Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 234 Devour it all

Chapter 234 Devour it all
Xueyan woke up!But it is not the sobriety of the body, but the sobriety of the consciousness!
That feeling is like a phoenix nirvana, reborn from the ashes.The thorn that had been deeply rooted in her heart for a long time was uprooted, and a warm current wrapped her heart, making the wound in her heart slowly heal.

Yes, she was able to calmly face that painful past. Although she didn't know where the warm current came from, her heart was no longer alone!
Although she used to be calm and indifferent on the surface, she didn't seem to take anything to heart.But when she knew that she had lost her memory, she was helpless!When she knew that behind her amnesia, there was a huge conspiracy hidden, she was afraid!And when she couldn't retrieve her memory and find out the truth of the matter, she was also irritated and uneasy!

Therefore, when she encounters other emergencies, she will keep losing her composure!It was precisely because of this series of changes that her heart became fragile!It's just that she hides it so well that no one, including her, has not discovered her emotions!

But the memory of her childhood was like a fuse, triggering all the emotions buried in her heart.Although she was forced to face her own weakness, it was precisely in this way that she gradually regained her strong heart!
Xue Yan's body was still wrapped by those tentacles in the tree trunk.Although he was not suffocated to death, he could not wake up for a while.The space in the tree trunk is very narrow, but she perceives it through consciousness, but it's not a thing at all!

In the world of her consciousness, this place is extremely empty!Not only is there nothing, even the basic energy can't be felt at all.Isn't that weird?In such a luxuriant forest, one cannot even feel the slightest bit of wood-type energy. Isn't that too unreasonable?

But these are not important, what is important is how can she get out of trouble?Her body was bound by strange things, and she had sunk deep into the tree trunk.Even if she was able to break through the things wriggling on her body like tentacles, there was no guarantee that she would not be suffocated to death in the tree trunk.She's not going to let herself fertilize a tree yet!
Consciousness carefully explores the surroundings, and at the same time, examines its own body.When she was sure that there would be no danger for the time being, Xueyan began to calm down and think of a way!

Never get rid of those things on your body!Although I haven't found out what effect that thing has for the time being, but one thing is certain, it is under the package of that thing that I didn't suffocate to death because I was trapped in the tree trunk!So either she can come up with something else to replace those tentacle-like things, or she is completely sure to leave here, otherwise she must not try it easily.

Although there is no energy here, there is still a lot of water energy in my body that can be used.As for those Yuanli, even the former she didn't know how to use them, let alone the one who lost her memory now.So those things can only be ignored by her for the time being.

With energy, can she break open the tree trunk?Xueyan thought for a long time, but the answer she finally got was no!In the previous battle with the Blood Hell Python, a lot of the water energy she controlled fell on the tree trunks.If it were an ordinary tree, it would have been broken by such a skill attack.But not only was the tree here not broken, but her attack only left traces on the surface of the tree at most, without damaging the inside at all!

Conversely, even if the inside of the tree trunk is not as strong as the outside, but she still has to go through the hardest layer when hitting from the inside of the tree, how can she do it with her current energy?So this method simply won’t work!
Since it is impossible to attack by force, is it possible to avoid these things?Xue Yan remembered that in the previous brief battle with Wu Luo, he had used teleportation to avoid his attack.If I could also learn to teleport, wouldn't I be able to leave here directly?

She carefully recalled the process of Wu Luo's teleportation. In her impression, he didn't seem to have done anything special at that time.But she seemed to feel that the energy around him had changed before he teleported.But her attention wasn't there at that time, so she didn't pay too much attention to this issue.But now it’s really difficult to fully recall it!

Because this is the only way she can think of to get out of trouble, and she doesn't lack time now.Therefore, she focused all her attention on the research of new skills!If she can succeed this time, not only will she be able to save her life today, but she will also have another life-saving skill in the future.

