President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 344 is mad at her

Chapter 344 is mad at her
"Forget it, it's a good thing that Queen Jiang is back, just in time for the filming."

Someone in the crew stood up to smooth things over. Although the director was annoyed, he didn't say much, and only asked the makeup artist to quickly put on Jiang Qingxue's makeup and prepare for the next scene.

Jiang Qingxue, who rushed to the production crew aggressively to settle accounts with Jiang Ning: ...

pissed her off!

She was reprimanded by the director, and she lost the arrogance to settle accounts with Jiang Ning, so she went to the dressing room to change into costumes.

"Race 37, get ready, start!"

Ling was still wearing a white lab coat, standing on the high wall of the base.

"Tonight will usher in another wave of zombies."

The supernatural beings guarding the city wall took back the monitoring equipment in their hands and reported the situation of the zombies outside the city wall to the military center.

Looking outside, you can see a mess outside the city wall, stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground, the bright red blood of humans intertwined with the black and green blood of zombies,
Large areas of wreckage looked full of desolation.

There are all corpses in front of my eyes, human beings and zombies, and the dead breath is piled up outside the city wall, like a black cloud, spreading into the city wall.

"Which wave of zombies is this month?"

The female doctor Ling looked at the broken limbs with no expression on her face.

When the end of the world just came, she would still panic and cry, and cry for love in the middle of the night, but those who could only scream and cry had already died in the hands of zombies.

She learned to strengthen herself step by step, and used her super high IQ to enter the laboratory of the base in City B, and finally gained a foothold.

"The eighth wave, if this continues, we may not be able to hold on."

The face of the supernatural person is serious. Since three months ago, the attacks of the zombies have suddenly become more frequent, from once a month to twice a month, to four times a month. Now, the frequency of zombie attacks , and even turned into eight times a month!

The tall and handsome man was dressed in a dashing Jun suit. He glanced at the battle situation outside the city wall, and calmly gave an order.

"Prepare nutrients for the injured, let those with healing abilities heal the wounded, and arrange for those with abilities to guard the city wall at night, and absolutely not let the zombies break through the defense!"


The supernatural person turned and left, and a graceful girl walked over at this moment.

"Ling, that person in the lab has gone crazy again, it's scary."

The girl's face is full of innocence, even in the crazy and messy end times, there is an ignorance of ignorance of the world.

Seeing her appear, Ling smiled and stretched out her hand to touch her head: "Thank you Yinchi!"

The girl whose head was touched bent her lips to show a cute smile, and followed Ling to the laboratory.

The laboratory is divided into two parts, one part is where Ling and other researchers conduct scientific research experiments, and the other part is the basement where "foreigners" are held.

The so-called aliens are people who have been bitten by zombies but have not yet fully zombified. The researchers will use the research and analysis of these aliens to explore the process of human zombification, and through a series of genetic comparisons, they will try to find a way to reverse this phenomenon. a method of change.

But today's lab is a little different.

This is a pure white room, everything is clean and tidy, except for the man lying on the bed.

The man was slender, half lying on the bed, with one leg resting on the edge of the bed, bright red blood slipped down his slender fingers.

Tick, tick, the sound of blood falling on the ground was the only sound in this silent room.

(End of this chapter)

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