Chapter 169

These thousand paper cranes are really an eyesore.

Tang Yuhan lowered his eyes, covering the deep gloom in his eyes.

"These are not the ones I gave you." Jiang Ning picked up one, glanced at it and then threw it back, with a colder smile: "The thousand paper cranes I gave you have your name written on each of them." .”

"And these..." She glanced at the brand-new thousand paper cranes that had just been folded, and a flash of understanding flashed across her face: "These thousand paper cranes don't have a word on them, and you bought them from a certain treasure." Bar?"

Gu Yuan's expression suddenly became stiff, like a weathered stone, the sincerity and urgency on his face became broken piece by piece.

He was embarrassed and embarrassed, and even more shocked by what Jiang Ning said.

"You wrote my name on every Thousand Paper Crane back then?"

"It doesn't matter if you write or not."

Jiang Ning grabbed Tang Yuhan's hand, "Mr. Gu, remember, you are already in the past tense, please be a qualified predecessor."

What should a qualified predecessor look like? ——It’s better to act as if you’re dead, and don’t bother me anymore.

After finishing speaking, she pulled Tang Yuhan up and left.

After leaving the coffee shop, Jiang Ning remembered a question.

"Mr. Tang, are you out drinking coffee alone?"

Her cold peach blossom eyes were clear, like the clearest, cleanest and most beautiful lake in the world, and like the clear and vast night sky full of stars.

Looking into her eyes, Tang Yuhan felt an air stuck in his heart for no reason.

He pursed his lips, ignoring the discomfort in his heart.

"That coffee shop belongs to Lin Munian."

Jiang Ning remembered a name, and Lin Munian even checked her body.

"Boss Tang helped me again."

Jiang Ning felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned this.

Troubling him again and again always made her feel weird.

"It's nothing." Tang Yuhan rolled his Adam's apple, staring at Jiang Ning with deep eyes, "I'll help you. There is a request."

"any request?"

Jiang Ning looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

"Gu Yuan said that you gave him 99 paper cranes before."

He suddenly mentioned this, but Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment before nodding, "Yes."

"Give me a few thousand paper cranes."

Tang Yuhan's face was calm, as if he just mentioned it casually, but his fingers hanging on his body had already quietly curled up.


Jiang Ning agreed without hesitation, just stacking a few thousand paper cranes, no trouble at all.

"Otherwise, shall I give you 28?"

28, exactly Tang Yuhan's age.

Her casual words made the man's eyes flash a little secret pleasure.

"it is good."

The corners of Tang Yuhan's lips raised slightly, all the depression and irritability caused by Gu Yuan disappeared at this moment.

For the first time, he was despicable and wanted to get something from Jiang Ning. He also wanted to get those things that used to be special.

Maybe in the future, he wants more than that.

Gu Yuan is not worthy of being liked by Jiang Ning sincerely, and those paper cranes that represent Jiang Ning's whole heart but are despised by others should not become Jiang Ning's past.

Looking at the girl's beautiful face, Tang Yuhan suddenly clenched his hands tightly.

She liked others before, it doesn't matter, as long as Jiang Ning's future is him, that's fine.

Out of the corner of the eye, a distraught figure broke into Tang Yuhan's eyes. Then he lowered his head and said something in Jiang Ning's ear.

From a certain angle, it looks like a gentle kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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