Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 73 Mermaid Heart

Chapter 73 Mermaid Heart
After chatting with Nine-Tailed Fox, Xueyan finally had a general understanding of the island.There are as many as a hundred kinds of spirit beasts living on this seemingly small island, and all of them came here by themselves.According to Nine-Tailed Fox, once you come here, it will be like being isolated from the world, and you will no longer have any contact with the outside world.

And this island owner is a very mysterious person. Very few spiritual beasts have seen her, and the nine-tailed fox has only seen her once. Even as a fox tribe member, it had to admire her beauty.In its words, she is perfect in terms of appearance, body and other aspects, and there will be no more beautiful woman in this world than her.

Its description made Xueyan curious about the island owner, and a strange idea suddenly came to her mind. Who is more beautiful, Ye or the island owner?She was startled by her own thoughts for a moment. She didn't know how she could come up with such strange thoughts. Then she thought about the night and her mood became inexplicably dull. She didn't know how he was doing now. I guess he should have Candy Moon by his side. No problem.

"Human, what are you thinking?" Sensing her depression, Nine-Tailed Fox asked.

"It's nothing, Nine-Tailed Fox. Speaking of which, why did you and other spirit beasts come to this island?" Xueyan shook her head, threw Ye's figure out of her mind, and asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know why the other spirit beasts came here. My child and I came here to take refuge."

"Refuge? What's threatening your lives?" Xueyan hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, they are a group of strange cultivators, completely different from what we usually see, but they are really strong. My tribe and I can't resist their attacks, so we can only escape in all directions. And I I came to this island accidentally with my child, and I have been living here ever since." The nine-tailed fox seemed unwilling to recall that painful experience, so he just explained it to Xue Yan in general.

"Then can you tell me when that happened?" Xue Yan asked from the side without forcing it after thinking about it.

"I can't remember clearly, it was about 2000 years ago." Nine-tailed Fox roughly estimated.

However, this approximate time is already a very important clue for Xueyan. She made a hypothesis, that is, more than 2000 years ago, a group of strange cultivators hunted ancient spirit beasts everywhere, secretly preparing for a mysterious sacrificial array .It's just that this sacrificial formation is very complicated, and it needs the power of restraint to suppress the attributes of the spirit beasts, so their plan to suppress Lu Wu's attributes has been delayed for more than 1000 years, and it was not completed until the Four Dao Wars.

And now it should be the final stage of the sacrificial array, which is to use the souls of ancient spirit beasts to sacrifice to that mysterious array as the energy to support the operation of that array.And as the five city lords who are closely related to this plan, they infiltrated this plan into it while the gangs in each city were doing upgrade tasks.But how many ancient spirit beasts are needed for this sacrificial formation?

She has always judged the number of secret realms by the number of main cities, but now she suddenly thought of a possibility, maybe she made a mistake!The number may not necessarily be five. After all, there are 10 kinds of ancient spirit beasts, and none of them have appeared on the mainland for a long time, so she cannot rule out that all ancient spirit beasts were attacked by those mysterious people.But this is just a speculation. What are the two ancient spirit beasts imprisoned in Xuanbing City and Xinjie City?If there are nine-tailed foxes in these two places, then the possibility of five is very high; if not, the consequences will be worrying!

Time passed quickly, and the six-hour weak state was finally relieved. Xueyan stood up and moved her body. She felt her body was stiff after sitting for so long.

"Are you alright?" Nine-Tailed Fox asked as she watched her doing some strange movements.

"En, yes." Xueyan walked over to look at the body of the white flood dragon, thinking about something.

"That's really great!" Nine-tailed fox seemed to be very happy, seeing her eyes staring at Bai Jiao's corpse without blinking, so she said: "If you want, take it, otherwise you can't stay here. Just let it rot. As the dragon clan has a very close relationship with the dragon clan, the things on it are also very precious materials. You can use its skin, bones and other materials to make some equipment, which should not be inferior to the immortals. device."

"Uh, can I really take it away? Doesn't it matter?" Xueyan felt a little embarrassed that it saw her intention, and was also surprised by what it said.She has been wondering for a long time, don't the strange corpses here not refresh?Or can monsters at the spirit beast level not be refreshed?
"No, no one cares about these things, even the island owner here. The law of the jungle is a universal law no matter where you go." Nine-tailed fox shook his head and said with certainty.

"Alright then!" Now that she has said that, Xueyan is no longer polite, and directly puts Bai Jiao's body into the Qiankun bag, and prepares to take it back and disassemble it into materials to sell, which should be worth a lot of money. It can be considered that my level is not in vain.

"Speaking of which, it's not very safe to be here, and you have to face the attacks of other spirit beasts all the time, but why are you still willing to stay here?" Xue Yan had a new question.

"It's not that serious. Most spirit beasts are peace-loving and will not take the initiative to attack. There are very few inner alchemists like Baijiao who want to use other spirit beasts to improve their strength. What's more, there is a threat to have motivation, isn't it? If there is no danger, it is very difficult to improve the strength." Nine-tailed fox gave an answer, an answer worthy of her thinking.

But before she had time to think, a column of water rose again on the lake, and the mermaid king appeared in front of her very punctually.Seeing that she can move, it has a happy expression on its face.

