Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 230 Too Many Doubts

Chapter 230 Too Many Doubts

The more Xue Yan thought about it, the more she felt that there was something wrong with it, and she asked again: "And now, the Demonic Way has been opened, have you heard the news that the Demon King was killed?"

Qin Feng shook his head, originally he was calm and clear about everything, and his casual and natural expression had long since disappeared.Instead, he said with a serious face: "No, if the devil king is killed, it is absolutely impossible for the devil, the immortal, and the Buddha to get along so peacefully. I am afraid that this continent has long been in chaos!"

"If the Demon King is not dead and the Demonic Dao opens on its own, then there is only one explanation, and that is that the Demon King has regained his strength. But he said before that the other three Dao will feel that the Demonic Dao is opened, and then the three Dao will open! But now The magic way has been open for so long, but the ghost way has not moved at all, isn't it strange?

More than 1000 years ago, the three Taoists attacked the Demonic Dao together. How great is the hatred between them and the Demonic Taoist?Once the magic way is opened, they should be united and resist the revenge of the magic way together.Why do ghosts take care of themselves and ignore all this?Are they sure that the Demon Dao will not retaliate, or do they really believe that the two ways of immortals and Buddhas are enough to destroy the Demon Dao, and there is no need for them to take action?Or, after they fought to the death with the three immortals, demons and Buddhas, they reaped the benefits?Which one do you think is the real reason? "

Even though she lost her memory, Xueyan is still full of strong doubts about ghosts.As for Mo Dao, she still maintains a more sympathetic attitude.Regarding her last question, Xueyan felt that no matter what the reason was, there was an extremely serious problem in the Ghost Dao.

After Qin Feng and Yin Xiao heard these words, they fell into silence again.It's not like they haven't thought of some of the problems she mentioned just now.It's just that they instinctively believe that the Great War of the Four Paths has brought too much pain to this continent and the people left behind by the Four Paths.Now that everything has calmed down, there is no need to mention it again, because they are afraid that the flames of war will flare up again.

Does just escaping really solve the problem?Not to mention that some problems are not something they can escape if they want to. More than 1000 years ago, the shame brought by the other three ways to the people of the Demonic Way, no matter whether the Demon King is alive or not, with the character of the Demonic Taoist, he would never let it go so easily.And if it is true as Xueyan said, then what happened more than 1000 years ago was really a big conspiracy, then they really dare not imagine the result of this conspiracy!
When they were worried, Xueyan suddenly thought of a very crucial question!

"Other than you cultivators, who else knows about the Four Dao Wars? Uh, I mean, do my friends know about it?" Xueyan asked hastily.

"Of course, for adventurers who are destined to become second-professionals, their masters will tell them about the Four Dao Wars when they get started. Naturally, our apprentices also know! If someone knows about this, we won't know about it!" She didn't know what she thought of, but Qin Feng still told her the matter very dutifully.

That is, these things, she knew before she lost her memory.And if she knew it at that time, it is absolutely impossible for her to miss those questions just now!Since she was the one who did the task of opening the Four Paths, did she learn some unknown things during this process, which made her suddenly give up the task and choose another method to open the Four Paths?

The more I think about Xue Yan, the more I feel that my speculation is very possible!Before that, she was still wondering why those people had to make her lose her memory.After amnesia, she forgot everything in the game, wouldn't it be very detrimental to their plan?If it was for the convenience of controlling her, then the person she met when she woke up would not have left her there alone, ignoring her!And what could be more effective than controlling her life?

Then the only possibility is that she knew something she shouldn't know, or did something that would affect their plan!In order for their plan to proceed smoothly, and for her to no longer have any influence on their plan, she must lose her memory!
Their plan is closely related to the Four Ways War more than 1000 years ago!Such a thought flashed through Xueyan's mind!This relationship should be mutually exploitable. After all, there can be no players in those people's plans more than 1000 years ago.And precisely because they did not expect the presence of players, when their plans were disrupted by players, they had to seek help from some of them!

