President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 389 So I'm Just a Tool Man

Chapter 389 So I'm Just a Tool Man

After a game, it almost became a show for Jiang Ning and Chu Yan.

The audience and fans watching the game in the live broadcast room were stunned. Is this really the level of game an actor should have?Even professional competitive players, I'm afraid they can't compare with them.

I saw that Li Bai and Han Xin's operations were so good that they flew, brushing wild monsters for a while, and harvesting heads for a while.

Even the fans who haven't played the game much felt excited after watching this live broadcast, wishing they could become the heroes in the game.

The mage-assisted warrior shooter on both sides seems to be just a tool to clear the line of soldiers. Later, seeing Jiang Ning (Li Bai) and Chu Yan (Han Xin) chasing each other in full swing, Zhao Yinyin even bored to the opposite Cheng Cheng Bite Blonde sent a message.

"Bite gold, bite gold, come to the river and I'll play the piano for you!"

On the opposite side, Cheng Yaojin actually came to the river, Zhao Yinyin (Cai Wenji) drove her baby carriage to the river, and the two of them circled the mobs in circles boredly.

A large hahaha appeared on the barrage instantly.

"I'm dying of laughter, how did Zhao Yinyin think of using Cai Wenji to play the piano?"

"Blooming in a trance, are the two of you squatting in the river and counting ants?"

"Who said people are counting ants, they are just counting mobs for a few laps!"

"Zhao Yinyin bastard stone hammer!"

"Don't say that we Yinyin are bastards, we are clearly an atmosphere group!"

As soon as the words "atmosphere group" came out, the barrage became more colorful. At a glance, those colorful words were all: "The atmosphere group is in place!"

Wen Renyao did not expect that Zhao Yinyin would attract a wave of attention.

Her eyes flickered, and she seemed to say unintentionally: "Yinyin, don't make trouble, we are playing a game, we can't lose to the other side!"

She showed her competitive spirit, but she didn't expect Zhao Yinyin to say without looking back: "I know we are playing a game, but look, do you guys have output? Is there any damage? Is there a head?"

Asked three times, Wenren was left speechless.

Indeed, the heads on their side were all taken by Li Bai (Jiang Ning), and at most they had a few assists.

But Wen Renyao was even worse. Her Zhen Ji was always captured by Han Xin on the opposite side, not to mention that she didn't get a single head, and even sent a lot of heads to the opposite side. The record was really terrible.

The expression on Wen Renyao's face froze for a moment, and Zhao Yinyin continued to speak: "We have no output anyway, so it's better to watch the show on the sidelines. If the two of them die, the other team will lose."

Anyway, we have no output...

Zhao Yinyin's teammates felt as if they had been hit by an arrow in their knees, and they all felt a little embarrassed.

This, it's really not that they are too good at it, it's that Jiang Ning and Chu Yan's operations are so good that it makes one's scalp tingle!
"But let's go to the side to watch the show, what about these soldiers?" Wen Renyao frowned slightly, obviously very concerned about winning or losing this game.

"It's okay," Zhao Yinyin chuckled, "Bait Jin is here too!"

She didn't watch the show by herself, she abducted Cheng Yaojin from the opposite side!
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Cheng Yaojin: "So I'm just a tool man."

Forget it, the feelings of these years were paid in the wrong way after all.

A few people chatted and laughed, and actually went to the river to watch the excitement.

On the small map, only Li Bai and Han Xin were left chasing each other.

(End of this chapter)

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