"Human, it seems that you are completely healed." The mermaid king still said in a loud voice, afraid that she could not hear clearly.

"Uh, mermaid king, can you lower your volume, my hearing is very good, even if you keep your voice down, I can still hear what you say clearly." Xueyan said depressedly, covering her ears tightly.

The Mermaid King was stunned by her words at first, and then saw her movements and painful expression, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.At the same time, he lowered his voice and asked, "Can we leave now?"

"Mermaid King, I still have a small problem, that is, I can't swim, if I go down with you, I'm afraid I'll drown before I can help you." Xueyan finally let go of her hand , but shrugged helplessly.

"Don't you know how to divide water?" the mermaid king asked in surprise.

"She hasn't entered the stage of cultivation yet, how could she possibly know a cultivation skill like the Water Dividing Curse?" Before Xue Yan could speak, the nine-tailed fox came over and said directly.Only then did Xue Yan realize that the Water Dividing Curse was a skill in the cultivation stage.

"In that case, let me use this first." The mermaid king hesitated for a long time before making up his mind to take out something and throw it at her.

Xueyan only felt that something was flying towards her, before she had time to look closely, she instinctively reached out to catch it.Seeing the reluctance on the mermaid king's expression, Xueyan was sure that this was a very precious thing.Slowly opening her palm, she saw clearly that it was a transparent drop-shaped crystal, which could be worn with a thin string and worn around her neck as a necklace. Then she looked at the name Xueyan and knew why the Mermaid King was so reluctant to part with it.

Mermaid Heart: (Necklace) The most precious treasure of the mermaid clan. It takes thousands of years for one to be born. It has very important symbolic significance. Only the kings and elders of the mermaid clan can possess it.It allows the wearer to breathe freely in the water, like a mermaid.At the same time, it can enhance the wearer's perception of water energy and increase the effect of water skills by 200%.

With something so important, no wonder it hesitated.Xueyan glanced at it and put the mermaid heart on her neck, then said to the mermaid king: "There is no problem now, let's go."

After speaking, she jumped into the water, eager to feel the effect of the mermaid heart.Sure enough, after entering the water, she didn't feel suffocated at all. It seemed that the oxygen itself could be separated from the water and directly enter her body, which was very miraculous.Trying to move her body, her legs seemed to be treading water instinctively, and she didn't need to deliberately control it at all.Xueyan happily swam half a circle in the lake, feeling like a fish born to swim, very at ease.

"Come with me." The mermaid king said to her, and then swam ahead to lead her.

Xueyan followed it and swam down to the bottom of the lake together.The more she went down, the more surprised she was. She never thought that this seemingly small lake would be so deep.And the more you go down, the wider the space is, and when you look up, it's like entering an upside-down funnel.

Xueyan and the Mermaid King swam for a long time before they saw the bottom of the lake.At the bottom of this lake, which was far beyond her imagination, it was not that she could not see her fingers because the sun could not reach her. On the contrary, the rocks at the bottom of the lake, whose structures were unknown, could emit a faint light, making the entire bottom of the lake very bright.

Xueyan slowly fell to the bottom of the lake, and stepped on the soft sand, it felt like the water had lost its buoyancy, allowing her to walk around at will, which made her feel the magic of the mermaid heart even more.There are many mermaids swimming around at the bottom of the lake, men and women, old and young. They seem to be very curious about Xueyan walking on two legs, and they all circle around her, completely ignoring the king swimming in front.

Xueyan also looked at them with great interest. If you only look at the upper body, all the mermaids are definitely beauties. The males are completely naked, while the females are wearing a small vest of unknown texture. Very nice.The cyan tail swayed in the water, making its body extremely soft.

In front of a huge cave, the other mermaids stopped, looking at it from a distance and not daring to approach it, as if they were full of awe.Xue Yan looked at the cave in front of her. Its appearance was obviously artificially modified, and it was not formed naturally.There are many strange inscriptions and pictures on it, and the entrance of the cave is decorated with some pearls, and there are two male mermaids guarding the entrance with harpoons.

"What is this place?" Following behind the Mermaid King, Xueyan asked with some doubts.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the mermaid clan. Usually only me and the elders of the clan can enter." The mermaid king head also explained inexplicably.

But what did it bring itself here for?Xueyan looked at the corridor, there are some luminous crystals everywhere, emitting dreamlike light waves in the water.The further in, the bigger the space, but Xueyan still only saw these glowing crystals, and nothing else.Why is this place called a forbidden place?

Not long after, the mermaid king finally stopped, looked sideways at Xueyan and said, "I came here for you!"

Following the direction of the mermaid king's finger, Xueyan looked over suspiciously. There was a stone platform not far in front, and on the platform there was a layer of semicircular crystal walls that seemed to cover something inside.Xueyan took a few steps forward, but still couldn't see clearly.Seeing that the mermaid king didn't intend to stop her, she simply walked up to the high platform to have a closer look.

Xueyan watched for a long time through the crystal wall on the edge of the high platform, then turned around and looked at the Mermaid King hesitantly.

"Is the one lying in there a merman?"

(End of this chapter)

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