And those are the chosen ones!Their purposes are not necessarily the same, but they will never conflict!Before they get what they want to achieve, all they have to do is to help them clear up all possible obstacles!And unfortunately, she is the obstacle to be removed!
Thinking of those who coerced her, Xueyan's heart was filled with anger for a moment.If I weren't still valuable, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as amnesia now!She didn't understand that no matter how realistic this place was, it was just a game after all. Why would those people risk real life for the sake of a game?Is human life so worthless in their eyes?
Qin Feng and Yin Xiao watched Xueyan's face change constantly, and they didn't know what she was thinking.After a while, after her face calmed down a little, Qin Feng said: "It seems that we thought the problem too simply before. If there is really a huge conspiracy in it, we are absolutely responsible to prevent it from happening! It's just that we now What should I do?
For one thing, we have no evidence, so we need to unite more people to stop this conspiracy.Secondly, we don't know what they want to do, even if we want to stop them, we can't do anything!I wonder if the girl has any good suggestions? "

"Suggestions? What suggestions can I have? I can't get my memory back, and I can't judge what those people are going to do! After all, we know so little now!" Hearing his words, Xue Yan was helpless With a wry smile.

And her words naturally made those two people associate her amnesia with conspiracy.How much do I believe her words in my heart!
"By the way, there is one thing, I don't know if you have heard of it. The five major city lords want to invite people from the five major gangs to a party. Do you know when it is?" Xue Yan suddenly remembered that she was thinking about it, but Wu Luo interrupted that he didn't have time to continue thinking about the good things when he was brought here, so he hurriedly asked.

"We have very little contact with the outside world, and have never left since we came here. So if anyone has heard of it, I am afraid it is only Wu Luo! He will go there every three days to find a drink. Black Rock City, maybe he will know!" Qin Feng didn't feel that this matter had anything to do with the conspiracy they were discussing, so he didn't think about it, but let Xueyan ask Wu Luo!

Seeing what he said, Xueyan could only look at Wu Luo's thatched hut, thinking how to make this old child come out of it obediently!But unexpectedly, before she could figure out a solution, the door of the hut opened by itself!Seeing that Wu Luo, who came out of the house, had no angry expression, she knew that he had heard their conversation just now!
"I haven't heard of what you said! Who did you hear it from?" He, who always claimed to be well-informed, didn't hear the slightest bit of wind, which made Wu Luo feel a little puzzled!

"The news came from the bloody sky in Qinglin City." Xueyan didn't express her doubts about this gathering, because this matter was just her guess and she wasn't completely sure.And once this matter is explained, it will inevitably not involve the real world, and it may be difficult to explain clearly at that time.

But Wu Luo secretly paid attention to this matter after hearing her words.How did a gang of adventurers know the news that even he couldn't know?And this news is obviously still in the stage of confidentiality, the gang actually knows, could it be said that they are also participants in organizing this event?This is too abnormal!

"I just thought that if you can find Si Tian, ​​maybe it can help you find the Returning Yuan Pot!" Wu Luo said to Xueyan after writing down that matter.

"Sitian? Where can I find that thing?" Although she said this, Xueyan felt that the name was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it at the moment!

"You have looked for it before, because to find the token of the Three Ways, you must have Si Tian's guidance to find it! It's just that it will leave after completing the task. Now you can only go to the west again. In the desert, find a woodcutter from the moving oasis. He may know the whereabouts of Si Tian. You have dealt with him before, and he will not be too difficult for you. If you know, you must I will tell you!" Wu Luo explained to Xueyan, and also told her the mission content that was not finished before.

"What does that thing look like? Apart from being able to help me find things, what other abilities does it have? I seem to have seen it somewhere!" Xue Yan asked while thinking, hoping that he could provide herself with more information about Si Tian. Some information, see if you can think of it!

Hearing that she had seen it before, Wu Luo hurriedly said: "That guy has no other skills other than looking for things! As for its appearance..."

"What's wrong with its appearance?" Seeing him hesitating, Xue Yan couldn't help urging.

But Wu Luo thought for a long time before finding words to describe Si Tian: "Uh, it looks white and soft, uh, it's a bit like, like, a bit like a flower roll!"

Hanamaki!This is probably the only thing he can think of that is closer to Si Tian's appearance.After all, there is no such thing as jelly in the game, even if there is Wu Luo, he may not know it, so he can only make do with Hanamaki instead!
After Xueyan heard his very abstract description, it took a long time before she suddenly remembered where she had seen Si Tian before!It's in her pet bar!At that time, I didn't pay special attention to this thing because I saw its attributes were too rubbish, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now!
Xueyan immediately opened the pet bar to find Si Tian.But he saw a white thing, and before she could see it clearly, he threw himself into her arms.Immediately afterwards, she shouted coquettishly: "Mom, I miss you so much!"

For a while, all four of them were petrified!
(End of this chapter)

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