Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 98 How is it good?

Chapter 98 How is it good?

"How did this happen? How did it turn from a ground lizard to a slinging crow? The damned guy lied to me!" After finally ending the battle, Candy Moon pouted and complained secretly to the staff member who gave her the information.

"There were no problems in the previous games, so why did it suddenly change?" When the premonition came true, Xue Yan was equally puzzled.

"Could they deliberately make half-truths and half-false information, and then reveal it to her?" Xing Chenyu guessed.

"It shouldn't be possible. They didn't know beforehand that the matter of obtaining the materials was decided on a temporary basis. The possibility of fraud is really very small." The Night Killer shook his head and rejected his guess.

"Then it's strange, since no one knows. Then why is there an error in the information she provided?" Xing Chenjie was very indifferent to his explanation, and asked directly.

His words made Candy Moon's face darken, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.Seeing her appearance, Xueyan knew that she must be feeling bad now.He lowered his head and thought for a while before asking Leng Ye Gu Xing: "Leng Ye, today should be the day of extreme boundary defense, right? You can check forums and the like to see if there is any valuable news?"

"En." Leng Ye Guxing immediately understood what she meant and launched an investigation.

With almost no effort, he got the answer he wanted, looked at Xue Yan without saying a word, just nodded directly, making others confused, wondering what the two of them were playing.

"Yueyue, don't blame yourself, the information you got is not fake." Seeing that Leng Yeguxing confirmed her speculation, Xueyan turned her head to comfort Candy Moon and said.

"But, how do you explain what happened just now?" Hearing Xue Yan's words, Candy Moon raised her head, looking like she was about to cry.

"Because you took the information on the siege order of the extreme limit, you got the wrong gang. I asked Leng Ye Guxing to investigate this matter just now, and what they gang was attacked by the ground lizard just now." Xue Yan said for everyone. explained.

"Ah? I said how I saw two siege materials. I only read the beginning, and thought the two were exactly the same!" Only then did Candy Moon figure out that the other file should be the one she wanted.

"Guild Master, the sixth wave of monster attacks is coming." The scout's report interrupted the others who were still wanting to speak.Bring everyone's attention back to the battlefield.

This time it was a level 40 one-horned rhinoceros, a monster that not only moved quickly, but also had extremely high physical defense.For this kind of monster with a large body and thick blood and high defense, the effect of traps is really not great.Night Killer quickly transferred the warlock to the front row, ready to attack at any time.

Persisting until now, the outer traps have almost worn out, and only those close to the city wall can be used. It is obviously impossible to rely solely on traps for defense.Warlocks of all departments except the water department used ranged skills one after another.

Especially the earth-type warlocks and wood-type warlocks, when they fought against the stone-throwing crow just now, they didn't use their strength at all.But this time the blame was on the ground, and it was the time for them to act.Rows of ground thorns protrude from the ground, constantly stabbing the rhinoceros entangled by vines.However, the rhinoceros hide is thick enough. On average, each head needs to be stabbed more than ten times to pierce its skin and kill it.

This speed is not very fast, but due to the large size of the monsters, the monsters in front completely blocked the way of the monsters behind, and none of the monsters could break through the blockade.

"Gang leader, the scout team has discovered the BOSS! It's just blocked by monsters and can't get through." The silence was Jin's report, which made everyone look bad.

This is the adverse reaction caused by this kind of monster. It is impossible to block the boss to the back, but it is also difficult for the player to kill it.But if the BOSS is not dead, the monsters will only continue to attack the city endlessly. Sooner or later, when you run out of medicine and can't stop them, the city will not be able to defend.

Obviously, the emergence of this situation made everyone aware of the consequences, so they all frowned and thought about countermeasures.

"Ye, you can teleport, can you kill it?" Candy Moon suddenly asked Ye for help.

Ye looked at her expectant eyes, then at Xueyan who was looking into the distance, and then said two words softly: "No!"

Maybe Candy Moon didn't expect Yehui to reject her, and she was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.After all, he hadn't rejected any of her requests before this.

It wasn't just Candy Moon who was disappointed, but also the rest of Flame Scorpion.In this situation, the only way is to destroy the boss from the air, but how many players can fly?
The expressions of Candy Moon and the others were naturally caught by Xueyan's eyes. In fact, even if Ye hadn't refused just now, she wouldn't have let him go.Unexpectedly, he refused, but it also made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Leave this matter to me." Said these words indifferently, ignoring everyone's reactions, Xueyan directly called out Mengmai.

