Chapter 225
"If you had to choose between me and her, what would you do?" Anger, grief, and dissatisfaction had all disappeared from the face of the phoenix in flames!When he said those words, her heart was completely frozen!

But as soon as her words came out, Xue Yan and Jian Hun were stunned!It's something that none of them expected to come to this point!Xueyan couldn't help secretly having a headache, she just wanted a chance to solve the doubts in her mind, how could something so simple become so complicated?
It seemed that if she wanted to participate in this gathering of the five major gangs, she had to find other ways!Uh, how about finding another gang to cooperate with?But which one to look for?It's not good to be bloody, she hasn't made any plans to contact them yet!And following them, it might be difficult for her to understand the truth of the matter!
And neither can Blazing Scorpion. From what Phoenix said before, she already knew that she seemed to have a very good relationship with that gang in the past!So they must know a lot about themselves. If she appeared in front of them now, it would not be long before she would betray her.As for the matter of my amnesia, I absolutely can't hide it!Although she doesn't know how she made such a friend, it's definitely not in her character to cause trouble for a friend!

Three of the five major gangs have been eliminated, and she doesn't understand the remaining two at all.What should she do?How about going to the Frozen Rose in the north?I heard that the gang is all women, so it should be easier to get along with!Xueyan secretly made plans for herself in the future, she never thought that Sword Soul would abandon her gang just because of her as an outsider!

But this time she miscalculated!Sword Soul turned his head to the side, no longer looked at the Phoenix in flames, and said indifferently: "I said it before, the decision I made will never be changed!"

In a word, the heart of Phoenix on fire was completely shattered into pieces!Her body trembled uncontrollably, and tears quickly gathered in her eyes, but they did not flow out.The pretty face was pale at the moment, even Xue Yan couldn't bear to look at that hurt look!
"In that case, then I didn't..."

"Wait, I also said, don't involve irrelevant people in your own affairs! Before you two made a decision, did you ask my consent? I don't seem to have ever expressed it. Consent becomes an extreme Honorary Elder of the Boundary, right?

This honorary elder seat, you take it seriously.But I'm sorry, that thing really doesn't interest me in the slightest!You don't have to be at odds over this! "Xue Yan curled her lips in disdain, but she couldn't help sighing in her heart. What is this?
"It's still the same sentence, you can solve your own affairs yourself! I don't have time to continue to accompany you!" Said Xueyan as she walked towards the door, and when she passed Yuhuofenghuang, she stopped for a moment and looked Then she said a word: "Forcing a man to make a choice is the most idiotic behavior! Learn to be smart!"

After finishing speaking, Xueyan didn't stay any longer, and left the extreme limit station directly!There were only two people left, staring at her leaving back blankly, but their hearts were in chaos!
After leaving the extremely extreme station, Xueyan walked aimlessly.Putting aside the annoying things she encountered at the extreme limit, she once again put her mind on the matter of the gathering of the five major gangs!She must go to this party, but how can she attend this party without a gang?
Is it west or north?She had heard from a rogue swordsman before that there was a great desert to the west, and the white robe she was wearing was a sand-proof robe!In other words, even if she didn't often run there before she lost her memory, she had been there before!Compared with the unfamiliar north, can we find more clues there?
But this doesn't seem to have much to do with her participation in the gathering of the five major gangs. She can't just go to other gangs' camps casually and say to them, "I want to attend the gathering of the five major gangs, but I don't want to join the gang. See if you can let me be an honorary elder?" It is estimated that if she does this, she will be kicked out as a psychopath!
Depressed!She really can't think of any other good way!Thinking of what happened just now, I couldn't help feeling a little regretful.What a great opportunity that was!She actually gave up on her own initiative!She also said that others are idiots, but she herself is not so smart!It's obvious that the other party has been causing trouble for her from the very beginning, why should she meddle in that nosy business and find a way for her to step down?Moreover, considering that woman's temperament, it is estimated that she will not accept her favor, it is simply thankless!

The more Xueyan thought about it, the more depressed she felt, and the more regretful she felt!For a moment, she actually had the urge to turn back, but in the end this urge was suppressed by her!What's the use of regretting what she said and the water she poured out?Going back now, I'm afraid it will only make others suspicious!

