President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 380 Is Your Brother?

Chapter 380 Is Your Brother?

The snow-white laboratory was in a mess stained by large swathes of scarlet, and the man in the snow-white lab coat was even more miserable. However, all of these were not as miserable as the man on the ground.

He was a dangerous person at S level, but he was given drugs to suppress supernatural powers. The weird man who lost his resistance was punched and kicked by several laboratory staff in retaliation. The bruises, the broken corners of the mouth still have blood hanging on the lips.

"Doctor, this man is a murderer, we just want him to be quiet."

A laboratory worker stood up covering his head with an angry expression: "Sooner or later, I will research that thing, and then he will be useless, so let him be euthanized quickly! It is too dangerous for our base to live such a person! "

What he said was to extract the anti-transformation gene from the monster's body. If this drug can be successfully developed and its production scaled up, then humans who have been attacked and bitten by zombies will not be transformed into zombies. Human security can be guaranteed.

Ling has always wanted to develop such a drug, but now, looking at the man in chains, she is rarely silent.

Is it right to sacrifice an innocent person for the future of all mankind?

When the captain sent this person over, he only said that he was an S-level dangerous person, but Ke Ling had never seen him, when did he take the initiative to hurt others.

The boy who gave up his life to protect his father in danger is definitely not a vicious person!

"Then I wish you success as soon as possible."

The man raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his lips. His voice was slightly hoarse, and he said this carelessly, as if he didn't care that others wanted to kill him.

Lingzheng was different, and heard him say in that cool and hoarse voice: "Waste!"

"It's too crazy!" The experimenter who originally planned to euthanize the man clenched his fist and stared at him fiercely: "You are just a prisoner, maybe one day you will be useless, and you will die in this laboratory. What qualifications..."

"shut up!"

Ling glanced over, her swarthy eyes frightened the experimenter so much that she didn't dare to speak again, and shut her mouth in embarrassment.

"You all go out, I'm here."

She waved all the experimenters out, even Yinchi, who had been sticking to her, was driven out.

"It's pretty ruthless."

Ling stared at the man on the ground with a calm tone.

The man snorted, spread his hands and feet wide, and put on an indifferent posture, "What, do you want to arrest me for blood? Or arrange for humane destruction?"

"Did you vent your anger for being so cruel to your brother?"

Ling said this thoughtless sentence, and clearly saw the man's fingers on the side trembling, and the expression on his face stiffened for a moment.


The next moment he smiled and raised his head, facing Ling with that Yeli face covered with bruises: "You have a problem with your brain? What a pity, the youngest and wisest doctor in the base has a problem with his brain. It seems The base is over."

"I said, how does it feel to shoot your own brother?"

Ling was not provoked by him, but stared at him very calmly: "The person you beat the hardest just now is your own brother, right?"

The experimenter who yelled to euthanize the weirdo was the elder brother of the weirdo in front of him.

"To shut up!"

The casual smile on the man's face disappeared in an instant, his eyes were flushed, and there was a beast-like light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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