Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 89 Extradition

Chapter 89 Extradition

The voice came so suddenly that even Xueyan, who had been on guard all along, was still taken aback.But she still heard the voice coming from directly in front of her, that is, from the direction of the green light spot.Although there was no malice in the voice, she still didn't dare to move.

However, in the next second, the place that was originally shrouded in darkness lit up.It felt like a black cloth was covering his surroundings, and the black cloth was instantly removed at this moment.Of course, it is not as bright as daytime, it is still dark here, it just allows Xueyan to see farther and more clearly.

It was at this time that she saw clearly that less than five meters away from her, a person who was completely hidden in a black cloak was standing there holding a lamp with green flames.The cloak covered everything about the man, and the only thing she could see was his hand holding the lamp, as dry as his voice.

"Who are you?" Don't think about it, what happened just now must be him playing tricks, although I don't know how he did it, but Xueyan is still full of hostility towards him.

"I am the extradition person of the River of Forgotten River. This is not a place where the living should come. You should go back quickly." The hoarse voice sounded again, and it was impossible to tell whether the voice was male or female.

"Just because this is not a place where the living should come, did you want me to die just now?" Although Xueyan's tone was calm, she was ready to attack.

"This is the guiding light of the undead, and only the undead can follow this light." The calm voice gave an explanation that she couldn't refute.

Well, it's true that I want to follow this damn lamp, and I really can't blame others.Xueyan let go of her hand depressed, and said after a while: "I was entrusted by Dimel to deliver a letter to Pluto. So please show me the way, or inform Pluto."

The extradition man didn't speak, just stood there quietly, if she couldn't see him clearly, she wouldn't be able to feel his presence at all.The two of them were in a stalemate for a long time, just when Xueyan thought that he would not say anything else, or could not move at all, the extraditionist suddenly turned his back to her and walked slowly like a river not far away. go.

He didn't speak, just walked straight on a wooden board extending into the river, and a wooden boat appeared in front of him out of thin air.Xueyan didn't know what he was going to do, so she stayed where she was and didn't move.

"The River of Forgetfulness does not cross the living, but since you want to see His Majesty Hades, then come with me." He didn't say to her until he boarded the boat.

Following him onto the simple wooden boat, the extraditer hung the guiding light in his hand on the mast on the bow of the boat, while he slowly shook the oar, and the boat swayed as it sailed across the other side of the River of Forgetfulness.It was only then that Xueyan noticed that the river of Wangchuan was far wider than she had imagined, and she couldn't see the other side at all.

The river water is black. I don't know if it is a reflection of the environment here or it is the original color.And the river surface is very calm, the river water doesn't seem to flow at all, if it weren't for the series of ripples made by the oars, she almost thought they were driving on a mirror.

Not sure if it was her imagination, but Xue Yan felt that the deeper she went into the middle of the river, the more the boat seemed to be shaking, which made her feel dizzy, as if something was surging in her stomach.This was the first time she knew that she was suffering from seasickness, so she had no choice but to hold on to the side of the boat, half-squat against the side of the boat and look down at the river.

At first glance, she felt that something was wrong, and the originally calm river surface now showed signs of surging.Xueyan vaguely felt that there seemed to be something under the water, but the river was too dark for her to see clearly.

"The water of Wangchuan can make people forget their past and present lives. If you don't want to forget everything, you'd better be careful." The extraditionist's hoarse voice sounded again, reminding her.

Xueyan was stunned by his words. Just when she was about to ask him what to be careful about, something suddenly caused huge waves on the river and hit the boat.Unable to dodge in time, Xueyan was doused by the river water.

But now she has no time to take care of her soaked clothes, but looks around vigilantly, trying to find out what made such a big commotion just now.Soon, a soft and slender thing emerged from the river again, and it danced as if it wanted to stir up the waves again and capsize the boat.

Without hesitation, Xueyan directly used "Frozen Ten Thousand Miles" to quickly freeze the thing like an octopus' tentacles, and then she shot "Waterspout", and before the thing broke through the ice seal, several ice arrows were fired, It was finally turned into powder and returned to the river.