Before she knew it, Xue Yan had already arrived outside Black Rock City!No matter whether she wants to go west or north, she must rely on the teleportation array of Black Rock City to teleport!So she walked in without the slightest hesitation!

It's just that before she came to the city gate, the city gate suddenly became extremely chaotic!Players who were about to enter the city dodged to the side of the road, as if they were avoiding something!Not long after, she saw a figure stumbling out of the city, and behind him was a large group of soldiers in armor with knives and guns in their hands!

What's happening here? NPC chase battle?And the person being chased seems to be an old man!It's just that although he stumbled and staggered, he didn't get caught up by those soldiers!Isn't it strange that [-] or [-] upright and healthy soldiers can't catch up with an old man who is about to lose his way?

Xueyan looked curiously at the old man who obviously didn't do anything special, but he could easily throw off the soldiers who had already caught up!While curious, I also came to a conclusion in my heart, that is, this old man is not simple!
Although there is a certain distance between Xueyan and the city gate, it is not very far.So soon the old man came to her!Seeing them approaching, Xueyan naturally made way for them like everyone else!Although she was very curious about the old man, she wasn't stupid enough to start a war with the guards for a guy who didn't know the details!
It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes!Just as the old man passed by her, he suddenly reached out to her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to run!
"Girl, why are you here?" The old man asked very leisurely while running.As soon as he opened his mouth, a strong smell of alcohol emanated from his mouth. For a moment, the air was filled with the smell of alcohol, which gave the man a headache!

"Who are you? Hurry up and let me go!" Resisting the strong smell of alcohol, Xueyan said very dissatisfied.Seeing that if she continued running like this, she would definitely be identified as an accomplice of the old man by those soldiers, Xueyan was anxious for a moment, and wanted to attack him, forcing him to let go!

However, the ice arrow did not appear beside her following her thoughts!On the contrary, Xueyan clearly felt that the energy in her body was suppressed!Xueyan tried to control the energy in her body to break through the restriction, but she failed after several attempts!
Just when she didn't know what to do, she saw the old man grinning at her and saying, "Girl, don't waste your efforts! Although your strength is the strongest among adventurers, you are still worse than my old man." It's far away!"

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Xue Yan's voice became extremely cold upon hearing his words!

It's just that the old man didn't pay attention to her any more, he still dragged her and continued to run forward on his own!Although Xueyan was very dissatisfied with the old man's actions, she had no good way to get rid of him for a while, so she could only follow him around in the mountains!

The old man seemed to be very familiar with this mountainous area.Soon, those soldiers were left far behind!Until they could no longer see, the old man stopped suddenly while pulling Xueyan.Xueyan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then she found that the surrounding scenery had undergone earth-shaking changes!
The originally bare mountainous area has turned into a large lush bamboo forest!At the edge of the bamboo forest, there is a large green grassland!Three simple thatched houses stood in the distance, adding a bit of popularity to this place.

Only then did the old man let go of Xue Yan's arm.He reached out to untie the gourd tied around his waist, then raised his head and took a big gulp!The strong smell of alcohol immediately spread around him, making Xueyan couldn't help but take a few steps back to distance herself from him!
"Ah! What a good wine! Old Yaotou, old penholder, look who I brought back!" The old man wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then shouted loudly in the direction of the thatched cottage.At the same time, he still walked towards the hut crookedly under his feet!
Old medicine?old pen?What's the name?Watching the old man walk, he continued to pour wine into his mouth.Xueyan thought maliciously in her heart, shouldn't he be called an old drunkard?

It's just that what on earth did he bring himself here to do?While following the old man towards the hut, Xueyan thought suspiciously at the same time!And listening to what he said, it seemed as if he knew him!Were they former friends or enemies?

Although she didn't feel any hostility from him, and with his strength, if he wanted to do something to her, she could completely solve herself on the way, and there was no need to bring herself here!But she was still on guard in her heart, not necessary doesn't mean it's impossible!
Seeing that there was no movement in the hut, the old man couldn't help shouting a few times!And the sound became louder every time, and even Xueyan's ears were a little numb after the shock!The door of the hut is now open!Two old men came out of the house slowly!
(End of this chapter)

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