Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 258 The Gathering of the Five Big Gangs (5)

Chapter 258 The Gathering of the Five Major Gangs ([-])
Bloody Mantian, one of the five major gangs, finally entered the venue!There was an interval of more than half an hour between the entrance time and the Silver Desert, and it attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared!
Wufawutian's immortal weapon suit, which is not inferior to Sword Soul, naturally attracts the attention of many people.You must know that immortal artifacts are rare, and a complete set of immortal artifacts is even rarer.This alone is enough to make people see that Bloody Man's strength is extraordinary.In comparison, Wufa Wutian's dark horse is much inferior to Sword Soul's Snow Leopard in terms of momentum and level.

But when other people who were bloody all over the sky rode into the venue one after another, everyone was shocked again!That's a full 200 horses!Looking at the entire "Fantasy World", how many people have mounts?But the bloody sky suddenly occupied the vast majority, how could such strength be underestimated?
However, it was one of the two women who followed Wufa Wutian who really pushed Bloody Mantian's strength to the commanding heights!That unique attire, as well as the mask that exudes a monster, the unique weapon and the mount that can never be found again.All of these are showing that person's unique identity!
Xue Yan, the most legendary character in "The Illusionary World", unexpectedly attended this party as the representative of Bloody Man Tian!

For a moment, all the eyes looking at the bloody sky became weird!And in the other one, the players who followed the party through the stereoscopic projection were blown up because of this explosive news.

The unusual relationship between Xue Yan and the Flaming Scorpion is almost well known, almost all the important events of the Flaming Scorpion have traces of her participation.However, no one knew that she had a deep relationship with Bloody Man Tian!
What exactly is going on?Although the flame scorpion's secret search for people before was relatively secretive, it still leaked some rumors more or less.In addition, Xueyan has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time, which has to make players have some associations.

Could it be that Xueyan and Lie Yanzi had a falling out?It's just that what kind of role does Bloody Mantian play in this matter?It stands to reason that even if there is a break between Xue Yan and Lie Yan Scorpion, then she should choose the extreme limit where the relationship is relatively good, why would she choose Bloody Sky?

It has to be said that this result was beyond everyone's expectations!
Amidst the voices of discussion and the doubtful and playful eyes of the crowd, Wufa Wutian has already led his representatives into his own area of ​​the venue.But before they sat down, the last remaining gang among the five major gangs finally entered the venue.

As the last gang to arrive at the venue, the Flame Scorpion immediately became the subject of much attention due to various reasons!Leaving aside the reasons for the flame scorpion itself, the appearance of Xueyan just now is enough to make them the focus!
Why didn't Xueyan attend this party as a representative of the Flame Scorpion?What preparations does the Flaming Scorpion have when they lose a powerful foreign aid?Are they going to lose ground?More importantly, Xueyan is not the only person who successfully entered the stage of comprehension in "The Illusionary World", and the other three have a close relationship with both Xueyan and Lie Yanzi.And everyone didn't see the other three in the bloody team, so what choice would those three make?Will they be at the party?
Finally, the Flaming Scorpion entered the venue under the eyes of everyone!And the moment they appeared at the venue, everyone's doubts were immediately answered.The first person to enter the arena was of course the guild leader of the Flame Scorpion, Anye Shashen, and following behind were the other three on the ranking list, besides Xueyan, Leng Yeguxing, Xingchenjie and Xingchenyu!

There is no flashy equipment, no cool mount, but just that, the attention of the flame scorpion is still undiminished.And everyone soon noticed that there was a group of very special people in the team of the Flame Scorpion.

The reason why they are special is that their dress is obviously different from other gangs around them.There were 50 small phalanxes, and everyone covered their whole bodies with black cloaks.I can't see the looks of those people at all, let alone their equipment!

Does the flame scorpion have other secret weapons?

This is another explosive news!But things only get more interesting that way, don't they?And the players, naturally, are looking forward to this party even more!
The members of the Flame Scorpion, led by the Night Killer, walked towards the last vacant area of ​​the venue.Due to the arrangement of the seats of the five major gangs, they are completely sorted according to the order of entry.Therefore, if the flaming scorpions wanted to go to their own area, they would have to pass through the bloody area.

When the Dark Night Slayer passed in front of Wufawutian and stopped, the field immediately became quiet.All eyes are on these two people, looking forward to what will happen between them!
isn't it?Only what happens between them can everyone further understand the relationship between these two big gangs!So guess what kind of relationship between Xueyan and them!Although these relationships have nothing to do with those players, but gossip people have both!
The Dark Night Killer and Wu Fa Wu Tian didn't look at each other for long, and soon someone broke the silence between them.I saw Xingchenjie and Xingchenyu, bypassing Wufawutian directly, came to Xueyan and greeted very enthusiastically.

