Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 240 Don't Believe

Chapter 240 Don't Believe

In the snow, Xueyan only felt that it was extremely cold.I don't know how long it took before the man named Yin appeared in front of her again, wrapping a cloak around her body!

"Did you see it? Someone has set up a formation here!" Looking at Xueyan's expressionless eyes, Yin didn't seem to intend to give any explanation for her previous behavior.

"I see!" Xueyan nodded suddenly.Since he didn't want to talk about it, it was useless for her to ask.However, isn't it a strange thing for someone to set up an array here?

"Follow my footsteps, be careful not to make a mistake!" Yin pulled her up and instructed.

Xueyan nodded, and at the same time followed his footsteps closely.With Yin leading them, the two quickly walked out of the formation and arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

"Aren't you curious?" Yin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stopped and asked after climbing the snow-capped mountain.

Xueyan didn't speak, but still nodded.With such a strange thing in front of her, how could she not be curious?What is the use of such a formation at the foot of the snow mountain?Stop others from going up the mountain?But the area of ​​the formation doesn't look that big. If someone must go up the mountain, they can bypass this formation.

And why does she always think he's been weird since he came here?No, to be precise, this person has always been weird!Ever since he started approaching her, the whole incident has been revealing weirdness.Obviously, he decided to get close to himself after observing himself for a long time.Otherwise, he couldn't know what she needed and how far the task had progressed.

And he has been asking her about the mission all the way, seemingly unintentionally, but actually on purpose.In addition, he was obviously testing her this time.What exactly does he want from her?Or are you trying to prove something?
"Then what are you curious about? Are you curious about this formation? Or why I know how to break formations?" He had never seen such a cooperating woman who didn't know how to cooperate. In order to let his words continue, he had to guide her.

After Xueyan heard his words, she couldn't help being amused.Doesn't he understand that he wants to show off in front of him?That being the case, it would be unreasonable for her not to cooperate a little bit.

"I'm all curious! Why is there a formation here? What is it used for? Where did you learn the method of breaking the formation? I don't know, can you explain it to me?" Although Xue Yan thought it was funny, but On the surface, he still had a calm expression.

Finally asked, Yin immediately replied: "Don't look at this formation is not big, but the range of influence is not small. And its location happens to be on the only way up the mountain, that is to say, some people want to prevent others from going up the mountain. .”

Xue Yan looked back and found that, as he said, there was no other way to go up the mountain except the road they were taking now!Then she turned her eyes to him again, waiting for him to continue.

"This formation is just a simple lost formation. It has no other function except to make people lose their way. It can be seen that the people who set up the formation just don't want anyone to enter the mountain to disturb him, and they don't mean to hurt others. But the more he If it is covered up like this, it must be more important to do. After we enter the mountain later, we must act carefully."

"Well, it makes sense!" Xueyan nodded in agreement, but her indifferent tone sounded like she was perfunctory.

"Why? From your tone, it seems that you don't agree with what I said?" What kind of reaction is this from her?Silver couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked back.

"No, didn't I just nod my head?" Xueyan raised her head and looked at him innocently, with the expression that you made a mistake.

The silver mask covered most of her face. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, those big black and white eyes showed her innocence to him.For a while, he really had nothing to say, and after a while of silence, he said sullenly: "Let's finish your task quickly, and then leave here!"

"You haven't answered my other question yet!" Xueyan followed behind him slowly, talking as she walked, as if she wasn't worried about any accidents.

"Uh, I once did a task and got a map of formations, which covered the layout of many formations and how to break them." Yin was stunned for a moment before explaining, but what he said was very vague.

In fact, Xueyan didn't intend to pry into other people's secrets at first, but she felt that he seemed to be deliberately guiding her in this direction, so she just asked casually.Seeing what he said, she didn't say anything else, but continued to walk deep into the snow mountain.

This time I came to the snow mountain to find medicine, and like in the desert, I had to fight monsters to get it.And the quantity of this medicine is not much, only one is enough.According to Yin Xiao, although this medicine is rare, it is not unique.As long as you look carefully, it is not difficult to find!

Because when she came, Xueyan didn't tell Yin what medicine she was looking for.So as soon as she entered the snow mountain, she buried herself in the search, and all Yin could do was to clean up the monsters she encountered along the way.

