President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 309 The Original Video of Disappearance

Chapter 309 The Original Video of Disappearance

"Sister Ning, I called the program team just now and asked the program team to come forward to clarify, but the director told me that their original sideshow had been artificially deleted at some point, and it can't be found at all!

Obviously things were not like that, it was clearly Jiang Qingxue who deliberately framed you first, and you just took revenge on her once.But the original video cannot be found, we have no way to prove your innocence now! "

As soon as the call was connected, the assistant's anxious voice rolled out of the phone in succession.

Tang Yuhan narrowed his eyes, "What did you say?"

The voice startled the assistant. She took her mobile phone away and glanced at the name on the call. It was Ning Jie, that's right!

The assistant coughed twice, why is it a man who answered the phone?Could it be that Sister Ning secretly fell in love?
Gossip was burning in her heart, but now that the situation was urgent, she didn't have the heart to think about whether Jiang Ning was in love, so she just opened her mouth.

"The footage of Sister Ning participating in the real crit was released. Originally, when she was doing tasks on the show, she helped Jiang Qingxue. Jiang Qingxue intentionally caused Sister Ning to fall into the water, and Sister Ning pulled Jiang Qingxue down too. water.

But the video that was released was only the scene of Sister Ning dragging Jiang Qingxue into the water. Now many people are scolding Sister Ning for being cruel and merciless, for winning by any means! "

"I see."

Tang Yuhan's voice was as cold as ever, without the slightest ups and downs, but if you listen carefully, you can find the gloom hidden in his voice.

He hung up the phone, just as Jiang Ning came out of the kitchen with dessert.

"Who is calling?"

Jiang Ning smiled, and while putting away the dessert, she called a few buns to come over for dessert.

Just as the three little buns appeared in the living room, Jiang Ning's cell phone rang again.

She pressed to answer, and Jiang Ye's voice was on the opposite side.

"Jiang Ning, are you okay? I just saw the news on the Internet after filming a commercial.

At that time, we were participating in the show together. I know exactly what happened. As long as we find the original video at that time, we will be able to solve this problem. "

Jiang Ye's voice was full of concern, and Jiang Ning even heard him panting slightly, as if he had just finished work, so he immediately called her.

It's nice to have friends like that.

The corners of Jiang Ning's lips curled up, and his voice was brisk: "I know, I didn't take this matter to heart at all, you should go and rest quickly."

After chatting for a few words, she hung up the phone.

Wow!It was an uncle calling the beautiful aunt just now!
Tang Guoguo winked, with an exaggerated expression, and after being glanced at by Tang Yuhan, he covered his mouth cowardly.

"The original video has been deleted."

Listening to the voice on the phone just now, Tang Yuhan felt a little unclear in his heart.

He opened his mouth and repeated the assistant's words to Jiang Ning.

"The original video of the program group has been artificially deleted?"

Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment, then laughed mockingly.

It seems that Jiang Qingxue was well prepared this time, and they put a lot of effort into suppressing her.

"Aunt Jiang, what original video are you talking about?"

Tang Baobao sat down obediently with his younger siblings, and looked at the two of them curiously.

If it was the original video that was artificially deleted, maybe he has a way to get it back.

He pursed his lips, eager to try.

Tang Yuhan saw his careful thinking at a glance, and said, "I will let someone find the original video."

(End of this chapter)

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