Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 48 The Burial Ground (5)

Chapter 48 Bone Burial Ground ([-])
After killing all the black knights, everyone rested, Leng Yeguxing found another bead in the thing that the black knight exploded, Xue Yan took out the one that Xing Chenyu picked up before, and put the two together After comparison, I found that there was no difference except that this one was purple-black, and the word "unknown" was still displayed on it.What the hell is this for?

"Forget about this for now, let's see how we can deal with these lichs. Do you have any other good ideas?" Xueyan put away her beads and asked the others.

"It's hard, Senior Sister. Although our spell resistance is not low, we can't hold them together! They are too densely packed, and it is really difficult to separate them. Hey, Lone Star, do you have any?" What is a good way to separate them?" Xing Chenjie had no other choice, so he turned to Leng Ye Guxing again.

"I have nothing to do." Leng Ye Guxing shook his head and said with a helpless expression.

"What if we disperse the attacks? If we attack together, they shouldn't attack one person, right?" Xing Chenyu thought for a while and said.

"Impossible. There are at least 200 liches there. Even if they are evenly distributed, each person must bear the attack of at least 40 or more liches. Are you sure you can resist it? What's more, you treat those liches as your family." Yes, it will hit whoever you tell it to hit?" Xingchenjie immediately retorted.

Xue Yan didn't make a sound, but Xing Chenyu's words reminded her, maybe you can try this!

"Lone Star, how far is the warning range of these liches?" Since he had already said that he was a friend before, he was not as unfamiliar as he said.

"Probably between 15-20 meters!" Leng Ye Guxing said after thinking about it.

If you calculate it based on 20 meters, your skills should be enough!Xueyan lowered her head and was thinking, not noticing that Ye next to her was holding the sword tightly in her hand, with veins appearing on the back of her hand, and looking at her with very complicated eyes.

"Since everyone has no good solution, I'll try it." After confirming the feasibility of her plan, Xueyan decided to take a risk.

"How do you try?" Leng Ye Guxing stood up first, as if I won't let you go until you make it clear.

"Just now, Yu said that the scatter attack was just a reminder that my skill Misty Misty Cloud can achieve this purpose, but it still needs the cooperation of your Misty Magic Song." Xue Yan simply explained to them.

After hearing this, Leng Ye Guxing thought about it carefully. Although there were still some risks, the feasibility was still quite large, so he stood aside without making a sound.When the Xingchen brothers heard that there was a solution, they didn't think about it at all, and excitedly began to prepare for the battle.

Standing there at night watching them all agree to her plan, she couldn't help feeling a little irritable and angry.Don't they see the danger in this?What is a friend, and now let a woman take risks!What's even worse is that he can't do anything now, which makes him feel even more uncomfortable.He held out his hand to hold her, refusing to let her take the risk.But she returned him a reassuring smile and told him firmly that she had to do it.

In the end, he still did not resist her determination and let go.Looking at her back, the desire to regain strength in my heart has never been as strong as it is at this moment.It's so ridiculous that the demon king, who is in command of the demon way, wants a woman to charge forward, but he can only hide behind.But who made him become like this?At that moment, the unprecedented revenge filled his entire chest.He, the Demon King•Yeclub, will one day take revenge on those guys who caused him to become like this!

"Everything is ready, ready to start." Xueyan walked around the predetermined place, but when she turned her head, she found that they were still standing there in a daze, and she couldn't help saying a little depressed.

How did she know that they were all affected by the low pressure of the night and couldn't move even if they wanted to?The three of them were extremely depressed at this time. Although this guy had a good-looking appearance that could make men all over the world feel inferior to him, his personality was not just weird and well-behaved. How could he get angry when he got angry?And you can be angry, why are you showing off your terrifying aura?It was as if their legs were filled with lead and they couldn't even move.

In fact, Ye himself didn't notice what he did, he just immersed himself in his inner emotions, and didn't notice the impact he had on others at all.It wasn't until Xue Yan's voice sounded that he woke up from the immersion, and at the same time withdrew the outward momentum.

Finally saved!The three of them were extremely grateful to Xue Yan!At the same time, he ran to his predetermined location as if running for his life, for fear that someone would get angry again.

Ye also walked over, his position was directly behind Xue Yan, forming a quadrilateral with the others.After everyone was ready, Xueyan took a deep breath and took the first step of "Misty Clouds".

Following her dance steps and movements, dozens of similar figures appeared near the Lich in the middle of the square, and their appearance immediately caused the Lich to attack frantically.Countless black lightning crazily smashed towards Xueyan's phantom.At this time, Leng Ye Gu Xing's flute also sounded, causing a white mist to rise from the square.

Seeing that he had also started to take action, Xue Yan started the second step of her plan, moving her dance steps to slowly approach the lichs.Because it is not enough to just stand at a distance and attract those monsters to attack, this will not destroy them.So she has to get close to them, and then use "Butterfly Trace" instead, so that they can attack each other to achieve their goals.

Since the phantom of Xueyan was the first thing Liches saw, Xueyan became their first target.And as the mist rose, most of the liches lost their attack targets for a while, some started to wander around, and some started to attack indiscriminately.Several times, the lich's black lightning passed her by, making her feel pain and numb.