Theoretically, there should be two ways to explain the so-called teleportation.One is that the speed is extremely fast, so fast that the human eye cannot catch it, and it has already run from one place to another, giving people the illusion of suddenly appearing there!But this method can easily be seen. After all, the body has to move. After appearing in another place, it is difficult for the body to maintain its original movements.Obviously Wuluo was not using this kind at that time!
The other method is to break open the space and make the location where you are connected with the place you want to go, and you can also complete teleportation!Presumably this method was what Wu Luo used at that time, and the energy fluctuation she felt should be produced by him to break open the space!And this method is exactly what she needs now!

But how to break open the space?After all, space is something invisible and intangible, and it is absolutely impossible to split it with a knife like chopping vegetables!So the biggest problem before her eyes is how to break the space!

Suppose that in a limited container, a large amount of things are constantly added to it, and at the same time, it must be continuously compressed.Then when the container is completely closed, once the contents inside expand, the container will inevitably burst!Can the same principle be used to break open space?

Thinking that Wu Luo had not done anything, but that the energy around him suddenly gathered in large amounts, Xueyan speculated that if there was enough energy, the space would automatically change?By continuously gathering and compressing energy, and then expanding it within a certain range, wouldn't the destructive force generated be able to break open the space?

After repeated speculation several times, Xueyan decided to do an experiment to verify it for herself.After all, the energy in her body can be automatically replenished after use, so Xueyan is not very worried that there will be no energy to use in the end!

Thinking of this, Xueyan began to mobilize the water energy in her body and allocated about 1/5 of her body's energy to conduct this experiment!After all, this is her first experiment, and there may be great dangers involved.And the real space around her is limited, she doesn't want to kill herself!
Xueyan manipulated these energies carefully, and gathered them outside her body little by little.However, just as those energies were separated from her body, they suddenly disappeared!It disappeared very, very completely, as if it had never existed before!
Xueyan was startled, she didn't understand what was going on!It would be fine to say that those energies are not under her control, but it's hard to imagine that they completely disappeared without a trace!Could it be that there is something in this place that can swallow energy?

The absence of any energy for four weeks proves that this possibility is not impossible!But if this is the case, wouldn't it be impossible for her to use teleportation to escape?But besides this method, what else could she do?As soon as the energy leaves the body, it will be swallowed, which means that even if she can split the tree trunk with her skills, it is impossible now!
After thinking for a long time, Xue Yan decided to try again.Release a little bit of energy as bait, and then find out what is it that swallows up that energy.Think of a way to get rid of that thing. This is the only way she can think of at the moment!
A little bit of water energy was separated from her body under her control, but before Xue Yan could see clearly, those energies had disappeared!Helpless, she had to try again, but the result was still the same!

It disappeared so fast that even her consciousness couldn't catch any problems.It was as if the energy immediately became invisible the moment it left her body!Such a result made her dare not continue to try rashly.The energy that was not wasted in the first place is now limited.If she spends all her energy on finding the root, then there are only three results waiting for her.

One is that the energy is exhausted, but she still can't find the root cause, she can only wait to die!The second is that the energy is exhausted, but she found out the reason, but there is no way to solve it, and the result is still waiting for death!And the last one is the best situation, that is, when the energy is exhausted, she also finds a solution.After solving the problem of energy devouring, there will be other energies around. At that time, not only will the energy in her body be replenished, but she will also have more opportunities to escape from here.

Among these three outcomes, she has at most a 30% chance of surviving.And the more possibility is that life is worse than death!After all, in this situation, she couldn't even commit suicide!

To gamble or not to gamble?Xueyan had a hard time choosing!

It's a pity that God didn't give her time to think about this problem. Before she got the result, something strange happened!The squirming tentacles covering her body suddenly began to squirm faster.Immediately afterwards, Xue Yan felt that the sensation started from the very end of her body and disappeared bit by bit!
Taking a closer look through her consciousness, Xueyan was shocked to find that her body had really disappeared from the toes!
(End of this chapter)

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