Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 75 Mission Rewards

Chapter 75 Mission Rewards
The Mermaid King's expression was indescribably strange, it seemed a little excited but mixed with a little helplessness, as if this kind of result was within its reason, but it was unexpected.It bowed deeply to Xueyan, making her a little at a loss.

"Human, thank you for fulfilling my wish for many years."

"Don't do this." Xueyan was a little flustered, she was really not used to other people doing this kind of behavior to her, she wanted to stop it but was so powerless that she almost fell over.Leaning halfway on the stone platform, Xue Yan hurriedly said to the Mermaid King: "Before you thank me, can you tell me what's going on?"

"The island owner once told me that the mermaid secret technique used by my son was incomplete, which caused this result. Although she transformed its body into a human body, she couldn't To bring it back to life, it is only possible to find a person with water mysticism. But even if you find a person with water mysticism and let it be blessed by the water god, the most likely result is to make it return to its original source and be completely reborn. And this The pearl-like form is the most fundamental form of our mermaid race." The mermaid king explained to Xueyan in a hoarse voice, it already knew that this would be the result but it was still unacceptable.

"But if that's the case, it's still not considered alive." Xueyan still couldn't understand what it said.

The Mermaid King shook his head. Although he was in no mood now, he still answered Xueyan's question: "Just take this to the island owner. The island owner has a way to make it hatch again."

It's just that the hatched one is no longer its son, it will be a brand new individual, a brand new life.Xueyan thought silently in her heart, is such a result good or bad?Although it is resurrected, its father is no longer in its memory. Is there any point in doing so?

"Is this really good? You have worked so hard to bring it back to life, but it doesn't remember you as your father at all, so is there any point in doing this?" Xueyan couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, human being, it is my child, no matter what it becomes, whether it remembers or not, it is still my child. I don't need it to know what I did for it, I just want to watch it live and start Live happily and healthy. This is enough, can you understand such a mood?" The Mermaid King said very easily and firmly.

Its words made Xueyan seem to see her mother dying in a trance. She was lying on the hospital bed pale and even having difficulty breathing, but she still tried her best to say to her: "My baby, don't feel sorry for me, I hope Even if I'm not here, you can still live happily and healthily, promise me to take good care of yourself and live a good life, this is my mother's last wish."

Is this the love of parents for their children?No matter what they are, I only hope that my children can live a healthy and happy life, and they will not hesitate to pay any price for this!So is the mother, so is the nine-tailed fox, and this mermaid king is even more so!Suddenly Xueyan understood the true meaning of the word "love"!
"I can understand! You are a good father!" Xueyan looked at the Mermaid King very seriously and replied.

"Hehe, maybe!" The mermaid king laughed when he heard her praise.It reached out to pick up the mermaid egg that its child had turned into, put it away properly, and then said to Xueyan: "Human, thank you for fulfilling my wish. If you have any request, just ask it. Whatever I can do, I will satisfy you."

The topic changed so quickly that she couldn't react for a while.It took a long time for her to say: "I do have one thing that I hope to get the help of the mermaid. I have a task that requires mermaid scales. I wonder if you can give me ten pieces?"

"Is this your request?" The Mermaid King couldn't help frowning after hearing her wish.

"Will this request embarrass you?" Xueyan couldn't help asking seeing it's expression, if it really made it embarrassing, she just didn't want it.After all, she liked it very much, so she didn't want to embarrass it.

"How come? I'm just too surprised that you only made such a trivial request. You are a pure-hearted human being!"

What it said made Xueyan couldn't help sweating a little.Pure in heart?This is the first time someone has commented on her like this, it really makes me feel a bit awkward, she never thinks how pure she is, on the contrary she thinks that there are more evil factors in her body, otherwise why would she feel that every time she bullies Xing Chenjie? Are you happy?

"Human, wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go." Seeing that she was still inconvenient to move, the mermaid king asked her to wait here, and left the forbidden area by himself.

After a while, it came back, but this time there were two mermaids behind it.The two mermaids were dragging a net bag woven of aquatic plants to swim towards her, and when they came to her, under the signal of the mermaid king, they let go of their hands very happily, threw the things here and swam away.

Xueyan looked at the blue scales piled up on the ground and was speechless. She only realized how "insignificant" she made a request now. Obviously, these scales are rubbish for mermaids!It's a pity that I lost a first-level experience for these things, it's really not worth it!

"Human, these are all given to you. If there is not enough, I can ask my people to give you some more. Our mermaids don't have many other things, and the scales that have been transformed can be found everywhere. You can take whatever you want!" Wang's words undoubtedly made Xueyan even more depressed.