After finally coming to the middle of the Lich, Xue Yan immediately changed her actions, "Butterfly Lost Track" and the Lich immediately turned her magic to her companions around her.At this time, Leng Ye Gu Xing's flute stopped, and the fog began to dissipate immediately, and the attacks among the liches became more violent, and there were often situations where several besieged each other.Xueyan kept moving her position, trying to avoid being besieged by them as much as possible, but being attacked was unavoidable, and she couldn't dodge being attacked by magic at such a close range, even if she had a high enough dodge.

The four people on the periphery can only pay close attention to the situation in the middle, and when a lich leaves Xueyan's skill range, they will immediately eliminate it.Seeing that Xueyan was being attacked more and more inside, everyone was extremely anxious and worried.Finally, when the number of liches was reduced to more than half, Xueyan used "Frozen Thousand Miles", and the others rushed forward without stopping, using their skills to quickly eliminate the remaining liches. Once the 10-second freezing effect passed, there were no more than 30 living liches, which was not enough danger for them.

After eliminating all the liches, Xueyan felt that she didn't even have the ability to cast healing skills on herself, her whole body was sore and numb that she couldn't even move a finger.His clothes were burned by lightning and there were holes everywhere, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Just when she felt that she was about to lose her standing, a pair of strong arms supported him.Even without looking back, Xueyan knew it must be Ye.He always seemed to reach out his hand when she needed it, and Xueyan leaned against him relaxedly.This man that he can rely on can only exist in the game.

"Senior Sister, are you alright?" Xing Chenyu looked at Xue Yan worriedly, and hurriedly took out the blood-enriching medicine to give her.

"It's useless." Xueyan refused with difficulty. Although the blood tonic medicine can fill up the blood, it can't eliminate the pain and other negative feelings on the body. Now I can only wait for that kind of self to move, and then treat myself.

Ye supported her, seeing her distressed appearance and her bitten lips due to the pain, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart became more and more intense, so strong that he almost couldn't breathe.Although he couldn't explain what kind of feeling it was like, and he didn't understand why he always had these complicated emotions towards her, and he always made some unexpected actions, but he understood one thing very well, this This uncomfortable feeling is more unbearable than he was seriously injured when he was besieged and severely injured by the ice blade for a long time after the seal.Is this the power of the contract?Otherwise, how would you explain your abnormal state?

After about 10 minutes, Xueyan finally felt that she could move her arms, and quickly used the Water Healing Technique to free herself from the!It feels so good to be able to move around freely!

"Senior sister, look, there is another bead!" Xing Chenjie handed over a red and black bead after Xueyan recovered.

Xueyan took it and looked at it but still couldn't see any problems, so she had to put it away and make plans later.Seeing that they had cleared everything on the ground, Xueyan and them came to the huge metal door at the deepest part of the square.

"How do you open such a big door?" Xing Chenjie stretched out his hand and tried to push it, and said very depressed.

"Look around, maybe there is some mechanism or something like that." Xueyan looked up at the gate and speculated.It shouldn't be possible for such a large door to be opened by brute force, right?

The gate is red with fist-sized golden door nails nailed on it, but I don't know if it's because the people I met before were all undead or for some other reason, this gate doesn't feel festive at all but looks very eerie.

Xueyan looked at the door carefully, and felt that the color was more like the color of blood, and she seemed to feel the blood flowing on the door, and the smell of blood seemed to come from the tip of her nose.This surprised her very much, and at the same time, there was a vague feeling of excitement in her heart, an urge to see blood.A tyrannical mood gradually appeared in her heart, seeing everyone around her made her feel irritable, it seemed that everyone disliked her, and would make her have the urge to flatter people, and she had to see blood to be happy.

how so?Just when she couldn't help but want to punch Leng Yexingchen in the face, she suddenly felt that something was wrong with her now. How could she be so violent and bloodthirsty?The door in front of you seems to be more alive, and the feeling of blood flow is clearer. Is there something wrong with this door?Xueyan tried hard to control the surging impulses in her heart, forcing herself not to look at the strange door, but her body seemed to be out of control and she couldn't look away at all.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at other people, and they seemed to be affected as well, with increasingly ferocious expressions on their faces.What should we do?If it goes on like this, the situation will definitely be very bad.

"Use ice to seal thousands of miles." Just when Xueyan felt more and more unable to control her emotions, Ye's anxious reminder suddenly came from her ear.

Frozen thousands of miles?Xueyan didn't want to think too much, and quickly used her skills while she was still in control.A burst of icy fog spread rapidly around her, enveloping the others.Due to the state of the team, her skills can't cause harm to them at all, but the bone-chilling cold can be deeply felt.

Under the stimulation of the cold, Xueyan felt that her heart finally calmed down, and all the negative emotions before disappeared without a trace.While watching other people shivering from the cold, there was also a dazed look in their eyes.Xueyan remembered Ye's reminder and hurriedly looked at him, only to find that his face was very pale, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Ye, how are you? Are you okay?" Xue Yan almost didn't have time to think before she used the water healing technique.

But it was no use, his expression was still painful.For the first time, Xueyan felt so panicked and didn't know what to do.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine later." Seeing her worried look, Ye gritted his teeth and spit out these words from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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