Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 28 Underwater Palace

Chapter 28 Underwater Palace
After everyone enjoyed a waterfall bath, the group finally entered the cave behind the waterfall.The cave is not very deep, and everything inside can be seen clearly at a glance.There is a stone table in the deepest part of the cave, and on the table is a strangely shaped stone platform with protrusions and strange patterns.

Dark Night Killer took a look, took out the conch shell and walked over.After some fiddling, he finally placed the conch shell on it, stepped back a few steps, and waited for its change.

The conch shell was inserted obliquely on the stone platform, and a white light lit up from one end of the conch shell, the light changed from weak to strong, and shot towards the stone wall of the cave.The spot of light shining on the stone wall gradually grew larger, and finally spread to as high as a person, forming a portal.

The first one is "Strengthening Mountains and Rivers", the second one is "Wolf Roar Under the Moon", followed by "This Is the Dark Night Killer", "Xueyan", "Silence Is Gold", and finally "I am Kuang Duan", and then they enter the portal one after another.

As soon as I entered, I heard the system prompt:
"You discovered the underwater palace."

Xueyan looked at the surrounding environment, in front of them was a large open space covered with black square bricks, leaving no gaps on both sides, and the ceiling of the cave was so high, it seemed that there was nowhere to go except walking over the square bricks. There are other ways to go.On the other side of the square brick is a tunnel.What are these square bricks for?

"Gang leader, let me go and take a look." Yuexia Langyin said to the Dark Night Killing God as he took out a bundle of ropes and tied one end around his waist, giving the other end to Liba Shanhe.

Putting the bow behind his back, Yuexia Langyin carefully looked at the bricks on the ground, and took the first step carefully.Everyone was watching the surrounding situation with bated breath, and Liba Shanhe held onto the rope tightly, pulling Yuexia Langyin back as soon as he found something was wrong.

The wolf groaned under the moon and stood on the first square brick for a while, but nothing happened.So he took another step forward and stood on a square brick in front of him, but nothing happened.So in the third step, he took a step forward to the left and stood on the square brick.

Still no problem!Everyone has some differences. Is there no problem with this square brick?
However, when everyone was suspicious, something happened when Wolf Yin under the Moon took the seventh step.Just under his feet, the square bricks shook for a while, and suddenly a jet of black water spurted out from the ground, rushing out a big hole in the roof of the cave.As for the wolf under the moon, as early as when the brick was shaking, it was pulled by the force of the mountains and rivers, and it flew out of the area of ​​the brick with the help of the rope without its feet touching the ground.

And the black water returned to the ground after a few seconds of spraying, and the square bricks on it also returned to their original state.Everyone looked at the destructive power caused by the weird black water, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Fortunately, they reacted quickly just now, otherwise the wolf moaning under the moon might be in danger.

What should I do now?I just walked seven steps before encountering danger. I didn't even walk past one side of this area, which shows that there are many more dangers than safe ones. How do I go down?

"Master, do you want me to try again?" Yuexia Langyin asked tightly on the rope.

"Don't worry, let me think about it. This time you are close to the edge, and you can jump back. If you are farther away next time, you may not be so smooth. There must be a pattern to this kind of thing. Only by finding the pattern Only then can we pass smoothly, otherwise it would be impossible to try like you." Night Slayer shook his head to prevent him from applying again.

Dark Night Killer drew a map of the route Wolf Yin had just walked on the ground, and carefully deliberated with several other people about the possible laws of this square brick area.

Xueyan thought for a while, walked a few steps forward to the place where Yuexia Langyin took the first step just now, squatted down and carefully inspected the first square brick he stepped on, and then stretched out her hand and gently touched it. Touching the brick surface, he pondered.Then she reached out to touch the brick next to her, but she was grabbed before her hand touched the ground.

Xueyan turned her head and saw that it was Ye.I saw him staring at himself blankly, holding her hand tightly with one hand.Xueyan looked at the black square bricks on the ground, then at him, with a smile on her lips.

"Let go, I won't touch it anymore." Xueyan said softly to him.

Ye stared at her for a while before letting go.But he stood next to her, as if he was afraid that she would touch the bricks on the ground again.

"Leader of the Dark Night Gang, come here." Xue Yan thought for a moment and greeted the Dark Night Killing God.

"What's the matter? Miss Xueyan, did you find anything?" The Night Slayer and the others stopped discussing and walked towards her.

"Do you have any white stuff in there? Powder or liquid will do. I have an idea that needs to be tested."

"White powder or liquid? Can other colors work? I have red and blue bottles here." Hearing her words, the Night Slayer asked immediately.

"The color is too dark, it's not suitable, but if you really don't have it, you can only use it." Xueyan frowned slightly, looked at the others and said.

"I have some lime powder here, can I use it?" When everyone lowered their heads to search for their storage bags, Silence is Jin suddenly took out a small paper bag and said.

"It's just right, give me the things." Xue Yan hurriedly reached out and asked for the things.