"No need, Mermaid King, I don't need so much, I only need 10 pieces." Although she was extremely upset, she didn't show it, and said calmly.

"Are only 10 pieces enough?" The mermaid king seemed a little disappointed, he was stunned there for a long time, and then said to Xueyan with a determined expression: "In that case, the mermaid heart is also for you .”

Xueyan couldn't believe her ears, that something so important as a mermaid heart was given to herself?Isn't she dreaming?That's something that adds 200% to water skills!

"Did I hear correctly? You mean to give me something as important as the mermaid heart?" She had to confirm.

The mermaid king was amused by her appearance, but he still said very seriously: "Hehe, you heard me right, although the heart of a mermaid is very important, there is nothing else to express my gratitude to you. "

"Uh, you are too polite." Xueyan really didn't know what to say at this moment, this mission is definitely a sure profit without losing money, the absolute value of losing a level!

"By the way, Mermaid King, when do you plan to find the island owner to incubate your child?" She was happy and hadn't forgotten about it.

"Tomorrow, it's not too early today, and the island owner is probably resting too." The mermaid king thought for a while and replied.

"So, can you take me with you tomorrow? I want to ask the island owner how to get out of here." Xue Yan also stated her purpose.

"Leave here? Why do you want to leave here? Although this place is isolated from the outside world, there are not as many disputes as the outside world. Why don't you stay? Stay here, our mermaid clan warmly entertains you, a friend." Mermaid King asked some puzzled.

"Although this place is really good, there are still many friends waiting outside, and there are still many things waiting for me to do, so thank you for your kindness, I can't stay here." Xueyan smiled apologetically and explained.

"That's right! But it may be difficult to leave here. After all, I have been on the island for thousands of years, and no one has ever left this island. But since you have decided, I will take you to meet the island owner tomorrow! "The mermaid finally agreed.

"Thank you! Let's see you tomorrow!" Finally, there was hope to leave here, no matter how difficult it was, she had to try, and after saying goodbye to the Mermaid King, Xueyan went offline directly.

It was already very late to log off, so she directly picked up the phone, as she expected, the phone was about to blow up, thanks to the fact that she didn't bind the phone and the game account together, otherwise she probably wouldn't do anything. It's enough to deal with their phone calls, and dropping two levels in one day is enough to attract everyone's attention!
While thinking about it, Li Xue answered the calls one by one. Although she was very clear about the situation on the other side of the phone, if she didn't answer the calls, it might not be as simple as the phone being blown up.After thinking about it, she called Leng Ye Guxing first. In comparison, he should be the calmest one among the group.

"Are you finally willing to call back?" As soon as the call was connected, Leng Ye Guxing asked coldly.

"Uh, my phone is not linked to an account, so I just found out that you called!" Li Xue said it innocently, and it really wasn't her fault.

"Tell me, what's going on with you?" His tone was still bad.

"It's not a big problem, it's relatively smooth." Li Xue told the truth that things were indeed much smoother than she imagined.But others don't think so.

"Successful? If it goes well, you have dropped two levels. If it doesn't go well, you will fall back to zero level? Do you know that Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu are dying of anxiety. Xing Chenjie even threatened Lu Wu to hurry up Grow up, so that I can take him to find you." Leng Ye Guxing really had nothing to do with her, so he said helplessly.

"You're talking about this, actually the situation is like this." Li Xue roughly explained to him what happened in the game. "So you don't have to worry so much, and I have already found clues to go back."

"En, that's good." After hearing her story, Leng Ye Gu Xing felt relieved. "Be careful yourself and come back as soon as possible. By the way, you'd better stop hanging up, otherwise someone might go crazy."

Leaving instructions and a vague sentence, Leng Ye Guxing hung up the phone, leaving Li Xue staring at the phone in a daze.After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what he was talking about, so I had no choice but to give up.Then she called the other people one by one, and after wasting countless saliva, she finally settled the other troublesome guys.

After resting overnight, Li Xue went online after a quick breakfast the next morning.The weakness of the body has already been eliminated, and Xueyan swam out of the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid tribe after moving a little.The two mermaids guarding the door seemed to have been told by the mermaid king long ago, and immediately took her to meet the mermaid king after she came out.

The mermaid king seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time. When Xueyan saw it, it was swimming around anxiously.The mermaid king saw her coming from afar, and rushed to meet her.

"Do you need to prepare anything else? If not, let's go." The mermaid king swam up to her and asked directly, without even greeting her, which showed how anxious it was waiting.

"No more, you can leave anytime." Xueyan could understand its impatient mood, because she forgot the time difference between reality and the game, so she came late.

Xueyan was also looking forward to finally being able to meet the mysterious island owner.

(End of this chapter)

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