Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 7 Occupational Tasks (Part [-])

Chapter 7 Occupational Tasks (Part [-])
Huh?Are you near the river?

Only when Xueyan saw the pool of blood again did she confirm her position.I walked slowly before, so I was not sure how far I had walked, but when I came back, I used to run, so I felt a little bit wrong.

"Shusha——" Xueyan just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard a sound coming from behind. Although it was still far away, Xueyan could still be sure that it was the sound of snakes.

No, you can chase me from such a distance?It seems that it is very sensitive to the taste of this herb.

But if this is the case, if he returns to the village, wouldn't he bring even greater disasters to the village?

By the way, those robbers!

Xueyan immediately had an idea in her mind, since you like to chase, then go for it.

Then he changed direction and ran to the northeast of the forest.Following the footprints, Xueyan heard voices talking not long after running, it should be them.Approaching them cautiously, for fear of being discovered.

There are so many people!Looking at the robbers sitting on the ground in twos and threes in front of them, it is roughly estimated that there are hundreds of them!


Here we come.

Xueyan tried her best to get behind the robbers, using these big trees to hide her figure.

"There is a situation!" The robber who was on the outermost side also heard the movement, picked up the weapon and stood up with a babble, and shouted.

"It's a giant python!" Soon someone with good eyes could see what was approaching.

While most of the robbers were still in a daze, the giant tiger-striped python had already chased them over.

At this time, the tiger-striped giant python was very angry. The precious herbal medicine was stolen, and someone drugged it. After finally chasing him, there are still life-or-death people blocking the way? !Immediately, it unceremoniously bit the person closest to it, and then flung it aside.

"KAO, cut it for me." Suddenly a man shouted among the group of robbers who were making a mess.

Hearing the shout, the robbers took their weapons and slashed at the giant python.

The level of these robbers is not high, basically they are more than 20 levels, and a few of them are 30, which is far worse than the giant python.But the advantage lies in the large number of people, hundreds of people went up to chop together, and soon cut the giant python to the point of blood.

The giant python was even more angry, twisting its body, and the robbers were constantly thrown away by the snake's tail, fell to death, or were bitten to death.However, the effect of the anesthetic given before has not faded, and the movement of the giant python is still slow, which gave the robber an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The number of robbers is constantly decreasing, and the struggle of the giant python is gradually slowing down. When the last robber is also killed, there is only a layer of bloody skin left in the giant python.

Xueyan came back from a distance, the giant python looked at her still angry, but unfortunately it couldn't move anymore, it could only watch itself being killed.

Several ice arrows killed the giant python, and Xueyan used the gathering technique on the corpse.

"You got a piece of tiger python meat"

"You got a piece of tiger python skin"

"You got a piece of tiger python meat"

“You got a piece of tiger striped python courage”

"You got a piece of tiger python meat"


"You got a low-level inner alchemy"

"Congratulations, your collection skills have reached the master level"

Huh?Neidan?what is that?This was the first time Xue Yan saw such a thing.

Low-level inner alchemy: The purpose is unknown.Looks special, keep it up.

At dusk, Xueyan returned to the small village where Tong Yu was.A fence was set up at the entrance of the village, and villagers of all ages stood behind it with various tools in hand on guard.Xue Yan saw Tong Yu among a large group of people.

"Girl, you're back!" Tong Yu excitedly ran over from the crowd.

"En!" Xueyan looked at him and smiled slightly, took out the Ganoderma lucidum grass from the Qiankun Hundred Treasure Bag and handed it to him. "Here, this is the medicine you want."

"Girl..." Tong Yu took the medicine, his expression became more excited and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, take it back and give it to your mother. By the way, tell everyone that the robbers won't come."

"Girl, you are really a great benefactor of our village. Thank you, thank you." Tong Yu grasped Xueyan's hand gratefully, and he couldn't think of anything to express his feelings except thank you.

Xueyan smiled and pulled out her hand, taking out the token.

