President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 277 No need to target the white-eyed wolf

Chapter 277 No need to target the white-eyed wolf
[What's wrong?Did something happen to Zhiyuan Building? ]

[The thermos bottle that fell from upstairs was terrible. It hit the ground and broke into pieces. Just looking at it, you can tell how fast it fell.Fortunately, no one was hit, otherwise, the problem would be bigger]
[Why did Jiang Ning pass by there, a thermos bottle just dropped there, is someone targeting her? ]

[Have you thought too much upstairs?We are students of the Imperial Film Academy, so there is no need to target Jiang Ning, a white-eyed wolf. ]
[The latest news is that the girls in our school have reported this matter to the school leaders, and the monitoring has been removed. We will know what happened in a while. ]
[Waiting for a whole melon. ]
[Waiting to add one]

[plus 10086]


Because of the thermos bottle that suddenly fell, the post about Jiang Ning ushered in a new heat.

The person involved, Jiang Ning, was going to rush to the filming crew, but because of this incident, he was left at the Imperial Film Academy to cooperate with the investigation.

"While I was walking on the road, the thermos bottle suddenly fell from the net and almost hit me."

Recalling what happened at that time, the girl was terrified.

Fortunately, she saw Jiang Ning at the time, looked at her more out of curiosity, and walked a little slower, so she was lucky not to be hit by the thermos bottle.

After listening to her words, the school leader nodded, his expression unchanged, and turned to look at Jiang Ning.

"What about Jiang Ning, you can see from the surveillance video that before the thermos bottle fell completely, you pulled your assistant back away. Did you know that there would be a thermos bottle falling from upstairs?"

Jiang Ning pursed her lips, "No."

She didn't know that someone would throw the thermos from upstairs, and the reason why she pulled the assistant back a step was entirely because of her instinct for danger.

The assistant watched the surveillance video several times before saying: "Principal, you can see from the surveillance video that a boy went to fetch water with a thermos, and when he came back, he took a look downstairs, just as Jiang Ning passed by. At that time, he suddenly picked up the thermos bottle and threw it downstairs with all his strength. From this period of time, it can be seen that the thermos bottle was deliberately thrown downstairs, which constituted the crime of intentional injury.

If the school cannot deal with this student, we will choose to go through legal procedures. "

Hearing that the assistant said that he would go through legal procedures, the headmaster's face darkened.

The students of the Imperial City Film Academy deliberately threw thermos bottles from the upstairs when someone was passing by. It was obvious that they wanted to hurt people. If the news spread, it would have a great impact on the reputation of the school.

"We will handle this matter properly." The headmaster had a headache, and in front of Jiang Ning, he could only say, "We will expel this student."

"Is it just expulsion from school?" Jiang Ning smiled, "Intentionally hurting someone is already illegal. If the person who did something wrong is only expelled from school, this punishment is too light."

Hey, this girl has a clean face, but she still has a vindictive temper.

The principal sighed inwardly, a little helpless: "What do you mean?"

"Find out the student who threw the thermos from upstairs, and ask him to publicly apologize to me, my assistant, and this classmate." Jiang Ning added without haste: "The apology statement will be published on the front page of the newspaper in the imperial capital. Published for one month."

The principal laughed: "Isn't it a bit of a big deal?"

"Which one do you think is more important than the three lives?" Jiang Ning also smiled, but she didn't intend to bargain with the principal at all.

(End of this chapter)

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