President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 416 Who did you bring

Chapter 416 Who did you bring

Jiang Ning had goosebumps all over his body.

When she thought of that fat man who had her kidnapped and arranged for someone to smear body lotion on her body to ensure that her "whole body smells good, from head to toe", she couldn't help but want to vomit.

The garbage-colored fat pig even used kidnapping as a method!

Jiang Ning now really believes that Director Wang once forced actresses, and even drove them crazy.

After all, that fat man can even kidnap her, which shows that he has no moral bottom line, and his legal awareness is even weaker!

Wang Zhi sneezed, and hugged a seductive woman with one hand: "Beauty, do you miss me in your heart?"

"How does Director Wang know that people miss you~"

The woman smiled coquettishly, and clasped her hands on Wang Zhi's neck, half acting coquettishly half complaining: "You haven't been here for half a month, why don't people miss you?"

"Xu Xu Xu, beauty can do anything."

Wang Zhi moved his mouth closer, gnawing and biting on the seductive woman's mouth, really like a pig gnawing.

A trace of disgust flashed in the woman's eyes, and she smiled charmingly in an instant: "Director Wang, you promised me to be the third female in that film, so you can't break your promise~"

"Of course, how could I treat you badly, baby!"

Wang Zhi made out with the woman for a long time, looked at the time, and it was almost time for the business banquet to start, so he immediately got dressed and left.

"I still have something to do, I will come to you next time."

Ever since he met that woman in the box yesterday and was cut off by Tang Yuhan, several films directed by Wang Zhi have been withdrawn by investors one after another.

He thought about it all night, and finally understood under the reminder of others that the incident in the box had annoyed Tang Yuhan, so the investors saw the wind, and they withdrew their capital one after another.

If he wanted to keep his movies, he had to please Tang Yuhan.

But Tang Yuhan is extremely difficult to get close to. He has neither money nor power, and his beauty is like floating clouds in front of him.

Wang Zhi racked his brains to know how to please Tang Yuhan.

Doesn't Tang Yuhan like the woman who broke into the box?He asked someone to wash the woman and send it to Tang Yuhan's bed, it's okay, right?
Taking time, Wang Zhi rushed to the banquet hall.

At this time, Tang Yuhan hadn't come yet, so he quickly called that person to make sure that the "gift" was ready, and then anxiously waited for Tang Yuhan's arrival.

"Mr. Tang."

"Mr. Tang."

"Boss Tang is here."

There was a slight commotion in the crowd, and Wang Zhi's fat body squeezed past, with a smile on his face immediately.

"Oh Mr. Tang, Mr. Tang, what a coincidence to see you again."

Tang Yuhan glanced over lightly, with no expression on his face.

He has always been aloof, and Wang Zhi didn't feel embarrassed, he just put his hand back in embarrassment, and moved closer to him with a smile on his face.

"I heard that Mr. Tang came back to attend the banquet today. I prepared a gift for you as an apology. Are you interested in going to see it?"

The fat on Wang Zhixiao's face was piled together, and his squinted eyes shone with an uncomfortable light.

Tang Yuhan only glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze coldly.

"No need."

Most of the people who can be given as gifts by the hungry ghost like Wang Zhi are women.

With a hint of disgust hidden in Tang Yuhan's eyebrows, he walked away.

"Hey, Mr. Tang, don't leave. I saw that you were interested in that little girl yesterday, so I invited her here!"

Tang Yuhan paused, turned around, and said in a low voice, "Who did you bring here?"

"Just the little girl in the box yesterday..."

(End of this chapter)

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