"The task has been completed, automatically leave the copy after 5 seconds."

Xueyan disappeared under everyone's grateful eyes.

Finally came back, walked out of the teleportation array and greeted the instructor of the water system.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect you to be able to complete the task so perfectly by yourself. It's really not easy." The instructor of the water department took the token and praised.

As soon as the words came out, the people around turned their attention to Xueyan, wanting to see what kind of a genius can complete the task alone and evaluate whether it is perfect.

"Come here, this is your reward." The water instructor handed her 4 skill books.

Seeing this scene, there were countless gasps around. 4 skill books!so amazing!Everyone was amazed. Most of the people here have done professional tasks, but the reward they got was only one book. Very few people could get two books, but no one has seen the four books yet.For a while, people around were whispering, and many people took out their communicators to quickly spread the matter.

"Professional tasks are not only a test of the adventurer's ability, but also a test of wisdom, courage, and carefulness. Xueyan, you have done very well in these tasks, so I will give you a water emblem as an additional reward." The instructor of the water department handed something emitting a blue light to Xueyan, and finally said:
"Go, brave adventurer, continue to improve your strength, and come to me when you reach level 50."

"Congratulations to the player Xue Yan for completing the professional task and successfully promoted to an intermediate water warlock, with 10 points of mental strength."

"Congratulations to the player for obtaining the skill book - Resurrection, Rainfall, Water Mirror Shield, Frozen Miles."

"Congratulations to player Xueyan for getting an additional water emblem."

On this day, the forum of "Fantasy World" was full of noise. Everyone was discussing professional tasks, and some people got 4 skill books and extra rewards. Many players suggested the hidden tasks in professional tasks. And conduct a detailed analysis of professional tasks, hoping to find out the rules that trigger hidden tasks.However, professional tasks are all random, and ten people and ten people are different, so some players call on everyone to send out their professional tasks for reference.There were countless people who followed the post, but still no one found a clue.Some players also asked the player who got 4 skill books and extra rewards to send out their quests, but they never got a response. In the end, the discussion caused by the professional quests disappeared.

Xueyan left the professional club in a hurry while other players were still digesting the news that she had received extra rewards.The warm eyes of the player made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Beauty, wait a minute!" Just a few steps away, someone stopped her in front.

Due to the sudden appearance, Xueyan almost bumped into it.

"Hee hee, I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to be so anxious, beauty." The visitor said with a smile.

Ghosts want to throw themselves into your arms!Xueyan glared angrily at the man who appeared out of nowhere, but did not speak.

"Beauty, let me introduce myself first, my name is Wufawutian, I am 23 years old, unmarried, and my game profession is a fire warlock..."

"Is there something wrong?" Xueyan stopped him from talking nonsense.

"Yes." Wufa Wutian suddenly changed his laughing expression just now, and said with a serious face: "Please marry me!"

The surroundings were quiet for a while, and the passers-by stopped after hearing this sentence, looking at Xueyan and wondering how she would answer.And Xueyan was taken aback by his words, but then saw the inadvertent smile in his eyes, and decided to ignore him and move on.

One day in the game history of "Fantasy World" ××××, on the streets of Qinglin City, a handsome man in a white robe finally proposed to his favorite woman in public.But the woman just looked at him, with helpless sadness in her eyes, and two crystal tears flowed down her face behind the mask, as if she was saying it was too late.After staring at him for a long time, he left without saying a word. (The above is excerpted from an article titled "The Fall of Love" in the official forum of "Fantasy World")
After that day, the players who witnessed the marriage proposal spread N different versions of the story about this incident, some said that the hero had hurt the heroine, so the heroine was very disappointed with him and turned to others; It is also said that the hero has always been secretly in love with the heroine, but he never dared to reveal his feelings. Finally, one day he mustered up the courage to confess, but it was too late; and... In short, the majority of players have given full play to their imaginations and performed one after another. A version of love. -_-|||
(End of this chapter)

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