Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 60 Advanced Professional Tasks (Part [-])

Chapter 60 Advanced Professional Tasks (Part [-])
I don't know if it's because of her, but their speed is very slow.It took Xueyan and the Qiyatan herdsmen a long time to arrive at their destination, but it seemed that some people had preemptively occupied the place. Seeing them coming, they all stopped their work and looked at them, their eyes were tired but But full of vigilance.

"Please don't be nervous, friends on the grassland, we are from the Qiyatan tribe. We came here just to take advantage of the water here to take a rest, so please don't worry." The person who had talked to Xue Yan before The elder stood up on his horse and explained to those people.

"It turns out that you are friends of the Qiyatan tribe. Welcome to the territory of our Wulashi tribe. The water and grass here are very rich. You can stop and have a good rest." Walked out from the opposite crowd. The middle-aged man greeted them warmly.

"Thank you for your hospitality, we are very grateful." The old man replied politely, and then directed his people to start camping near the tent of the Wulahui tribe.

Finally reached the ground, Xueyan quickly got off the horse and moved her body.Although she didn't feel nervous about riding a horse afterward, the long bumps still made her body numb.After exercising for a while, she felt her body returned to normal, and Xueyan looked around. The people of the Yatan tribe were busy setting up tents and tidying up the camp.

Because the people of the Wulahui tribe thought she was also a member of the Yatan tribe, although they felt strange about her attire, they did not prevent her from entering their resident, but greeted her friendly.

The people here are really simple!Xueyan sighed as she responded to them. She was so unguarded against an outsider and allowed her to walk around.While walking and watching, Xueyan found that except for the elderly and children, they were all very tired, and many women had sad expressions on their faces, which puzzled her.Did something happen here not long ago?
"Ah - ah -" A suppressed moan of pain suddenly reached her ears. Although it was very low, she could still hear it very clearly, and her body involuntarily walked in the direction of the sound.The sound came from a tent not far away. Xueyan walked to the tent and was about to go in but stopped again. She felt that her actions seemed too reckless. How could she just enter someone else's tent casually?
Seeing that no one was paying attention to her side, Xueyan carefully lifted the door curtain a crack, and then looked inside.I saw a woman sitting with her back facing her knees, holding a towel in her hand and constantly wiping the forehead of the man lying in front of her. At the same time, her shoulders were constantly shaking, as if she was sobbing.And the lying man's expression was very painful, with large beads of sweat constantly rolling down his head, although a handkerchief was stuffed in his mouth, he still couldn't stop the painful voice from the heart.

"What are you doing?" Before Xueyan could see clearly what was going on, she was startled by a voice suddenly sounding beside her, she quickly withdrew her hand and looked at the person coming.It was the middle-aged man of the Ulahu tribe who had talked to the old man before, and he was looking at her with a gloomy face at this time, while the two young men who followed him closely clenched the scimitar in their hands, as if she was slightly If there is a change, they will swing the knife at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else. I just heard someone groaning again, so I came here to see if I can help you." Xue Yan took a deep breath before explaining lightly.

"You know how to see a doctor?" The middle-aged man didn't seem to believe her words, his face was still dark and he didn't get better.

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Xue Yan shrugged, turned around and was about to leave. She was not a bitch, so she had to get on the pole to help.

"Stop." The two young men behind the middle-aged man called out to her after she had just taken two steps. At the same time, they rushed in front of her and blocked her way.

"What do you mean?" Xueyan asked the middle-aged man after glancing at the two of them coldly.

"We just want to find out what you want to do!" The middle-aged man looked at her warily and said. For some reason, he felt that the masked woman in front of him was very dangerous.

Xueyan didn't speak, but just glanced at them disdainfully, a group of level 30 NPCs also want to stop her?She raised her hand and fiddled with the bell on the back of her hand, considering whether to teach them a little lesson.

"Fairy, why are you here? I have people looking for you everywhere. Chief of the Ulashan tribe, what are you doing? How can you treat fairies like this?" At the critical moment, the old man of the Yatan tribe saved several people from the Ulashan tribe. A difficulty.

The old man ran towards them out of breath, followed by a few young people of the same clan, seeing the Wulaxi people drawing their swords at the fairy they identified, their expressions were also very dissatisfied.

"The patriarch of the Yatan tribe, what do you call her? Fairy? Did I hear you right?" The middle-aged man looked at the old man in disbelief and asked.

"You heard me right, she is indeed a fairy, we met on the way to help us get rid of those nasty monsters." The old man gasped for breath, confirming to the middle-aged man that he heard correctly .

The middle-aged man looked at the leader of the Yatan tribe and then at Xue Yan. Although he still couldn't believe that she was a fairy, he still waved his hand to let the tribesmen back away.The old man hurried forward and came to Xue Yan, seemingly relieved at last.

"Fairy, what are you doing here?" the old man asked.

"Nothing, just take a look!" Xue Yan shook her head and motioned to go back together.

