Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 66 Attacked

Chapter 66 Attacked
"Are you Li Xue?" The same words came from different people with different tones.

All the members of the Flaming Scorpion turned their gazes to the person who had just spoken in unison. Their leader, An Ye Shashen, used their eyes to force him to ask him which song he sang today?
"That's right, it's me! Yueyue, please let go, I won't run away!" Xueyan pulled her sleeve helplessly to signal her to let go.

"You didn't tell me that you are Xueyan? I have been worrying about whether you are doing well in the game, even if I ask that idiot he doesn't know. No, you have to make up for my mental loss!" Candy Moon let go of her hand , but still said with reluctance.

"Who is the idiot you are talking about? As for the compensation, didn't I already give it to you just now?" Xueyan asked curiously while comforting her.

"You girl, it's so hard to keep it from me. No wonder you keep saying that you came to me, so it was you!" Before Candy Moon could answer, the Night Killer had already walked over, complaining and raising his hand towards Xueyan. He knocked on the head, trying to teach her a little lesson.

But the hand was tightly grasped at a distance of 1 cm from her head. Everyone realized that Ye, who was standing at the door, had stood beside Xueyan at some point, and her right hand was tightly grasping the An Ye Killing God. There was a faint murderous look in his eyes.Everyone was stunned for a moment, a little unclear about the situation in front of them.

Xueyan was also taken aback by his sudden appearance, and when she realized that she wanted to pull the two of them apart, another incredible scene appeared in front of her.

"Wow! Handsome guy!" Candy Moon was taken aback when she saw Ye, and then threw herself into Ye's arms with an even more excited expression than seeing Xueyan just now, and shouted excitedly at the same time.

This time, not only the people of Lie Yan Scorpion were stunned, but even Leng Ye Gu Xing and the twin brothers who had been watching the fun together were also surprised and couldn't close their mouths.What's happening here?He who had always kept strangers close to each other actually allowed that little girl to cling to his arms, but he didn't throw her out?Isn't this too strange?Is this a sign of the end of the world?

And because Ye focused all his attention on An Ye Sha Shen, he not only didn't dodge Candy Moon's surprise move, but was also stunned.When he woke up and wanted to pull her away and throw her aside, he happened to see her looking up at him with a strange look.He hesitated for a moment, took back the hand that was going to pull her away, and let her hug him, while he looked down at her without saying a word.

Before today, before seeing this scene, Xue Yan always thought that no woman could approach him.However, everything that happened at this moment overturned all her impressions of him. It turned out that there was a special person in his eyes!
"Xue, is he your friend?" Candy Moon finally remembered her good friend and turned to ask.

"En." Xueyan nodded and confirmed.

"Then can I ask him to chat with me?" Candy Moon asked expectantly, her big eyes blinking and her expression very cute. "

"As long as he doesn't object, of course!" Xue Yan glanced at Ye, then smiled and said to her.

"Thank you, Xue!" Candy Moon immediately jumped up happily when she heard that she agreed, without asking Ye's opinion at all, she pulled him and walked out of the house.And Ye hesitated for a moment, then left with her.

Watching the two leave, the room became quiet again, and the atmosphere was very strange.The members of the Flame Scorpion looked at their gang leader, while the Night Slayer looked at the roof expressionlessly.Leng Ye Gu Xing and the others looked at Xue Yan, but the mask on her face did a good job of covering her up, so they couldn't see her emotions.

Xueyan glanced around at everything in the room, and finally set her eyes on An Ye Slayer.

"Master of the Dark Night?" Xue Yan softly called him back to his senses.

"Ah? What's the matter? Xueyan." Now that he knew her true identity, he was no longer so polite to her.

"I'm here this time not only to meet my friends, but also to see if there is anything you need help with. It can be regarded as your reward for helping my friend upgrade!" Unusual emotions.

"Let's sit down and talk!" He finally remembered his responsibilities as a master.

Everyone sat down again, and a group of people brought them tea, and the atmosphere in the room returned to normal again.

"Xueyan, I won't be polite to you anymore. One month after the real time, that is, two months after the game time, the newly built base will usher in a monster attack. I want you to help us defend the city at that time. "The Night Killer said very directly, without the politeness before.

"So long?" She thought that a month's preparation time at most would be good.

"Do you think it's a long time? The situation in the resident is empty now, and everything needs to be built. It's not bad if we can strengthen the city wall in two months." Dark Night Killer said with a wry smile. Headache.

"Oh, well, we will definitely come to help when the time comes." Xueyan nodded and said.

As soon as she agreed, the atmosphere in the room immediately heated up.In silence, Jin walked around the table and approached Xue Yan, and said happily: "Idol, I can finally work with you again! I am so happy, excited, and happy!"

