President Daddy Gives His Favor

Chapter 181 Unscripted Acting

Chapter 181 Unscripted Acting

After Jiang Ning entered the audition hall, the first thing he saw were the directors sitting in front of him.

"Number 37, Jiang Ning."

Someone pronounced her name, and one of the directors glanced, and then pretended to say casually: "Jiang Ning, the newcomer who starred in Rose Girl?"

"it's me."

Jiang Ning stood in front of several directors neither humble nor overbearing. The light shone from the top of her head and shone on that clean and beautiful face. The clear smile made people's eyes shine.

The little girl looks good.

Some people nodded secretly in their hearts, while others sneered.

"Which role are you going to try?"

The person who said this stared at Jiang Ning closely. He had the face of a very ordinary middle-aged man. When his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were harsh and critical.

"Female doctor."

Jiang Ning said something casually, but it surprised everyone present.

"Do you know who the female doctor is?"

The middle-aged male director sneered in his heart, and the Jiang family even stuffed him with money to get Jiang Ning out of the audition, so that Jiang Ning would not steal the role of the heroine. I didn't expect this Jiang Ning to be so stupid as to want Acting as a female doctor.

In the script setting of the doomsday planet, the female doctor is one of the few people with the highest IQ in the doomsday, and she is also the core figure of the laboratory.

However, the very prestigious female doctor destroyed all the research results when the human research was about to succeed, and almost caused the human world to be destroyed by zombies.

Such a villain is not likable at all.

As soon as he saw their expressions, Jiang Ning knew what they were thinking.

But she has carefully studied the script of Doomsday Planet. The role of the female doctor is not a complete villain. On the contrary, there are many shining points in her character. Such a contradictory character who mixes light and darkness together can be played well. interesting.

"The more complicated the role is, the more fulfilling it is when it is successfully performed, isn't it?"

Jiang Ning slightly bent the corners of his lips, and the corners of his eyes and brows were shining with confidence.

There was a moment of silence in the audition hall.

After a while, someone said: "Let's start."

In order to test their acting skills, the audition mode of the doomsday planet is an unscripted performance.

All those who come to audition, just need to choose a role they want to play, and then start their own performance without any requirements.

Just as the hardest composition to write is an untitled composition, so is the hardest performance to perform.

Those who came to audition were already quite nervous, and under the watchful eyes of many famous directors, they had to show their acting skills at will, which was quite a challenge for the actors.

This not only tests their acting skills, but also tests their psychological quality and on-the-spot adaptability.

Jiang Ning stood in front of several directors without any timidity or panic.

She closed her eyes and slowly raised her head.

The girl's neck is slender and fair, like a swan in a lake.

Then she slowly, slowly opened her eyes.

Those eyes were calm and expressionless, looking forward peacefully.

"Experiment No. 68 failed."

She reached out and took off the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and glanced at the "experiment" beside her.

It was just a very casual glance, as if it was a trivial failure faced by someone who had done thousands of experiments.

Then, before the experimenters noticed, the female doctor reached out and pressed a red button in front of her.

All experimental data will be cleared within ten seconds.

Thinking of this, the female doctor still had no expression on her face.

She is cold, calm, almost indifferent and cruel, slowly destroying the hope of human survival.

(End of this chapter)

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