"Wait a minute, Lord Fairy, please save my husband!" Just two steps away, a woman rushed to them and knelt down and begged.

Xue Yan took a closer look and recognized the woman she had seen in the tent just now. She probably decided to give it a try after hearing their conversation.Xueyan stepped forward to help her up, seeing her look so sad but with some expectations, Xueyan, who had made up her mind to ignore them, couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted.

"What happened to your husband?" Xueyan asked softly.

"My husband was bitten by those nasty monsters. My lord, since you can defeat the monsters, you can also heal my husband's injuries. I beg you to save him!" The woman knelt down again as she spoke.

Wow, what kind of logic is this?Which of her ears heard that she could defeat the monster?What's more, is there an inevitable relationship between fighting and healing injuries?Who says that those who can fight must be able to heal injuries?If that were the case, other professions wouldn't need water warlocks when leveling up to fight BOSS.If you can heal the injury yourself, why do you need a water warlock?But thinking about it, Xue Yan still said: "Take me to see your husband's condition first."

As soon as the woman heard this, she quickly dragged Xueyan into the tent, and as soon as she entered the tent, Xueyan smelled an unpleasant smell spreading in the tent.The temperature inside the tent was very high, and there was still a pot of hot water sitting on the stove on one side, making it hot and stuffy inside.Looking at the lying man again, his wife had already picked up the cloth sheet that covered him, Xue Yan's face became extremely ugly after only one glance.

His injury is too serious!Almost half of the whole person's body was festered, and pus flowed out from those open wounds unstoppably, how could there be any trace of blood?For such an injury, Xueyan was not sure, but because she was wearing a mask, others didn't see her lack of confidence. They only thought she was thinking about the treatment method, so they couldn't help but have a little more confidence in her.

Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!Let's give it a try, anyway, the result will not be worse than it is now!Seeing the man's painful expression, Xueyan gritted her teeth and thought.Raising her hand, a blue light shot at the man from her hand, covering his whole body.Everyone looked at the scene in front of them nervously, holding their breath and not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing her.

The moment the soft water energy enveloped the man's wound, he felt a coolness. The coolness seemed to erase the pain on his body and relaxed his expression.Seeing his expression, Xueyan knew that her skills were effective, but the ulcers on his body did not recover as quickly as expected. After thinking about it, she used the water healing technique again.

This time, the effect was even more obvious. Under the nourishment and repair of water energy, his injuries healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, completely returning him to his original appearance.

"Thank you, Lord Fairy, for your life-saving grace." Seeing this scene, the woman fell to the ground again, her gratitude beyond measure.

Just when Xueyan was going to help her up, the patriarch of the Wulahu clan who was watching at the door and his clan members also knelt down on the ground and saluted.

"Fairy, please forgive me for being unreasonable just now, and please save my other clansmen." The middle-aged man pleaded to Xueyan without raising his head.

"Get up!" Xue Yan said helplessly. "Since I'm here, I'm here to help you, please take me to see other injured people."

"Fairy, some people in our clan were bitten by monsters, please save them too." The patriarch of the Yatan clan also hurriedly begged.

"Don't worry, take your time, I will treat every injured person." Xueyan signaled him to feel relieved, and followed the middle-aged man to the tents of other injured people.

I don't know if this is dead, but there are so many people in the Ulahu tribe, and there are hundreds of injured people alone. No wonder they can temporarily resist the attack of monsters without leaving their territory.Xueyan cast the Water Healing Technique on them one by one, it took 2-3 times for severe injuries to heal, and only one time for minor injuries to fully recover.By the time she finished treating all the wounded of the Yatan tribe, it was already dark.

Today is definitely an important day worthy of celebration for the people of the Wulahui and Qiyatan tribes.Seeing the clansmen who could only wait to die, now standing in front of them with nothing to do, how could this not make everyone feel excited and happy!So tonight is a carnival night for the two tribes. Under the order of the patriarch, they all took out their best food and wine to celebrate this beautiful day together.

Near the lake, people from the two ethnic groups lit more than a dozen bonfires. On the fire was a whole whole sheep, and a special person was in charge of roasting it.The women of the two ethnic groups held the wine jars and enthusiastically filled the wine for everyone present, especially Xue Yan, the protagonist of today's celebration, and toasted her to express their gratitude in their hearts.

Xueyan didn't know whether the player was drunk or not. She only knew that after she drank that glass of wine, she felt feverish and dizzy immediately, which made her refuse those enthusiastic herdsmen to pour her another glass of wine.Just kidding, she had to lie down on the ground after another two drinks.

"Fairy, I know you are too strong to drink, so I offer you a toast with tea instead of wine, thank you for coming and saving my people." The patriarch of the Wulahui tribe said, handing Xueyan a small bowl of milk tea with both hands.

"The patriarch doesn't have to be so polite. Actually, I also have something that I hope to get the help of the two patriarchs." Xueyan took the milk tea and drank it after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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