheng slept last night, shivering tiredly, feeling the last warmth.

The two agreed to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau today. Chen Cheng's phone rang early in the morning, and then he jumped up and went out in a hurry.

Lingyu didn't ask him in a daze, since it was still early anyway, as long as she arrived before the Civil Affairs Bureau got off work, it would be fine.

Well, the Civil Affairs Bureau, Lingyu remembered that the two of them went to the Civil Affairs Bureau twice when they got their certificates.

The marriage certificate was obtained at Lingyu's hometown in H City.When the Civil Affairs Bureau was relocated, the two went to the old site for the first time. When they got to the door, it was locked. They thought they needed to make an appointment to get married.As a result, I looked at the red paper watch on the side, and it was relocated.

The two of them were stunned on the spot, with sweat dripping from their foreheads!It's going to be bad this time!

Mr. Zhou's mother told Feng Shui to be optimistic about this day and time, saying that it was a rare auspicious day in a hundred years. If you get a certificate on this day, you will be able to grow old forever.

The two rushed to the new site in a hurry, and comforted each other along the way. It was okay, and it only took half an hour to drive from the old site to the new site. The administrative unit usually didn't get off work until 12 o'clock, so there was plenty of time.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the certification hall of the New Civil Affairs Bureau, I was stunned.The scene was quiet, and there was no one in sight. When I asked, I was off work and asked to come back in the afternoon.

Lingyu giggled on the spot, it's over, she has to peel her mother's skin when she goes back.

Then he timidly asked the staff member, "It's just the two of us, make an exception, please help me log in."

Unexpectedly, the staff gave the two of them a blank look, "This computer system is shut down, how can I log in for you? Besides, when people get married, they line up early in the morning to wait for the door to open, and I have never seen anyone who is late. Those who didn’t know thought you were getting a divorce.”

Lingyu wanted to say that it was time, but she didn't know that the Civil Affairs Bureau had moved.But when it came to his mouth, he was so frightened by the staff's words that he came to line up early in the morning and swallowed it back.

Yes, if you come to line up early in the morning, even if you know that you have made a mistake, you will come in a hurry, and you will not miss it.

Chen Cheng was also stunned, he never calculated that the Civil Affairs Bureau would be relocated.He begged the staff in a good voice, "It will be fine in a while, the elders in the family have chosen the time, and they are afraid of being reprimanded when they go back."

The staff laughed angrily, "I've only heard that the bride picks the time when she gets married, how can she pick the time when she gets the certificate. This is going to be picked in the middle of the night or something, who do you two go to ask for the certificate?"


The final result is of course not!The two cowardly left the civil affairs hall, looked at each other, and saw the panic in each other's eyes.

"Go back and tell my mom, but I won't tell anyway." Lingyu spoke first, anyway, my mother likes Chen Cheng very much, so she definitely won't scold him.

"I don't! Mom will have a bad impression of me!"

Chen Cheng was even more afraid that if he got the certificate, he would lose the chain. What should his mother-in-law think, if he can't say a word, then where can he find a wife?

Finally, the two reached a consensus - not to go home for lunch!
The two wandered outside, ate lunch early and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to queue up, and got their marriage certificates in the afternoon before they both dared to go home.

See, in the end they were going to divorce, and Lingyu suddenly believed that it was because of the missed auspicious date.

She got up to look for a marriage certificate so that she could go out when Chen Cheng came back.Chen Cheng kept these things at home, and she never cared about them.She rummaged through boxes and cabinets for a long time, but instead of finding a marriage certificate, she found a copy of Chen Cheng's medical examination report.

She opened it casually to look at it, and her hands trembled with just one glance.By the time I read it, my face was full of tears, my whole body was wet with sweat, and I was shivering.

The door was opened with a click, and Chen Cheng appeared at the door with a document in his hand.Seeing the report in her hand, he was taken aback for a moment, then rushed over and hugged Lingyu tightly.

"Wife, listen to me, it's not true! It's wrong! It's really wrong! Be good, don't cry, the doctor said it was wrong! I'm fine, we can still take golden wedding photos!"

 Attached is my favorite male singer Yu Ge's "The Song Ends", are there any book fans who are as fans of him as I am?

  "The End of the Song"

  when you let him put a ring on you

  I noticed the complicated smile on your face
  that was supposed to be me
  promise to you
  Now I can only hide in the bustle
  when i follow everyone to congratulate you

  Only you know how many extra glasses of wine I drank
  i can't see you anymore
  It hurts to look more
  Even if you know that you are secretly looking back

  I finally know the loneliness when the music ends
  only sad people have

  your last red
  remain in my eyes
  I have no excuse to be attached
  It turns out that this is the loneliness when the music ends
  what else do i want to wait for you

  you hold my sleeve tightly
  let me go again

  Break up with me this time

(End of this chapter)

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