Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 271 The Gathering of the Five Big Gangs (5)

Chapter 271 The Gathering of the Five Major Gangs ([-])
After Xueyan heard what the Lord of Black Rock City said, her first reaction was to look at Wufawutian.This proposal is obviously extremely unfair to Xuemantian. Will he agree?
However, Wu Fa Wu Tian just stood quietly by the side, with a faint smile on his face, showing no displeasure at all.

How is this going?

Xueyan looked at the scene in front of her very puzzled, she thought that even if Wu Fa Wu Tian didn't show extreme indignation, she must be expressionless.After all, the simultaneous entry of the five major gangs meant that Bloody Sky no longer had any advantage.And entering the arena at the same time means that the chances of people from the five major gangs meeting will increase, the possibility of fighting between them will be very high, and the chance of winning will be reduced.How could he not care at all?
If he doesn't care about winning or losing, then why let her give it her all in the first place?

Xueyan's thoughts turned sharply, and she quickly went through the things she knew back and forth in her mind.Soon, she discovered that there were many doubts in it.First of all, Bloody Mantian's strength should definitely be more than that.Xue Yan was not the only one who represented Bloody Sky in the first game, there were 49 other people who played with her.But these 49 people lost to the other four gangs, and they lost cleanly.

The same five major gangs, even if Extreme Boundary and Blazing Scorpion among them also applied for foreign aid, they should not be so different.Moreover, she still remembered that the information she had collected about Bloody Mantian showed that Bloody Mantian's gang building process was one of the easiest among the five gangs.The entire process of defending the city was basically not difficult at all for them.Let me ask, if the strength of their gang had reached that level at that time, how could it not be possible now?
Xue Yan was almost certain that they pushed her on the stage to attract other people's attention and then hide the strength of the gang.But why is this?Are they trying to make other gangs relax their vigilance against them, or do they have some other purpose?
While Xueyan was still pondering the reason of the incident, Wufa Wutian had already got off the rostrum and walked back to the bloody resting area.I saw that he ignored the dissatisfied protests of other members of the gang, just announced the time of assembly tomorrow, and dismissed everyone, leaving only Xueyan and several high-level members of the gang.

"Everything will go according to plan tomorrow." Wu Fa Wu Tian said seriously after glancing at the few people left behind.

The others nodded in unison after his words fell, only Xueyan didn't respond to his words.It's not that she doesn't want to react, but that she really doesn't know what their so-called plan is.

However, since my law and my god said that tomorrow will act according to the plan, does that mean that they have long expected that today's situation will appear?A thought suddenly popped up in Xueyan's mind, but at the same time she was taken aback by this thought.

The reason why things have become like this is because of the accident that the contestants of the five major gangs disappeared one after another.But they have already expected it and made corresponding plans.what does that mean?Could it be that the disappearance of those people has a great relationship with them?
But why do they do this?Is it to reduce the strength of other gangs?After all, there are cultivators in Extreme Boundary and Flame Scorpion, and making them disappear will be of great benefit to Bloody Mantian.

Thinking of this, Xueyan's expression suddenly changed.How did they know that other gangs had practitioners mixed in?Those people have always been careful, and all their performances are no different from players.What's more, the cultivators of Raging Flame Scorpion didn't make a move at all in the preliminary round. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary players to see the problem.

In addition, those cultivators are very careful to hide their aura, unless they come into close contact, even if they are fellow cultivators, it is impossible to see the abnormality!In this way, the possibility of their own exposure to the target is eliminated.

So what was it that made those cultivators get their attention?Xueyan couldn't figure it out, and couldn't help feeling a little irritable.This unexpected situation is really disturbing.

However, at this moment, Wufa Wutian said again: "Xueyan, after entering the second dungeon tomorrow, you don't need to worry about other things. You only have one task, which is to reach the finish line as soon as possible. And the sooner you The better!"

After Xueyan glanced at him, she didn't say anything, but just nodded to show that she understood.She had already thought that the end of this conference was their ultimate goal.They wanted to give her an honest chance to advance through the conference rewards.

"At this meeting, you have already attracted everyone's attention. After the game starts tomorrow, other gang members will definitely regard you as the first obstacle. So you must be careful tomorrow, and of course we will I will do my best to help you." Seeing that Xue Yan hadn't spoken, Wu Fa Wu Tian hesitated before saying.

Xueyan didn't see the concerned look in Wufawutian's eyes, but what Wufawutian said completely solved the doubts in her heart.She finally understood what the problem was.

At first, she was still wondering, since they didn't care about the result so much, why did they push her to the front in the first place?It turned out that they wanted to use her strength to test the level of other gang contestants.In the last battle with Sword Immortal, although he did not reveal his Sword Immortal's strength in the end, his performance was still much stronger than ordinary players.So it's perfectly normal to draw the attention of others.

They use her to force out the hidden forces in the hands of other gangs, and then use other means to make them disappear.In order to weaken the strength of other gangs, it is precisely because of this that I will not care about today's results.

Bloody Mantian had already concealed his true strength, and with the weakening of other gangs, even if they had no priority, they still had a huge advantage.What's more, the five major city lords cooperated in such a way to give Wufawutian the results they want, and it is absolutely unbelievable to say that there is no relationship between them.With the backing of the five city lords, it will be very difficult for the bloody sky to win tomorrow.

Xueyan remembered that when she was in Qinglin City, she had seen the strength of the city lord of Qinglin City.Presumably they are the only ones who have the ability to make those cultivators disappear without a sound!But what is their purpose in doing this?

The reason why Bloody Mantian did this was to give her the chance to become a god, so as to realize her goal.However, as NPCs, what benefits can they get from it, so that they can cooperate together?
As soon as one doubt was solved, another doubt arose in Xueyan's heart, and she couldn't help showing a blank look in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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