President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 83 Don't mind if I give it a try

Chapter 83 Don't Mind Let Me Try It
"Qingxue, you don't look very well now, why don't you go back to this lady's house to clean up?"

In the boundless silence, Chen Sui spoke first.

As long as he thought of his teammate with a pile of chicken shit on his head, Chen Sui would feel sick.

No matter how the next task goes, they should go to wash up first.

Jiang Qingxue's face was dark, she wanted to curse but couldn't, so she could only tighten her lips, went to the fat woman's house to wash her face, and washed her hair vigorously.

But no matter how she washed it, the smell of chicken feces seemed to linger in front of her nose all the time, making Jiang Qingxue retch a few times, but couldn't spit out anything.

"It's pathetic."

Jiang Ye was no longer in the mood to gloat, he clicked his tongue and raised his hand to bid farewell to the fat woman.

"Your task has not been completed yet? Then go quickly, don't waste time here."

The white fat woman was very considerate and said, she smiled and brought another basin of warm water, and asked Jiang Qingxue to wash her hair again.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ning smiled and waved to the fat white woman, and a pair of vicious eyes suddenly met in his eyes.

She paused slightly, met Jiang Qingxue's resentful gaze, and looked away indifferently.

The program team asked the three teams to rush to the temple on the mountain. Jiang Ning and the others had spent a lot of time down the mountain, but they didn't hear the program team prompting someone to complete the task.

"Senior Zhao and his group won't have any accidents, right?"

Jiang Ye lowered his head and glanced at his phone.

"It's been half an hour, and they haven't arrived at the temple yet?"

"Just look at it and see."

Jiang Ning raised his eyebrows, and put the backpack on his shoulders again.

Regarding the matter of hugging Jiang Ning's thigh and asking Jiang Ning to help him with his backpack, Jiang Ye has changed from being embarrassed at the beginning to being confident now.

He whispered to the side, and even took out a small fan to fan Jiang Ning, but Jiang Ning refused with disgust.

"Save your energy." She curled her lips, completely speechless to Jiang Ye's actions, "I don't know if there will be any accidents in a while."

"Sister Ning is right!"

Jiang Ye immediately put away the small fan, followed behind Jiang Ning, and climbed up with all his strength.

Climbing up the mountain again this time was much smoother than the first time.

But it was not until half an hour passed that they saw the shadow of the temple.

"It's there!" Jiang Ye stretched out his hand and pointed forward, "We're almost there."

Not only did they see the temple, but they also saw the two people in front of the temple.

Zhao Chen and Li Mengjiao seemed to be arguing about something. They had already reached the temple, but they never went in.

"Senior Zhao."

Jiang Ning greeted them and looked over suspiciously, "Why don't you go in?"

"It's not that we don't want to go in," Zhao Chen smiled wryly, and raised his chin to let Jiang Ning look forward, "Here, this temple is not easy to enter, and we have to be right."

In front of the temple, there were several signboards taller than a person. Each sign had one or two lines written on it. The guests had to match each other before they could continue walking inside.

Sure enough, how could the task of the program group be simply climbing a mountain!
Jiang Ye touched his chin and read out the first pair: "The thief steals things secretly."

Zhao Chen has been stumped by this pair for a while, he said slowly, "Small versus big, east and west versus north and south, this thief..."

"Who knows what the thief is right about? Isn't the program team trying to punish people by making this pair?" Li Mengjiao was full of displeasure. She thought that their team would finally be the first to enter the temple and get the highest points, but in The door was blocked by a pair, just a little bit, they have already got the highest score now!
"The road leads north and south." Jiang Ning said, smiling slyly at the staff beside him, "Am I right?"

"That's right!" The staff was surprised for a moment, then nodded and moved the first sign away.

"Sister Ning is amazing!"

Jiang Ye gave a thumbs up and smiled proudly.

His brows and eyes are wanton, and the smile on the corner of his lips is unrestrained, but there is a little gentle light hidden in those eyes.

On the second sign is still a pair: "The guest is on the natural residence, and the guest is actually on the sky."

Li Mengjiao's face became even more ugly, and she muttered: "This is too perverted, who can answer it?"

She didn't have much culture, but when she was an Internet celebrity, in order to attract fans better, she set up a talented woman for herself.

I didn't expect to meet such a difficult pair just after participating in this variety show, and I was almost slapped in the face by this pair.

It was okay just now, she couldn't answer it, and neither could others, Li Mengjiao found a strange balance in her heart.

Now that Jiang Ning was able to match the first pair, she immediately felt uncomfortable.

As soon as the second pair appeared, Li Mengjiao squinted at Jiang Ning, and said maliciously: "Jiang Ning, you can answer the pair so quickly, the second pair is not too difficult for you." Bar?"

"It's not difficult."

Jiang Ning didn't seem to see the provocation in Li Mengjiao's eyes, she just bent her lips and asked Zhao Chen's opinion: "If I hit all these pairs, Senior Zhao and you guys have no chance to get the highest points, otherwise, You guys come to the pair first?"

"If you can't answer it, you can't answer it. Why are you pretending to be humble here!" Li Mengjiao snorted, with a disdainful expression on her face.

Unlike her, Zhao Chen's face became serious when he heard Jiang Ning's words.

He and Li Mengjiao were able to get here first because they were lucky and didn't touch the prop switch of the temporary mission.

But Zhao Chen was very aware of his and Li Mengjiao's abilities, if he missed this opportunity to get the highest points, he might never have such good luck again.

"I'll give it a try."

Zhao Chen stared at the pair in front of him seriously, frowning in thought.

The thimbles are all right. You need to be clear about the attributes of each word. "The guest is on the natural home", from the front to the back, there are both the subject, the predicate and the guest. The subject-predicate-object structure.

"This is too difficult."

After a while, Zhao Chen spread his hands and smiled, and asked the staff helplessly: "Is there no hint for this pair?"

The staff pointed to the temple in front of them, but said nothing.

"The prompt word is temple?" Jiang Ye crossed his arms, wondering how to use the word temple.

While Zhao Chen and Li Mengjiao were scratching their heads and thinking hard, two more people came up from the foot of the mountain.

"Looks like we're not too late."

Jiang Qingxue has washed up, her hair has been rearranged, and she has once again regained her elegant and dignified young lady image.

"I'm quite interested in this pair. Senior Zhao, don't you mind if I try it?"

She glanced at the pair in front of her, and cast a contemptuous look at Jiang Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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