Chapter 85 Come here and give me a hand

"Legend of Nine Dragons."

When Li Mengjiao turned pale with fright, Zhao Chen, an old drama player, suddenly spoke.

His voice echoed in front of the main hall, and there was a sense of time and distance.

"It is said that a long time ago, there were nine dragons on the earth, and they were omnipotent. In order to pray for good weather and abundant crops, people took these nine dragons as guardian gods and offered them up. The sacrifices to the dragons are those children. Boys and girls."

Accompanied by his voice, a breeze blew from nowhere, making everyone present feel a chill.

"Those are human lives!"

Li Mengjiao looked up at the child under the dragon's claw again, and shuddered.

She couldn't imagine what kind of society it was, so that people could use innocent children as sacrifices in exchange for their own food and clothing.

"That's right, this kind of evil sacrificial behavior shouldn't exist at all."

Jiang Ye's face was very cold, and he was obviously angry at this behavior.

Only Chen Sui glanced at the hall, puzzled: "The program team asked us to climb the mountain to come here, so they just want us to stand here and chat?"

"Of course not—" the voice belonging to the staff of the program group rang out, "Have you seen the temple in front of you? That is the Nine Dragon Temple. The next thing you need to do is to find Nine Dragon Pool and get the customs clearance task card."

Under the puzzled eyes of several guests, the staff slowly told the legend of Jiulongtan.

Legend has it that in ancient times, in order to pray for good weather, people sent many virgins to the nine dragons as sacrifices.In the beginning, these dragons ate the sacrifices, which indeed ensured people's good weather for a period of time, but later, the appetite of the nine dragons became bigger and bigger, and they became more and more greedy. They were no longer satisfied with only eating those sacrifices, so He made waves wantonly and swallowed thousands of people.

Later, people hated the nine dragons more than awe. In order to survive, they worked together to defeat the nine dragons and suppressed the nine dragons in the Jiulongtan.

The task of several guests is to go to Jiulongtan and get the task card for suppressing "Nine Dragons". Whichever team has more task cards, that team can win.

"So, we worked so hard to climb up the mountain, and now we have to climb down again?"

Jiang Ye gritted his teeth and tried to keep smiling.

"No." The staff member shook his head and said very honestly: "If you didn't match up, you should be punished for mission failure now."

And letting the guests go to Jiulongtan is just an emergency method that the program team came up with temporarily.

"Simply put, it's an alternative. Right?"

Jiang Ning opened his mouth, and after getting the staff's affirmation, he raised his hand to his forehead.

She knew that it was impossible for the guests to simply climb a mountain in this show that was mainly about pranksters.

Zhao Chen and Li Mengjiao were not in high spirits either. They finally climbed for half an hour to reach the mountain, and climbing down now would be a huge challenge to their physical strength.

Only Jiang Qingxue's eyes lit up, staring at Jiang Ning's back, wondering what she was thinking.

The highest score that Xinniannian didn't get, the group had to go down the mountain again.

Fortunately, Jiulongtan is located on the mountainside, not very far from here. Several people walked for about 10 minutes, and finally saw the personnel wearing the overalls of "True Crit".

Passing through the dense forest, a clear and quiet pool of water appeared in front of several people.

Standing by the pool, I felt a coolness rushing towards my face. In the hot weather of more than 30 degrees, this kind of coolness made people feel refreshed, as if every pore on the whole body was relaxed.

Jiang Ye's eyes widened, and he eagerly found the staff.

"What do we have to do to get the mission card to suppress Kowloon?"

"It's very simple." The staff pushed the glasses and took out several A4-sized maps. "There are nine check-in locations here. As long as you check in and take pictures at these locations, you can get nine mission cards."

The map in his hand was the scenery map of Baiyun Mountain. Nine locations were circled in red pen on the scenery map.

Jiang Ning took a general look. These nine locations are all near Jiulongtan, but it may take a lot of time to find them one by one.

"The second way," under the watchful eyes of several guests, the staff said unhurriedly: "You can choose a slightly more difficult task, find a few places to open and take pictures, and collect enough nine points. For example, if you pick the fruit from the tree over there, you can get three points; or row a boat to the opposite bank, you can get five points; Take a group photo, and you can get nine points for this task."

"As for which tasks to do, it's up to you to decide."

After saying this, the staff made a gesture of cheering and quietly backed out.

Jiang Ye sighed deeply, "How about it, shall we find the check-in locations one by one?"

"It's too slow." Jiang Ning looked up at the woods not far away.

The nine check-in locations almost surrounded the entire Jiulongtan. If they walked there one by one, it would take less than half an hour.

"Then let's climb the tree and pick the fruit!"

Jiang Ye didn't want to foolishly walk around Jiulongtan to take pictures, he made up his mind, pulled Jiang Ning and prepared to pick fruit.

Jiang Qingxue, who was behind her, lowered her eyes, and when she raised her head again, she smiled brightly at Chen Sui: "They have already set off, why don't we try too? We can't always fall behind them."

Chen Sui nodded. He wanted to go to the other direction of the forest, but Jiang Qingxue had already raised his foot to follow Jiang Ning and the others.

There are many trees on Baiyun Mountain, but there are not many hundred-year-old trees, almost all of which are thick but not very tall fruit trees.

Jiang Ye is tall and has long legs. He stretched out his hand to grab the trunk, kicked his foot, and jumped onto the tree.

It was his first time climbing a tree. After climbing up, he raised his eyebrows excitedly, showed a wanton smile, reached out and picked a fruit, and shouted at Jiang Ning: "Give the fruit, continue!"

The fruit fell in a parabola, Jiang Ning stretched out his hand, and firmly grasped the fruit in his hand.

"Jiang Ning and Jiang Ye really have a tacit understanding."

Seeing this, Jiang Qingxue said pointedly, "The two of them have such a tacit understanding, it seems that they are in love because of drama."

Chen Sui gave her a surprised look, and Jiang Qingxue covered her mouth and laughed: "Oh, I'm just kidding, Jiang Ye is a popular trafficker, I'm afraid his company won't allow him to fall in love."

She seemed to be just casually saying that after seeing that Jiang Ning and his group had scored three points, she didn't want to climb the tree anymore, so she directly asked Chen Sui to go to the boat on the shore.

Chen Sui jumped up first, and he stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Qingxue up, but Jiang Qingxue stretched out his hand, but he still couldn't jump up.

She looked anxious, turned her head and shouted at Jiang Ning: "Jiang Ning, I can't get on this boat, can you come and give me a hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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