President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 185 Shouting Three times I'm a Pig

Chapter 185 Shout Three times I'm a Pig


I don't know who couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Jiang Ning also bent the corners of his lips, and his voice was crisp: "Director Zhou, I did say that I would not be able to give birth to an old and ugly son like you, but well, you can yell 'I am a pig' three times !"

Old and ugly middle-aged male director: ...

His hands were trembling in anger, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word.

"Forget it, Jiang Ning, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. You have just entered this circle, and acting so arrogantly is not good for you."

After a few words of persuasion, Director Zhang wanted to calm things down.

"Yes, everyone is in the same circle. It's normal to have conflicts. Let's let this matter pass today."

The other directors followed suit, looking at Jiang Ning with dissatisfaction.

Directors like them have high status and seniority in the circle, even if they are famous film kings and queens, they have to give them some face.

But Jiang Ning is fine, isn't he just being embarrassed for a few words, and dares to get up with Lao Zhou Gang directly!
She has such a temperament that she would rather bend than bend, and she is not willing to suffer at all, so she is destined not to go long in this circle.

Even the director who helped Jiang Ning speak up: "Jiang Ning, you are an actor with great potential and aura, why should you hurt everyone's peace because of this matter? As the saying goes, bear with me for a while The weather is calm, take a step back, and the sea and the sky will open up. In this way, let Lao Zhou apologize to you, and don't be aggressive."

"Director, I appreciate your kindness, but what I don't like the most is being angry. If anyone makes things difficult for me, I will report back immediately."

Jiang Ning looked calm, but made those directors shut up.

It is said that forbearance is calm for a while, and the sea and the sky are brighter by taking a step back, but she has been enduring and giving in before, what did she get in the end?

Her first love was snatched away by Jiang Qingxue, her songs became Jiang Qingxue's instant hit masterpieces, her innocence was destroyed, and her child died tragically in her womb!
That being the case, why did she endure it?Why let?
It's better to repay kindness with kindness, revenge with revenge, and live happily!
The audition hall became quiet again. No one helped the middle-aged male director speak, so he looked particularly embarrassed.

"It's impossible for me to agree to your unreasonable request!" The middle-aged male director said to the directors around him with a sullen face, "Don't you think she did the right thing?"

"It turns out that my request is very unreasonable." Jiang Ning blinked, and said casually: "Since this is the case, I will not force others to be difficult."

Before the others could breathe a sigh of relief, she smiled brightly at everyone, "I don't want this role anymore, the 5000 million funds..."

"Not unreasonable, not unreasonable!"

Director Zhang immediately interrupted her, and then glared at the middle-aged male director: "Old Zhou, it was you who said that if Jiang Ning can come up with 5000 million, you will kneel down and call her father. Now Jiang Ning will give it to our crew. I paid 5000 million, just let you shout three times, and you don’t need to kneel down, it’s enough to give you face, and you still plan to fulfill your promise?”

He was still trying to persuade Jiang Ning to be generous just now, but when he heard that Jiang Ning intended to take back the money, he immediately changed his attitude.

This change shocked the middle-aged male director. He was stunned for a while, and then slowly tasted the feeling of being bullied by power and money.

Aggrieved, angry, and powerless.

Can only be reddened by this oppressive eyes, and then slowly lower his head.

The middle-aged male director gave Jiang Ning a hard look, and under the watchful eyes of everyone around him, he shouted at the door:

"I am a pig!"

"I am a pig!"

"I am a pig!"

After shouting, he felt ashamed to stay here, stood up with a bang, and strode out.

(End of this chapter)

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