"Yeah, yeah, I said you might as well join our Flaming Scorpion, we definitely welcome you warmly!" Yuexia Langyin also joined in the fun.

"I'm here to help you? Then what position do you plan to give me?" Xue Yan made a look of consideration.

"You can have whatever position you want. It's really not good. What do you think about the position of our leader? If you want, we will force him to give up his position and firmly support you as the leader. How about it?" Li Ba Shanhe also joined in the fun with a loud voice. road.

"Master An Ye, it seems that you are not very popular!" Xue Yan teased, looking at the gloomy expression on An Ye Killing God's face. "But don't worry, I won't take your seat. I don't want to help you clean up your mess!"

"Xueyan, seriously, why don't you come to help us?" Ignoring their laughter, Dark Night Killer God asked seriously.

"Why do you have to join your gang? Isn't it good now?" Xue Yan asked with a smile.

"The Lord of the Dark Night wanted to keep us all here, and then not give his opponents any chance to take advantage of it. Am I right?" Xing Chenjie said before the Dark Night Killer could speak.Provoking Dark Night Killer to glare at him secretly.

Xueyan looked at him, then at the Dark Night Killer, thought for a while and asked, "Is your opponent an extreme limit?"

"Yes, for now my only opponent is him, but this does not rule out that other opponents will not appear in the future." The Dark Night Killer said helplessly.

"The leader of the Dark Night seems to have no confidence! As far as gang wars are concerned, I personally think that the few of us can play a small role, but since you are so worried, I can promise you that if one day I want to join the gang I will give priority to you, Lie Yan Scorpion." Xueyan assured him verbally.

"Since you've said that, then I won't force you. By the way, do you have any good suggestions or opinions on urban construction? Let's hear it!" Knowing her stubbornness, the Night Slayer God changed the subject road.

"Don't you think I'm omnipotent? You think highly of me!" Xueyan said helplessly, rolling her eyes.Then he pointed to the three people beside him and said: "If you want to ask about this kind of thing, just ask them, and I will lend them to you."

"Senior Sister! You can't be so irresponsible, can you?" Xing Chenjie immediately expressed dissatisfaction upon hearing this.

"You guys said I was the boss, why do you want to deny it now?" Xueyan glared at him and said, not noticing the changes in the face of the Night Slayer God after hearing her proposal.

"You're revenge! Typical revenge!" After being stared at, Xing Chenjie immediately became honest, but still muttered in a low voice.

Inadvertently let him see the schadenfreude eyes of An Ye Slayer, as if you have the same posture today, Xing Chenjie immediately had an idea when he was itching his teeth with hatred.

"Now that my senior sister has explained everything, let's discuss it, Lord Dark Night! I personally think that the most expensive is also the best, so you must be willing to spend money to get a stable city. Right? Yu. "Xingchenjie pulled Xingchenyu and moved closer to the Dark Night Killer.This first sentence made the Dark Night Killer look like a bitter melon.

"That's right, especially the defense of the city wall must not be stingy, otherwise you will have no place to cry when the time comes. Of course, we also have to match reasonably, don't you think?" Hearing Xing Chenyu's last sentence, the dark night killer's face turned slightly It got better, but before he could say anything, Xing Chenjie took up the conversation again.

"Yu, what you said is so reasonable. That's right, it must be properly matched. Not only the material of the city wall must be the best, but also the construction of the city must be well used, so that it can match the city wall. Come to the dark night Master, let’s discuss the specific building facilities in detail.”

The two of you talked to each other so that the face of the dark night killer turned green, and the group of people who met the flame scorpion stayed on the sidelines to watch the fun very tacitly, and didn't talk to Ben, making the dark night killer helpless. door, and secretly scolded them for being dishonest.

Seeing this scene, Xueyan quietly left the room alone while no one was paying attention.Go outside and watch the NPCs with different functions busy walking around, and the whole territory presents a scene of construction in full swing.Inadvertently, she saw Candy Moon and Ye in the distance talking while walking.Yueyue didn't know what she was talking about, but her expression was very happy, while Ye was just listening, occasionally showing a knowing smile on her face.

This is the first time she saw him smile from the heart!Xueyan thought about it, turned around and left the resident of the flame scorpion, wandering around aimlessly, she seemed relieved but also a little sad.Perhaps it was more appropriate for Yueyue to solve the task at the beginning!He should be more willing to be with her!

Thinking of this, Xue Yan unconsciously showed a wry smile on her lips, and her eyes became more confused when she looked into the distance.

Suddenly, she felt a pain in the back of her head, her eyes went dark, her body gradually lost consciousness, and she seemed to hear a system prompt saying: "You have been attacked by an unknown person, and you have fallen into a coma, and the system will automatically disconnect... ..."

When she opened her eyes, she had already left the game.

(End of this chapter)

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