Chapter 383 Star Team
The so-called tidbits refer to the interesting things of the crew captured by the camera crew during the filming of the crew.

Generally speaking, the tidbits will be the BUGs encountered by the crew members during the filming process, the showmanship of the director's actions and expressions, and the private interactions of the actors, etc.

But the director of Doomsday Planet felt that such tidbits were nothing new, not enough to attract attention, let alone eliminate the negative impact of the Jiang Qingxue incident.

The director and the assistant director discussed it, and asked a few actors in the crew, and finally decided to let the actors in the crew cooperate to form a game team and broadcast the game for an hour.

"What do you think of this opinion?"

The director is not a person who insists on going his own way. After he decides to do this, he asks everyone for their opinions one by one.

Jiang Qingxue was the first to agree: "Yes, as long as it is good for the publicity of our crew, even if it's an hour of live broadcast every day, I can do it."

What she said was so beautiful, in the past, someone must have started to flatter her, touting her knowledge of the general situation.

But now, after everyone knew what she had done, they just twitched the corners of their lips politely, and there was even a bit of sarcasm in their eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Qingxue still had that gentle and decent smile on her face, but her fingers were already tightly squeezed together.

"Since Jiang Yinghou can do it, let's not be lazy."

Wen Renyao broke the slightly embarrassing scene, and then turned his head: "I remember Jiang Ning is very good at playing games, don't you want to come together?"

Both of them are going to participate in this live broadcast. If Jiang Ning doesn't come, she will appear arrogant and out of place.

Jiang Ning smiled, not jumping into the pit.

She spread her hands: "I can do it."

It doesn't work if there are only girls in the game team!
When the director saw that there were already three girls, but none of the men expressed their opinion, he became anxious.

"What about the others? Jiaohua in our film crew is going to form a team to play games, so no one will come for the men?"

"Come, come, of course!"

The corners of Chu Yan's lips curled up, and he said ambiguously to Jiang Ning: "My little Jiang Ning wants to play games, why can't I not come?"

"Who is yours?"

Jiang Ning rolled his eyes at him, "Be careful I will rub you on the ground!"

She was referring to the game, but Chu Yan raised his hand to cover his heart, and the meaning of the smile was unclear: "It's okay if Ning Ning likes to press on me."

Jiang Ning couldn't help but want to swear. Considering that the little bun was still there, he just reached out to grab a wafer biscuit and stuffed it into Chu Yan's mouth.

"Shut up you!"

"Jiang Ning and Chu Yingdi have such a good relationship~"

Wen Renyao sighed quietly, with an unclear tone.

"Of course, we are life and death friends, and no one else can compare with envy."

Chu Yan glanced at her with a smile, but his eyes were cold, which shocked Wen Renyao, and he no longer dared to provoke trouble.

Seeing this, the director hurried out to smooth things over.

"There are four of us now. Is there anyone else who wants to come? It's better to be better at playing games. If it's too good, it won't look good."

To put it bluntly, the director asked the people in the crew to form a team, just to play the gimmick of "star team", which is different from professional game teams, so naturally he doesn't expect them to be so cool and powerful.

But if the people in the team pick their feet, fans and passers-by will also be embarrassed.

So, the director added another sentence: "The level of diamonds is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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