"Senior Sister, long time no see!" Bright smiles appeared on the two identical faces at the same time.Anyone can tell that their smiles come from the heart!Regardless of whether other people noticed it or not, the two of them and Leng Ye Gu Xing immediately put all their attention on finding Xue Yan after entering the venue.It wasn't until the three of them saw her existence that they all breathed a sigh of relief!

It's good to see her again and be safe and sound!
Xue Yan, who had been expressionless since she entered the arena, still didn't respond when she faced the bright smiles of Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu.That kind of indifference to the almost unfamiliar expression made everyone who knew the relationship between them feel strange.

If the relationship between them is mediocre, they were almost inseparable before.In their small team, few people in "Fantasy World" don't know.But if it is said that their relationship is very good, why does Xueyan show such an expression?More importantly, the four of them did not attend this gathering together, which meant that they would inevitably become enemies!
Isn't it a very cruel thing for friends to kill each other?
Facing Xue Yan's indifference, Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu didn't seem to care.Yuzi continued excitedly: "Where did Senior Sister go to play during this time? Why didn't you tell us? It's so hard for us to find it! I knew you had joined Bloody Mantian now. The last time we met Wu Fawu When the day comes, I will directly ask him for someone."

Xing Chenjie's few words immediately created a kind of understanding for others.That is, there was no conflict between them. Xueyan left without saying goodbye before, and she was the one who was rumored to be looking for someone!In addition, they didn't know about Xueyan's joining Bloody Sky. If they knew, today's situation might very well be different.

But if this is the case, does it really not matter if they say it in front of the Dark Night Killer?

Sure enough, Xing Chenjie's words did not attract Xueyan to speak, but made Anye Shashen frowned unhappily.Glancing at the thoughtful Wu Fa Wu Tian, ​​An Ye Killing God coughed lightly, and said, "Jie, Yu, don't forget that you are now the honorary elders of our Lie Yan Scorpion!"

"So what? We're just chatting with Senior Sister! It's not like you don't know that we haven't seen Senior Sister for a long time. It's rare to meet here today, so it won't matter!" Both of them showed impatient looks on their faces at the same time. Xing Chenyu waved his hand and said impatiently.

After saying a few words, the face of Anye Killing God suddenly became ugly.But before he had time to speak, he heard Wufa Wutian say from the side: "Master Dark Ye, since they reunited after a long absence, let them have a good talk! There is still a little time before the meeting starts, Lord Dark Ye, don't worry.

And even if there was any relationship between them before, they are now their own masters after all.The fact that they are the honorary elders of your gang has been seen by everyone and cannot be changed.Are you still afraid that they will fail because of these few words? "

Wufa Wutian said it half-jokingly and half-seriously, but he expressed a very important message in just a few words.He was telling Night Killer one thing, that is, "Don't look at these two as the honorary elders of your gang, they have an unusual relationship with this one of our gang. Don't think that you can rest assured that you have them , who knows the result?"

Dark Night Killer also understood the meaning of his words, looked at Xue Yan who gradually showed a smile on her face, and Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu who were dancing beside her, and did not say a word for a long time.It's just that the expression on his face became more and more ugly, and the eyes looking at those two people also became gloomy.

"By the way, senior sister, do you know that a water magician appeared recently, not only is it said that the strength is almost the same as yours, but also the temperament is very similar. We have met her before, and almost recognized the wrong person." Did not notice the dark night at all With a displeased look in his eyes, Xing Chenjie continued to talk about what happened recently.

"Oh? Really? Then I'd like to meet her. I don't know if she's here today." Xueyan said with a smile, as if she was getting familiar with the way of getting along with them.

"I don't know, but the last time we saw her, she was discussing things with the leader of Wufawutian, and she seemed to have a good relationship. If you want to see her, you might as well ask your leader, he should know her whereabouts. "Xing Chenjie looked in the direction of lawlessness intentionally or unintentionally while talking.

There are not many people who know about the appearance of Xue.Especially when she made trouble in Qinglin City, many people doubted whether she and Xueyan were the same person.Coupled with today's appearance, Xueyan did not take off the silver demon, which made everyone almost sure that Xueyan is Xue.It's just that the conversation between the two of them made everyone fall into doubts again, and at the same time, they also focused their attention on Wu Fa Wu Tian.

But before Wufa Wutian could explain anything, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the center of the venue!

(End of this chapter)

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