President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 351 Disappearing

Chapter 351 Disappearing
When the assistant returned to the tree, there was no one there.

She hurriedly went to find Zhao Yinyin: "Yinyin, have you seen Sister Ning?"

"Didn't you eat there?"

Zhao Yinyin stretched out her hand to point, but saw that there was nothing under the big tree.

"Strange, Jiang Ning was still here just now."

The assistant immediately took out his mobile phone to call Jiang Ning, and the phone rang not far away as soon as the call was made.

As soon as the two of them looked up, they followed the ringtone and found Jiang Ning's lost cell phone.

Zhao Yinyin felt that something was wrong, and went to find Jiang Ning with her assistant, but when they searched the entire crew, they couldn't find Jiang Ning's shadow, so the two panicked.

"Sister Ning has never been the kind of person who can't distinguish priorities. Since she came here to film, she will definitely not run around. Moreover, even if she has something to do, she will call me. Now her The mobile phones are all on the ground, and no one can be found anywhere, something must have happened!"

The assistant was on the verge of crying, and hurriedly told the director that Jiang Ning had disappeared.

"You said Jiang Ning is missing?"

Chu Yan spoke word by word, that face that was always smiling was gloomy at this moment, he stared at the assistant, there was no expression in his coquettish smiling eyes, which made people shiver.

"I was eating with Sister Ning just now, and then I left for a while, and when I came back, she was gone!" The assistant was so frightened that she couldn't help crying: "This is the Sister Ning I found there." She must have had an accident, otherwise the phone will not be lost, and the person will not disappear!"

"Look, look for it now!"

Chu Yan let out a low growl, completely ignoring how heavy the snowstorm was on the top of the mountain, and followed the rugged mountain road inch by inch to find Jiang Ning's figure.

"Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning!"

He yelled loudly, his voice was blown by the wind, and most of the volume lost in an instant.

The assistant raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and followed to find someone.

"Don't just stand there, everyone, in groups of two or three, go find someone!"

The director stomped his feet anxiously, this person is filming here well, how can he disappear if he doesn't see it?

With him speaking, everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly walked along the surrounding mountain roads in small groups to find someone.

Only Jiang Qingxue bent her mouth and walked slowly.

When passing by Chu Yan, she raised her eyes and smiled sarcasticly: "Why is the actor so anxious? People who don't know think that you have some unclear relationship with Jiang Ning."

She sneered, and the gloating in her tone couldn't be concealed at all.

The assistant following Chu Yan suddenly raised his head and met the manager's calm face.

"Your feet..."

Seeing her manager walking steadily beside Jiang Qingxue, a thought flashed through her mind, but it was fleeting.

"Oh, my feet are fine, thank you so much for taking me to the nanny's van just now."

Her feet are not sprained at all!She drew herself away on purpose!
When the assistant wanted to understand this, tears fell again.

"Why..." She murmured, then rushed forward and grabbed the manager's hand: "Where is Sister Ning, where did you get Sister Ning?"

"What are you doing? Jiang Ning lost you and went to find someone on his own. Ask me why I need someone?"

The manager shook off her hand, and flicked the place where the assistant had grabbed her in disgust.

She avoided the assistant, and muttered disgustedly: "Really, what are you crazy about?"

"You were the one who led me away! If you hadn't led me away, Sister Ning wouldn't have disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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