Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 9 Butterfly Valley

Chapter 9 Butterfly Valley

The bamboo forest is not difficult to find, it can be seen from the west gate of Qinglin City.Large areas of green bamboo are lush and lush, and occasionally a gust of breeze blows through, making a soft rustling sound in the bamboo forest.

"Fantasy World" is indeed the game with the highest degree of virtuality at present. This beautiful scenery is so delicate, and there is a faint fragrance of bamboo wafting in the wind. It's hard not to fall in love with it.

Xueyan walked into the bamboo forest, there is also a strange thing here, it is a little fox at level 30, it looks so cute that Xueyan is a little bit hesitant to use them to level up.Forget it, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack themselves, don't kill them.

Xueyan walked aimlessly in the bamboo forest, because she didn't know where the Misty Sect was, so she could only try her luck.

After walking around for two days, Xue Yan didn't even see a single figure. Could it be that she was here?

Just when she was considering whether to leave here and look for it elsewhere, the sound of a piano suddenly came from her ear.The voice is very low, vaguely invisible, but very pleasant to hear.

The voice gradually became clearer, and it was no longer the vague tone just now, but a coherent tune.

Such a beautiful piece, Xueyan was deeply attracted by that piece.

Slowly Xueyan stretched her limbs and danced lightly along with the tune.

Xueyan was very happy in her heart. She loved dancing since she was a child, and her mother sent her to dance classes since she was a child. She can learn all kinds of dances and is very talented.Unfortunately, after her mother passed away, she never had the chance to skip.

At this moment, Xueyan has forgotten everything around her, only the melodious music is in her heart, she just wants to express that kind of wonderfulness with her dancing posture, she has not noticed that the surrounding environment has changed with her dancing steps .

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of the piano has long since disappeared, and Xueyan is still immersed in it and cannot extricate herself.

"Papa..." A few rounds of applause woke Xueyan up.

Only then did she realize that she was no longer in the bamboo forest, but in a sea of ​​flowers, where all kinds of beautiful big butterflies fluttered lightly among the flowers.In front of a simple bamboo house in the distance, a woman in a lavender dress smiled at her.

Was she applauding just now?who is she?Could it be that she is from Misty Sect?

Countless questions flashed through Xueyan's mind for a moment.

"Welcome to Butterfly Valley, brave adventurer."

"Hello." Xueyan walked carefully through the flowers and walked in front of her.Only then did I realize that it was a mature and beautiful woman.

"It's been a long time since I saw a girl with such good qualifications and great potential!" the woman exclaimed.

"Are you a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect?" Xue Yan asked hesitantly.

"Yes, I am Die Ji, the only disciple of Piao Miao Sect on the mainland."

"Then can you tell me what kind of sect the Misty Sect is?"

"Of course, I will tell you even if you don't ask." Die Ji said with a smile.

He led Xueyan to sit down at the small stone table in front of the bamboo house, and brought her a cup of tea.

"Drink some tea first, this is the best Hundred Flowers Tea, you can't drink it anywhere else. The Misty Sect is the only sect in the cultivation world that is composed entirely of women. The reason is nothing else, but because the Misty Sect is based on dancing. I came to practice at the beginning."

"Dancing?" Xueyan was very surprised, there is such a martial art.

"This is not surprising, everything can enter the Tao. Entering the Tao through dancing is just one of the ways."

"Then what is Dao, is it cultivating immortals?"

"Yes, not exactly. Immortal cultivation is just one of them. You can also choose to cultivate demons, Buddhas, or ghosts."

These are the four paths mentioned by Yin Xiao!

"Then what are the differences between the other three paths and cultivating immortals?"

"Do you know about cultivating immortals?" Die Ji was surprised that there were still some adventurers who knew about immortality.

"Well, I once met a senior from the Baicao Sect and he told me about it." Xue Yan nodded.

"So that's it. In fact, the four paths are roughly the same in terms of the basic principles of cultivation, but they are different in the methods of cultivation. The senior of Baicao Sect you mentioned must have told you that cultivating immortals is divided into foundation building and elixir formation. , Spiritual Silence, Nascent Soul, Distraction, Integration, and Overcoming Tribulation."


"In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a process of letting your body absorb various energies in a suitable state, and then continuously purifying, compressing, and transforming the energy. It doesn't matter whether you choose to cultivate immortals or demons, it's the same. It’s just that the process of experience is different. Take Xiumo as an example, after undergoing a rebirth, it will also enter the alchemy period, but after the alchemy, it will enter the heartbeat period. This period is the tempering of the practitioner’s xinxing Practice, because the pursuit of the devil is to seek stronger power through self-sharpening, if the heart is not firm enough, it will become a bloodthirsty lunatic, which is why people in the world have prejudices against the devil. But If it has passed the heartbeat stage, you can directly enter the body-fit stage, where the Yuandan will fuse with your body and meridians to make your body stronger."