The system's prompt followed closely, and it was only then that she realized that what she had just killed was a water snake named Fugot.Its level Xueyan can no longer be studied, she only knows that its experience is very high, and just one entry made her experience bar increase by 1%.There will be a hundred and ten items, and she hasn't easily advanced to the next level?
I don't know if the system brain knows her thoughts and meets her requirements.Less than half a minute after the water snake disappeared, the boat suddenly shook even more violently.The surface of the river was choppy, and in the blink of an eye, several Fugot water snakes, exactly the same as before, emerged from the Wangchuan River and danced around the boat.

"KAO, why are there so many of these things in this river?" Seeing this scene, Xue Yan couldn't help but curse out.Although she wanted to kill a few more just now, it doesn't mean that she can accept the sudden appearance of so many of these things. If there is a group of demons dancing around, the boat will definitely capsize!
"They are monsters living in the river of Wangchuan, they are a group of very docile little things." The hoarse voice answered Xue Yan's question, but what he said made her extremely depressed.

She was dizzy, why do these things look small in front of her?And docile?Then if they get angry, they won't turn this hell upside down!
"They are indeed very docile at ordinary times, but when they feel the breath of a living person, they will become extremely excited and irritable." The unhurried voice came again, but it made Xueyan's head full the black line.

Couldn't he have said it earlier?Xue Yan looked at the extradited man who was still swaying the scull, she couldn't see his expression because of the cover of the cloak, but she had a feeling that he was gloating!It's just that it's really not the time for her to study his expression, she has to bite the bullet and face dozens of water snakes emerging from the river.

There were too many of them. After "Frozen Miles", Xueyan immediately floated into the air and used "Tiannv Scattering Flowers".Under the action of the flower petal rain, the lives of those Fogot water snakes were rapidly lost, turning into a series of experience points.

However, both "Frozen Thousand Miles" and "Tiannv Scattering Flowers" have a limited range. Those water snakes that were not attacked all danced their bodies and set off waves, as if they were bound to capsize the boat.However, no matter how the boat fluctuated and swayed, the extraditionist still held the oars firmly and controlled the boat to move on.

At this moment, Xueyan discovered what a lucky skill "Energy Perception" is.She no longer needs to interrupt the dancer's ability to cast the water magician's ability as before.Now she only needs to concentrate on sensing the existence of water energy, and then gather them together to cast skills at will.

The result of this is that while she is dancing in the air, she is constantly flashing blue light and casting water-type skills.Of course, doing so will undoubtedly consume more mana, but after completing the advanced professional task, the reward skill "Blood Sacrifice" has solved this problem to a certain extent.

Launching the "Blood Sacrifice", Xueyan's body was shining with red and blue lights at the same time, and she saw that her blood bar dropped by half in an instant, while the blue bar that had already bottomed out instantly filled up.It's just that the cooling time of this skill is a bit too long, it takes 15 minutes, so when Lan bottomed out again, she had to return to the boat to take a rest.

The distance had just gone halfway, and there were still many fergot water snakes waiting for them in front, but Xueyan had no choice but to eat a fruit and continue to fight.This fruit was picked by her in Fairy Island. After coming here, she accidentally discovered that this fruit not only tastes good, but also can make people full of energy.For this reason, she regretted it for a long time, regretting that she didn't pick more at the beginning, what a loss!
After repeating this seven or eight times, she finally lost sight of the water snakes, and the river surface finally returned to calm.And Xueyan finally got her wish and was promoted to a higher level.

After finally stepping on land again, she was shocked by the gray scene in front of her before she could sigh.Completely different from the black soil on the opposite bank, the ground here is all grayish white, but that is not the color of the soil, but the result of the bones turning into powder.Within the range of her vision, she couldn't see any other colors at all.

It is indeed the world of the dead!How many people would have to die to create this scene!

"I can only send you here. Go straight in this direction, and you will see the passage leading to the palace of Hades. Whether you can see Hades depends on your own ability." The voice rang again, and disappeared after saying these words, as if it had never appeared before.

Disappeared really fast, and didn't give any more information, really stingy!

Helpless, Xueyan had no choice but to continue walking alone.Passing through this gray and white area, she finally saw the passage that the extradition man said.

(End of this chapter)

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