The eyes are so uncomfortable!Staring at the snow for a long time, Xueyan's eyes couldn't help but sore, and she couldn't help reaching out to rub her eyes.What she was looking for was actually a century-old snow ginseng, which is not a rare thing at all.But the thing itself is crystal clear, and it grows in the snow, so if you don't look for it carefully in the snow, it's hard to be found.

It's just that the whiteness of the mountains and plains is easy to make people's eyes tired.And she had to stare at the white, so Xueyan had to look up at the sky and the sparse cedar around her from time to time to ease the discomfort of her eyes.However, when she set her eyes on the cedar less than one meter away from her, she couldn't help but froze.

"What's the matter with you? Did you find what you wanted?" Yin, who had been following Xueyan all this time and was bored, couldn't help asking when she saw that she suddenly stopped looking and instead stared at a tree.

Xueyan didn't answer him, but just shook her head, glanced at the cedar again, and then looked away.Keep your head down, looking for what she wants.

"Don't you realize that it's very slow to find like this? Why don't you tell me what exactly you're looking for?" The reason why he followed her was because he wanted the two of them to complete the task quickly.But she was always wary of him, which made him feel very helpless.In this way, what is the difference between this and her coming alone?
Xue Yan raised her head and looked at Yin who was still wrapped in a white sand-proof robe when she heard the words. She originally wanted to say a person who dared not even show his true face, how could she believe it?But when she thought that she was also hiding behind the mask, she didn't seem to have any qualifications to say anything about others, so she just glanced at him, and then turned her gaze back to the snow.

"If you feel bored, you can go back first. As for the matter of joining the gang, I will definitely give you an answer after my task is completed." After finishing speaking, Xueyan raised her head involuntarily, and looked around with a little uneasiness in her eyes. , wanted to say something but ultimately did not say it.

Seeing that she didn't answer his question directly, Yin couldn't help being a little annoyed.He wanted to help, but he never thought that it was simply a burden to shave his head—it was hot!People didn't even want to see him as one of their own!The thought of running away flashed through his mind, but he suppressed it in the end.

Suddenly Xueyan ran two quick steps, then stretched her hand into the snow, grabbed something, and finally showed a relieved expression on her face.He said happily, "Finally found you!"

Yin only saw that her hands were covered with snow, and when she peeled off the things in her hands, a translucent ginseng came into his sight.It turned out that what she was looking for was a snow ginseng!

I just wanted to say that since I found it, I should leave quickly, but I found that the joy in her eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by solemn eyes.

"What happened?" Yin asked involuntarily, and at the same time looked around vigilantly.

"Look at this tree!" Xueyan pointed to the cedar on the front left not far from her, and said in a deep voice.

Yin looked at it according to his words, and it was a very common cedar, with thick snow on the dark green pine needles.It's just that there is a small but very conspicuous gap on the trunk for some reason, it looks a bit like it was cut by some sharp weapon!
It stands to reason that this kind of situation should be very rare, but why does he feel familiar?He had seen it, but hadn't noticed it?

"I'm afraid we're caught in the formation again." Seeing that he didn't speak, Xueyan didn't know whether he saw the problem, so she could only speak, but her tone was a little uncertain.After all, she has only just come into contact with this kind of thing, and she doesn't know much about formations!
After hearing her words, Yin glanced around quickly, then walked a few steps casually, and looked around again.After repeating this several times, he returned to Xueyan's side, and said in a deep voice: "I was negligent, you are right, we are caught in the formation again!"

"Can it be broken?" After getting his affirmative answer, Xueyan was not so worried. If what he said before was true, then leaving here shouldn't be a big problem, right?
"I'm not sure. If I didn't miss it, it should be a stacking formation. It just doesn't seem to be fully activated, so I can't make an accurate judgment." Although what he said was not certain, his His tone was very calm.

"Then how do we do it?" Obviously he had already planned, so Xueyan asked directly without talking nonsense.

"I'm afraid..."

He was about to tell his plan when suddenly a strong cold wind blew from nowhere.The strong wind not only made the two people feel the temperature drop suddenly, but also rolled up the thick snow, which almost buried them alive!
Finally, they persisted until the strong wind passed, and the thick snow had piled up to their waists.The two people who finally crawled out of the snow fell to the side and gasped.However, at this moment, Xueyan discovered that the hat that had been covering Yin's head had fallen off at some point, and had inadvertently presented his appearance in front of her!
How could it be him? !

(End of this chapter)

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