"Is that so, isn't the time for cultivating demons very short? Compared with cultivating immortals, wouldn't the way of demons be weaker for two people who have entered the fusion together?" Xueyan asked a question.

"Everything should be done step by step, and cultivation is no exception. Although people who cultivate demons may have to spend a long time in the heartbeat period, compared with cultivating immortals, it is indeed much shorter. However, this does not mean that people who cultivate demons at the same time will be weaker than those who cultivate immortality. In fact, just the opposite is true, because cultivating the demonic path does not experience spiritual silence, nascent soul, and distraction, which reduces the dispersion process of energy during the cultivation process. When entering the integration stage, his energy will be weaker. The elixir is far more solid than that of an immortal cultivator. In addition, cultivating demons is a physical training and a challenge to oneself from the very beginning. Therefore, the body is much stronger than that of an immortal cultivator who just lets nature take its course. This is why cultivators Some demons can survive 6 thunder tribulations, while cultivators can only survive 3 or 4 times at most."

After finishing speaking, Die Ji took a sip of tea, looked at Xueyan's way of lowering her head in thought, and nodded slightly with approval in her expression.

"Then what's the difference between the way of ghosts and the way of Buddhism? The way of demons is so powerful, why don't they all choose to cultivate demons instead of cultivating immortals?"

"A person who enters the ghost way must first abandon his body and enter the way with his soul. Since there is no entity, a ghost person has the highest spiritual power among the four ways, and ordinary physical attacks have no effect on him. Ghosts Taoists do not have a physical body, so after entering the alchemy period, it is impossible for inner alchemy to exist in the dantian. Ghost Taoists can only practice ghost pills and store them in their minds. Similar to the devil way, there is no inner alchemy for ghost Taoists. There are three stages of Lingji, Yuanying, and distraction, but after the ghost pill has been cultivated to a certain level, it enters the stage of transformation, that is, to materialize one's own body. This is a very long process, and the process may be longer than cultivating immortals. It is long, but once it is fully materialized, its strength is comparable to that of magic, and it may be even better in terms of spiritual power.

If it is said that the way of ghosts focuses on the cultivation of spiritual power, then the way of Buddhism is the dual cultivation of body and spirit.The foundation building period for Buddhists and Daoists is very long, because the body and spirit must reach a certain level before they can bear relics.Different from the other ways, a Buddhist cultivator can bear not only one relic, but a maximum of nine.And he doesn't have obvious stages, but every time a relic reaches a certain level, they will enter reincarnation and start practicing again until the relic is similar to the first level, and then reincarnated.Repeat this 8 times until all nine pieces are repaired.It can be said that the time of Buddhism is the longest. So far no one has been able to cultivate nine relics. Even the strongest master of Buddhism has only cultivated eight, but his strength is already very strong.

In fact, the four ways have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although the magic way is fast, if you can’t get through the heart-beating period, you will definitely lose your soul and have no chance of reincarnation. Although the immortal way is slow and weaker, the victory lies in the smooth process. Immortal cultivators pay attention to the way The law is natural, so it is also the safest one; ghosts have a lot of yin before they are completely transformed, so they are very afraid of yang, and can only move in dark environments, and ghosts often have to devour them. It is very difficult for fellow Taoists to quickly improve their strength, and it is very difficult to practice in the early stage, and the speed of transformation in the later stage is also very slow; because Buddhists need to balance their physical and mental strength, their initial strength is relatively weak, but after entering the reincarnation period, there is no basic attribute of reincarnation They will be greatly improved, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.

The choice of cultivation method is entirely determined by the cultivator's character. Only by knowing what cultivation method is suitable for you can you get twice the result with half the effort. "

It turns out that the system is very fair, each one has its own characteristics, no one is the best, it all depends on the player's preference.Only then did Xue Yan understand what was going on with the Four Paths, but in that case, what was going on with the battle between the Four Paths that Yin Xiao mentioned?Logically there shouldn't be any conflict between the four paths, so why are they fighting?Thinking of this, Xue Yan raised a question.

Die Ji fell silent after hearing her question.These four battles seemed to have become a taboo. Yin Xiao didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't seem to want to mention it either.

"That... If you don't want to say it, it's fine." Xue Yan saw that her expression was very similar to Yin Xiao's at that time, so she had to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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