Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 92 Meeting Zeus for the First Time

Chapter 92 Meeting Zeus for the First Time
Things were a bit unexpected for Xueyan, she didn't understand what Zeus was doing here now?Could it be that the news that Dimel had found someone to deliver a letter to Pluto had been revealed?It shouldn't be!Only the three of them know about this!Or is it that he can't wait to see his bride?Given his lustful nature, this possibility is not impossible.

After thinking about it, Xueyan said to Besephone: "Come here, what are you worried about? There are still a few days before the wedding. Could it be that he can advance the wedding to tomorrow?"

"No, you don't know. Every time I see him, I feel very uncomfortable. You haven't come back before, and when I think about the possibility of marrying him, I feel that this is a very scary thing." Besephine Ni shook her head and expressed her feelings.

Is Zeus that annoying?Xueyan couldn't help being a little curious about him, after thinking about it, she decided to go and have a look, and just in time to complete the task that Scala had entrusted to her.

"You aroused my curiosity. I also need to see Zeus. Now is a good opportunity. You stay here, I'll go and have a look." Without waiting for Besephone to answer, Xue Yan walked over to the Temple of the Earth.

When she came to the gate of the temple, Xueyan heard a man's voice.

"Dimel, Besephone has been out for a long time, don't you worry?" Different from Hardy's deep voice, this man's voice is slightly higher, with a mellow voice, and his gentle and elegant tone reveals nobility all the time At the same time, it gives people a kind of affectionate temptation.

Standing at the door, Xueyan didn't go in immediately, Zeus' voice made her hesitate.Although it was the first time she heard such a voice, and she had never seen Zeus, she had a feeling that this man's appearance should be the same as his voice, embodying nobility and elegance, and at the same time always With a touch of soulfulness.Most of these men are masters in love, which is exactly the type she hates.

Enter?Still not in?

"Miss, what are you doing here?" Just when she was undecided, a voice suddenly rang in her ears, making her take two steps back involuntarily.

The first thing that caught her sight was a pair of long golden hair, followed by a pair of eyes the color of the sky, a high bridge of nose, slightly raised corners of the mouth, coupled with the noble temperament, the image of a typical Western prince.He was holding the door frame with one hand and looking at Xue Yan with a confused and somewhat curious look.

"I am Dimel's guest." Xue Yan said calmly, looking directly at the other person while not letting her tone reveal any emotion.

Hearing her answer, Zeus didn't say anything, but he didn't let the door open either. He still looked at her with an expression of interest on his face.

Xue Yan felt very uncomfortable being looked at by him with inquiring eyes. Seeing that he refused to give way, she couldn't help but said: "If there is nothing else, please give way."

"I'm curious. Can you tell me what's the matter with Dimel inviting you here? Miss." Zeus still didn't move, and asked elegantly, but there was a bit of an irresistible command in his tone.

"This has nothing to do with you, Zeus." Before Xueyan could speak, Dimel's cold voice sounded from behind Zeus.

Zeus turned sideways and looked back, only to see Dimel looking at him with a gloomy face.Dimel looked at him, then at Xue Yan, then walked to the door, took Xue Yan's hand and walked into the palace, completely ignoring Zeus who was hesitant to speak.Behind them, none of them noticed, Zeus looked at the two of them with a playful expression.

As soon as Xueyan sat down, she saw Zeus walking in. The white robe and blue belt, simple style, looked unusually gorgeous on his body.He really is a natural clothes hanger!Xue Yan looked at him and made an evaluation secretly.

"Dimel, what you said is wrong, don't say that we have a close relationship, and soon your daughter Besephone will become my concubine, no matter from which point of view, I don't care You have the right to know everything about you, don’t you?” Although Dimel was the one who spoke, Zeus’s eyes never left Xueyan.

"Zeus, what do you want to know? She is just a guest I invited to drink tea and chat. Do you have to care about this?" His words made Dimel's tone become stern.

"Oh? Is it just like that?" Zeus didn't seem to hear the dissatisfaction in her tone at all, and asked lightly.

"Of course it's not just like that." Seeing that he seemed to be determined not to give up without asking why, Xueyan hurried ahead of Dimel and said. "Of course I didn't come just to drink tea. The main reason Dimel invited me here was to ask me to teach Besephone's dance."

Since he must want to know something, then give him a reason!
"Dance? What kind of dance? The Festival of the Sea?" As soon as Xue Yan's words came out, Zeus chuckled and teased him. He didn't believe her words at all.

