Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 247 Confrontation

Chapter 247 Confrontation
A warm breath blew in her ears, and the low and magnetic voice was full of joy and complaint.The arms around her body were tight and tight, as if he was afraid that she would disappear again, and as if he wanted to rub her into the other person's body.

She obviously wanted to struggle, to scream, to slap someone, but when the familiar yet unfamiliar aura from the other person entered her body, her heart unexpectedly calmed down involuntarily.The feeling that made her feel at ease made her in a trance.

It took Xueyan a long time to realize that something was wrong, she hurriedly stretched out her hand and pushed the person hugging her tightly, and said coldly, "Who are you? Let me go!"

The other party's hug was very tight, but for some reason, she pushed him away easily with a light push.It was only with a push that Xueyan realized that her feet were actually empty!Panicked involuntarily in her heart, she subconsciously grabbed onto the other person again to prevent herself from falling.

"Hehe!" There was a low laugh in her ear, and Xueyan finally realized that she gathered spiritual energy under her feet, and then stretched out her hand to push the opponent again.It's just that this time the other party firmly fixed her in his arms, refusing to relax a bit.

Knowing that she had been tricked, Xueyan raised her head in annoyance to see who was deliberately troubling her, but it was an indescribably handsome face that never entered her line of sight.Whether it's the straight nose bridge or the slightly pursed thin lips, whether it's taken apart or put together, they all look so perfect.Coupled with his pair of eyes that are as stunning as the stars in the night sky, Xue Yan couldn't help but feel his heart flutter when she saw it.

There is such a perfect man in the world!It's just such a perfect face, but it is extremely haggard.Looking at his slightly sunken cheeks, Xueyan's heart ached for no reason.

"Xueyan, you are so cruel that you left without making a sound. Do you know how worried I am about you?" Seeing her staring at him in a daze, her eyes were dazed and at the same time a little sad, Ye couldn't help turning her eyes again. She hugged her tightly, with a tone of resentment and sorrow.

Listening to his voice, Xueyan felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.It took a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, I think you recognized the wrong person."

Although she tried hard to push the other party away, but his hands were too tight, she could only barely distance herself from him.Originally, she thought that the other party would be somewhat suspicious when she said this, but she never thought that she didn't find any suspicion on his face.

I saw that apart from the joy at seeing her on his face, there was only a little bit of complaint.Staring at her with eyes as bright as starlight, when she was deeply involved, she said very firmly, "I won't admit it. You can fool others, but you can't fool me. You That's who I'm looking for!"

The pupils shrank instantly, and Xue Yan, who was a little obsessed, woke up instantly.Why is he so sure of his identity?So far, the people who can recognize her with absolute certainty are, without exception, either people close to Wufawutian or people related to him.

No matter how she hides or disguises herself, those people can be easily recognized.The feeling of being under the surveillance of others all the time made Xueyan feel very bad.

Immediately snorted coldly, and then the whole person instantly moved to a place 10 meters away from him.Immediately after the staff swung horizontally, huge water system energy gathered around her, forming a huge protective circle to protect her in it.

Ye didn't expect, but she didn't see her in just a few dozen days, her cultivation had improved so much, and she even mastered the teleportation technique.It's just that when he saw the guard in her eyes, the joy in his heart was instantly extinguished, replaced by waves of heartache.

Although she refused to admit that she was Xueyan no matter when facing the two brothers Xingchenjie and Xingchenyu, or when facing her subordinates.And she also hides a lot of equipment, but the heart lock knot on her neck clearly shows her identity to him.Everything else may be fake, but the heart lock knot he personally put on for her is absolutely impossible to be wrong!

But why did she look at him with such strange and wary eyes?

"Xueyan!" Ye called softly, but didn't know what to say.

"I've said it before, I'm not Xueyan! Also, who are you?" Xueyan's voice was unusually indifferent, as if the confusion and palpitations just now were illusions of others, and never really appeared on her body. .

But before Ye could speak, the group of four who surrounded Xueyan just now appeared in front of her again, and at the same time separated her from him, they all saluted Ye: "Your Majesty!"

Xueyan felt stunned, the four of them were people of the devil way, and they also called this handsome and unparalleled man in front of them His Majesty, so isn't he the devil king of the devil way?No wonder she can't feel any aura from him, it's because the strength difference between the two of them is too much!