Opening the paper bag, Xueyan twisted a little lime powder and sprinkled it evenly on the square bricks that Wolf Yin stepped on, and then blew lightly on the ground, the excess lime powder was blown off, leaving behind White floral pattern.Xueyan looked up at the eyes of other people who were not too clear, and then swept some lime powder on a square brick next to it, and blew it lightly again, but there was nothing left on it.

"Everyone, step back a little." She stood up and told the others to take a few steps back, then took out the piece of meat she had collected in the storage bag and threw it on the square brick without leaving any traces.

As she expected, the square bricks suddenly disappeared, and dozens of sharp arrows were shot from below and nailed directly into the roof of the cave.Then the square tiles returned to their original shape.

"Understood? Lord An Ye." Xueyan clapped her hands and said to An Ye Sha Shen.

"It turns out that as long as there are patterns on the bricks, it should be safe. Otherwise, there are traps. Miss Xueyan, you are really powerful." Dark Night Killer said with admiration.

Xueyan didn't care about his praise, but turned her head and continued to look at the brick area and said: "According to my previous experience in helping the extreme boundary, the pattern on this brick should not be independent, it should be It is part of a painting. That is to say, there should be a painting hidden in this entire area, so we should not be difficult to find a safe route as long as we follow the texture of the pattern, so that we don’t have to search aimlessly.”

"High, it really is high!" After hearing Xueyan's words, Yuexia Langyin and the others all gave a thumbs up and said in unison.

After removing all the lime powder from Silence Is Gold, Yuexia Langyin once again stepped on the square bricks, and as he walked, he sprinkled lime powder on them as Xue Yan did just now.Facts have proved that Xueyan's deduction is not wrong, and the wolf under the moon has walked through nearly half of the area without any problems.

So others started to set foot on the road paved with lime under the moonlight. This time, the Dark Night Killer took the lead, taking the second place in the mountain and river. Xue Yan followed closely behind, and Silence is Golden and I Just Walked Crazy at the end. .Ye followed closely behind Xueyan.

Strangely, the Night Killers and the others didn't show any surprise that Ye could come in here.This made Xueyan feel a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, they were relieved. They must have got the news from Extreme Boundary. Knowing that Ye is an NPC, naturally they wouldn't be surprised.And she introduced him as a friend earlier, so they also tacitly refrained from mentioning this matter, so as not to embarrass her.This also increased Xue Yan's favor towards the Flame Scorpion a lot.

Finally, after a group of people walked carefully for a long time, they finally passed the square brick area and reached the opposite side.Turning around and looking at the road, since everyone just wanted to find a way, it was impossible to outline the whole picture with lime powder, so Xueyan observed for a long time but couldn't see what the part that appeared was drawn. What is it, I just vaguely feel that it is a kind of bird.

A group of people continued to enter the passage, which is wide enough for 3 people to walk side by side.Therefore, Wolf Yin under the Moon walks at the front to explore the way, while Force Pulling Mountains and Rivers, Silence is Golden, and I am Kuang together, Dark Night Killing God, Xue Yan, and Ye together, walk behind in two rows.

The channel is not very long, only about 300 meters long, and there is no danger in the channel, so a group of people walked through it quickly.But once out of the channel, troublesome things appeared again.In front of them, there were 10 more passages, a choice of one out of ten multiple choice questions?
"What should we do this time?" Liba Shanhe asked loudly.

"Let's have a look first before we talk." Dark Night Killer signaled Yuexia Langyin to go and investigate the entrances of each cave.

Soon Yuexia Langyin came back after turning around in a circle. He pointed to the leftmost hole and said to the Dark Night Killer: "Gang leader, go over and have a look. This is too crazy."

"What's going on?" Night Slayer asked as he walked.

But Yuexia Langyin didn't speak, but made a gesture very depressed, asking him to go and see for himself.After seeing his expression, the others also followed curiously.

"Why is there a sub-puzzle?" The Dark Night Killer was the first to arrive and couldn't help but wonder after seeing it clearly.

There is a drawing board floating on the opening of the leftmost passage, and the drawing board is indeed a nine-panel puzzle.

"It seems that in order to pass through these passages smoothly, this puzzle must be completed first." The Night Killer looked at Xue Yan and said.

"Why? Is that the correct channel? Why is the system so old?" Silence Jin asked puzzled.

"This may not be the correct passage, but if we don't make a puzzle, there should be no other way to go." Xueyan shook her head and guessed.

Li Ba Shanhe walked to the side passage in disbelief and tried to walk in. Sure enough, there was something blocking him invisibly, preventing him from going in.

"If my guess is correct, if we spell it right, we will probably reduce one wrong channel, but if we spell it wrong, there may be troublesome things." Xue Yan continued to guess.

"That's not easy, but it's just a nine-square puzzle that can be put together correctly, let me put it together for you." After hearing Xueyan's words, Yuexia Langyin stepped forward carelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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