Although Xueyan didn't know what the "Sea Festival" he was talking about, she could still guess that he was referring to the water energy on her body.Twitching the corner of her mouth slightly, showing a strange smile, Xueyan stopped Dimel from interjecting, looked at him and said:

"I always thought that the king of the sky was a very wise person, but today it seems like that. It's rare that I behaved like this today. Didn't you realize that I am not from this continent at all? Or is it that you are in charge of the sky? And the king of land, has a natural fear of water? Anyone with water energy will make you nervous?"

"As you said, I am the king in charge of the sky and the land. I don't think it's wrong to pay more attention to things beyond my control! Mysterious lady, since you are here to teach Besephone's dance, can you Let me also appreciate your dancing posture?" Zeus didn't seem to mind her words, and still looked at her with a smile.

"The musicians have gone back today. If you want to see it, please come back another day." Regarding his proposal, Xue Yan declined without thinking.

"It's okay, it's just a musician. I think someone who Dimel values ​​so much must have a good dancing posture. I will hire a musician who is worthy of your dancing posture." Zeus was very indifferent to his excuse. , while talking, he shot a light arrow through the wall and flew to nowhere.

"She has been tired all day, so why do you push her so hard?" Dimel said displeased with Zeus' actions.At the same time, I was secretly worried, what should I do if I show my feet?
"Dimel, I just can't wait. I'm really curious about Miss Mystery's dancing posture." Leaning on the back of the chair relaxedly, Zeus didn't care what others said.

Xueyan looked at him speechlessly, for a moment she really didn't know what to say.Since he wants to see it so much, let him watch it. She is still confident in dancing.I just hope that he can leave immediately after reading it and stop pestering him here.

Not long after, a young man with a harp in his arms hurried into the temple, and immediately complained after seeing Zeus: "Father, why are you calling me in such a hurry? Don't you know that I am talking to Artie?" Mies playing the piano to enjoy the scenery?"

Was it the son of Zeus who came here?Xue Yan couldn't help but look at the young man a few more times, obviously that young man has completely inherited Zeus's appearance, and there is even a tendency that the young is better than the blue.And most importantly, he didn't have Zeus's affectionate eyes, on the contrary, his eyes were very pure, as pure as crystal.

"Apollo, don't worry. Of course I came to you for something important. I believe you will soon find out that it was worthwhile. Now please play a song for us!" Soothing his angry son, Even when facing his own children, Zeus still looked the same, even his eyes and tone did not change.

"I hope so!" Although he was dissatisfied, Apollo found a suitable place to sit down with the piano in his arms.

Could it be said that he eats both men and women?Seeing his appearance, Xueyan couldn't help cursing.Seeing that Apollo had already sat down and was adjusting the sound of the piano, Xueyan also stood up from her seat.The main hall is very spacious, and there are not many decorations, so she can do whatever she wants.

After a while, the Apollo debugging was completed, and the formal performance began.The sound of the piano is melodious, like a clear spring flowing, or like a hundred birds singing together, very pleasant to the ear.Xue Yan, who was just planning to deal with it, couldn't help but be attracted by his piano sound, and her body instinctively danced to the music.

Although it was just a performance, Xueyan deliberately added the movement of "the goddess scattered flowers" in it.On the one hand, it is to increase the effect of the performance, the petals flying all over the sky are in harmony with the sound of Apollo's piano and her dancing; on the other hand, she is also deliberately causing a little trouble for Zeus, she really hates him watching looking into his own eyes.It's a pity that when the petals floated to his side, they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

After the song ended, Xue Yan slowly stopped her movements.For a moment, the hall was unusually quiet. Dimel watched Xueyan's performance, surprised and intoxicated at the same time. She was still intoxicated until the end of the performance, unable to extricate herself.Apollo looked at Xue Yan with admiration. He admired her dance performance just now. He didn't know how many people he had cooperated with in Mount Olympus, but it seemed that only her dance could express him perfectly. The artistic conception in the song.

As for Zeus, apart from admiration, there was also a scorching light in his eyes.It took him a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "As expected, I was specially invited by Dimel, and my dancing skills are really extraordinary. Today is an eye-opener for me, how is it? Apollo, am I right?"

"It's rare for father to find such a talented lady. This trip is really worthwhile." Apollo nodded slightly in agreement with Zeus' words.

"Since the appreciation is over, please go back, both of you, I'm going to rest." Xue Yan didn't have any expression on the two's appreciation, she still said calmly.

"It's really not a short time to go out today, it's time to go back. It's just that I have a small request before I leave. I don't know if Miss Xueyan can satisfy it?" He said it was time to leave, but he didn't get up at all. the meaning of.

Xueyan couldn't help frowning, but still asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

"I want to see the young lady's face!"

(End of this chapter)

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