But why did he find himself?

"Should we take her back and talk about it? Your Majesty!" The voices of the four people spoke in unison as if they were coming from one mouth.

Xue Yan subconsciously clenched her staff, and the energy of the water system around her changed rapidly, turning into a blue lotus flower beside her, protecting her in the heart of the flower!This is the second skill she learned from Wu Luo and the others - water flower!

However, at the same time as her skill was completed, a silver light flashed, and the four in front of Ye were knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

"Presumptuous! Is she something you can touch?" Ye Bing's cold words were full of violence.

The players in Qinglin City who originally focused on the confrontation between the cultivator and the recruiter had already turned their attention to them.The strange state among the six people made them all guess, which scene was staged in front of them?Could it be that some hidden mission was triggered, the plot of the story?

No one knows the answer!

However, what happened between Ye and Xueyan not only attracted the attention of players, but also attracted the attention of NPCs.Whether it was the cultivators hiding in the crowd, or the few people who were about to kill Zhao Si in the air, everyone's attention was on them.To be more precise, it was on Xueyan's body!

Xue Yan bit her lower lip lightly, thinking about a solution.Her understanding of this demon king was limited to what Wu Luo and the others mentioned when they described the Four Paths War.It was precisely because of their narration that she had a good impression of the man in front of her who dared to bear everything alone.But the current form had to make her wonder what role he played in that series of conspiracies!
Just a simple victim, or a participant in a conspiracy?And did he find himself to uncover this series of conspiracies, or to prevent her from becoming his obstacle?As for the emotion on his face, Xueyan chose to ignore it automatically.She had seen that look on more than one face.She was already full of distrust of love, how could she tell the true from the false now?
She had to get out of this as quickly as possible instead of being trapped in it.So no matter what, she can't admit her true identity.But for those who already have doubts, how can she dispel their suspicions?

And just as her thoughts were changing rapidly, Ye Zai also realized after venting that the problem seemed to be a bit troublesome.It's not that he didn't know that besides them, people from the Immortal and Buddhist realms were also looking for Xue Yan.Although they didn't know why they were looking for her, there was no doubt that his actions had aroused their suspicion.

Seeing Xueyan with a strange expression on her face, Ye remembered what Xing Chenjie had conveyed to him not long ago, "Since you know there is something hidden, why do you bother to ask? I believe that if she considers you friends, she will tell you sooner or later. Why bother to be in a hurry?"

Did she really have a last resort for doing this?
Maybe he should have listened to them and not be in such a hurry to meet her.It's just that when he saw her, he really couldn't control his heart.And he really couldn't watch her face the predicament alone and remain indifferent!
Now that things have come to an end, he has to take her away no matter what, only in this way can he temporarily take her away from those plots, and only in this way can he put her behind him!No one can hurt her in front of him, he will never allow such a thing to happen!

After making up his mind, Ye immediately approached Xue Yan.But as soon as he moved, more than ten figures appeared in front of him, blocking him and Xue Yan.

Glancing coldly at the cultivators of immortality and Buddhism, Ye showed a sneer on his expressionless face.Just because they want to stop themselves?It seems that he has not appeared on this continent for too long, and they have long forgotten his majesty!
Forget it, he already wanted to end the grievances of thousands of years ago.He doesn't mind charging a small interest in advance today!

I never saw him make any moves, but saw that the originally black robe on his body exuded a red light like blood, covering his whole body in this strange light!
In an instant, everyone who saw the blood-red light couldn't help showing expressions of fear.His body trembled uncontrollably, and his strength was slowly draining away.A feeling of despair is like a lingering dark cloud, gradually covering their hearts!

Never before has this moment made them feel that the god of death is so close to them!
Seeing these people in front of her, who seemed to have lost their souls, Xue Yan immediately had an ominous premonition in her heart.It's not that she didn't see the red light on Ye's body, it's just that she didn't feel very comfortable at most, and she didn't have any other special feelings.Obviously, the effect of that red light on other people is not so simple.Seeing the murderous Ye in her eyes, she had no doubt that he would kill them!
She can't let him do this!

After dissipating the energy of the water system around her, Xueyan moved back to Ye and said softly, "Stop, I'll just go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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