The appearance of the nightmare immediately caused a burst of exclamation.This reminded everyone that they had forgotten her ability.However, when Xueyan was about to ride up, another person had already sat on Mengyan's back one step ahead of her.

That night!Isn't he not going?What to do now?
Ye sat on Nightmare's back and then stretched out a hand to her.

"I will go with you."

go together?is this necessary?And why did Nightmare let him ride obediently without resisting?She remembered that it didn't let anyone get close to it except herself!
Maybe it's good to go together!

Xueyan hesitated for a moment, then put her hand into his palm. Using the strength of his hand, she turned over and sat in front of him, and then directed the nightmare to fly into the air.

All the players who saw this scene showed various expressions, some envious, some admiring, and some disappointed and looking forward to it.The expression on Candy Moon's face is so complicated that it's hard to tell what's going on in her heart.But Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu were whispering to each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

Xueyan, who rides with Ye, also has a complicated heart.During the time she was away from him, how many times she couldn't help but think of him, and how many times she forced herself not to think about him.During the few days she came back, she tried to minimize the time alone with him.

Although she was still unwilling to admit it, she still found herself in a situation she had never imagined.That means she fell in love with him, fell in love with him as an intelligent NPC!

Yes, she likes him!She didn't know when it started, but she knew that feeling had already been deeply imprinted in her heart.

She used to think that she didn't care about his smiling at Yueyue, but she was wrong.When she saw Yueyue again, she realized that she was a little jealous of her, jealous of how different she was to him!

Xueyan smiled wryly in her heart, what if a player and an NPC have a good relationship after all?But why does she care so much about his every move and every expression?What is she expecting?
His eyes could not help but move to Tian Mie on Ye's left wrist, and his right hand subconsciously covered his chest.Her feeling was not wrong, Tian Mie was indeed Ye's second weapon.However, in order to get it, she spent a lot of effort and... price at Qianyue!
"It has arrived!"

The sound of the night woke her up from her confused thoughts, and she noticed that they had come right above a rhinoceros that was bigger than an elephant.Xue Yan quickly concentrated and launched an attack on the boss.

Waterspout + Ice Archery + Frozen Thousand Miles, hitting the boss below almost continuously.The dual skill doubling effect of the water emblem and mermaid heart made her attack reach a height beyond her imagination.Almost every attack can cause the blood bar to drop down visibly.

In "Fantasy World", the blood of any boss is super thick, let alone the rhinoceros boss known for its blood thickness!Xue Yan was already very satisfied with such an effect.

"Have you comprehended energy perception?" Seeing that she kept releasing skills without raising her hand, Ye asked a little surprised.

"Well, I have gained a lot from this unexpected trip!" Xueyan raised her head and smiled at him.

Ye froze for a moment, then nodded to her, looking at her with deeper eyes.What happened to her in this accident?First it was a nightmare, then it was the end of the sky, and now it is energy perception. Is it true that she was just lucky as others said?

No, he doesn't believe it!In the story she refused to tell, she must be hiding something!The process of coming back here and getting the Heaven's Extinguisher will never be as simple as doing a few tasks as she said!
She refused to say it out, probably because she didn't want to worry about her!What about yourself?Why did she refuse to tell herself?Did she feel that she didn't need to know, or did she not want to worry herself?
Whether she knew it or not, he was really worried about her during the days when she was not by his side!Although he also tried to escape that feeling, but when she appeared in front of him again, he realized that he could hardly control his emotions.The desire to hug her is so urgent!
Ye subconsciously put her arms around Xueyan, feeling that her body became stiff in her movements.But he didn't want to let go. When he appeared in front of her for the first time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would never let her leave his side for even half a step.

Whether such a mood is affected by the contract or not, he doesn't want to care about it anymore. He doesn't want those emotions to continue to torture him, no!

The moment she was hugged by Ye, Xueyan felt as if her heart stopped beating for a few seconds.There is also a gap for BOSS.She couldn't get rid of his arm holding her. At this moment, it doesn't matter if she is stupid, or she is deceiving herself, she just hopes that this moment can stay!
(End of this chapter)

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