Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 223 The Purpose of the Gathering

Chapter 223 The Purpose of the Gathering

"The gathering of the five major gangs? Isn't that what you should do? What am I going to do? And I have made it very clear that I don't want to join the gang! Did you forget it so quickly? How could you be in your gang? Representative?" Xueyan looked puzzled, and really couldn't figure out what he was thinking!
"It's a long story, let's talk slowly in the room, how about it?" Seeing that she seemed to be interested, Sword Soul immediately invited her, assuming a long talk.

Xueyan hesitated for a moment, and finally walked into the room where he worked again with him.The rogue swordsman cameo as an attendant, serving tea and water for the two of them, and even prepared some snacks.Xueyan watched him rushing in and out speechlessly, wondering how long this long talk would last!
After the rogue swordsman finished his work, he went out.Only Xue Yan and Jian Hun were left in the room!Seeing that Sword Soul was just looking at her, Xueyan's eyes seemed to drift away again with deep thoughts.After waiting for a long time, seeing that there was no sign of "floating" back, she had to cough twice to attract his attention.

"Can you speak now?" Seeing him come back to his senses, Xue Yan asked indifferently.If he still doesn't say it, then she is determined not to spend time with him here.

"Well, of course!" Sword Soul collected his thoughts before slowly speaking: "Miss Xue doesn't have a gang, maybe she doesn't know. In the game, there are a lot of gangs, big and small! Almost every city in the five major cities There were more than a dozen of them. At that time, the competition between gangs in the same main city was very fierce, and small-scale gang wars occurred almost every day.

Under such circumstances, some gangs with a good reputation began to gradually stand out from these gangs.The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, so these gangs have selected different main cities to establish their own forces.But despite this, the strength gap between gangs is still not too big.After all, the level of players was generally low at that time, and for those low-level players, no matter how many there were, there would be no advantage.

But when the resident order appeared, everything was different! "

Speaking of this, Sword Soul stopped and looked into Xueyan's eyes.It's just that those beautiful eyes are still as calm as water, without any waves.She was like an audience listening to his story, without the slightest feeling of participating in it.Why!Maybe she really isn't her!
Xue Yan took a look at Soul Sword who had heard half of what he had just said, although there was no emotion on his face.But he was carefully analyzing his words in his heart!It is not difficult to guess that the five major gangs belong to the five main cities, forming a balanced situation of mutual restraint in the game, which should be created intentionally!And obviously this balance is not easy to break!But if it is broken, what kind of consequences will there be?And what is the reason that caused them to break this balance?

After a long time, Sword Soul spoke again, confirming her conjecture bit by bit, and gave the answer!
"The emergence of the gang resident order has quickly widened the gap between gangs! The gang with the resident has become the first choice of the player! At the same time, the strength of the five major gangs is also highlighted at this time. After all, building a city is not an easy task!
And with the expansion of the strength of the five major gangs, those small gangs were either annexed, disbanded, or disappeared.This is how today, the situation where the five major gangs are doing their best!
Originally, the five major gangs belonged to the five main cities, and there were no contradictions or conflicts.Everyone is safe and sound!But the opening of the cultivation system has broken this situation!Players are crazy about leveling, hoping to enter the cultivation stage as soon as possible.But how difficult it is to upgrade in the later stage, I don't need to say, I think you should have a deep understanding.Without the backing of a stable team, a fixed leveling location, and abundant funds, it would be impossible to upgrade quickly!
It is very difficult for ordinary players to meet these three conditions.After all, there are countless places suitable for leveling, and most players cannot have a unified and fixed time, and those supplies that require a lot of money to guarantee are more than ordinary players can afford.But the gang can solve all these problems for them!

From coordinating player leveling, providing a fixed leveling location, to providing supplies for consumption.It's very difficult for an individual to do, but it couldn't be easier for a gang! "

Speaking of this, Xueyan already understood what was going on!Those players who don't have a gang quickly see the advantages of having a gang.So in order to enjoy the same rights and achieve their own goals, players began to choose gangs to join.And their first choice is naturally the five famous gangs!

However, a large number of players joined the gang, which soon led to another result.That is the change in the strength of the five major gangs!At this time, there is a big difference from the early days.The joining of high-level players has a very obvious impact on the strength of the gang!

This can be seen from the previous killing of the skeleton BOSS!What 20 or so of them couldn't do, she could do it alone.So if she joins a gang, for that gang, it will definitely not be as simple as having 20 more people!And it is precisely because of this that the rogue swordsman actively wants to recruit her into the gang!

If she is like this, then other senior players will naturally be the same too!Advanced players not only have obvious strength, but from a certain perspective, they have great potential for further appreciation!Since they can now be ahead of other players, it means that they are indeed superior.And since you are better than other players now, there is no reason to be weaker than those low-level players in the future!
After all, this is game time, not reality!The so-called leading step by step, leading step by step!It is absolutely impossible for those players who have already lost the opportunity to catch up with the leading players unless they are very lucky!
Thinking about it this way, the purpose of the gathering of the five major gangs is very clear!After all, good birds still choose trees to live in, let alone people?Everyone is willing to choose a better gang with more potential to join!Therefore, the purpose of the gathering of the five major gangs is to show their strengths to each other, so as to attract more advanced and powerful players to join!
And the reason why Sword Soul wants to represent the Extreme Boundary to participate in this gathering is naturally for this purpose!Think about the appearance of a person who is second only to the first water magician in strength and is enough to become the second water magician, how can he not attract everyone's attention?Once everyone becomes interested in extreme boundaries, then they can win more opportunities to show themselves.In this way, they naturally have more advantages than other gangs!As a result of doing so, the balance between the five major gangs will naturally be destroyed!

Of the two questions I thought of just now, one of them already has an answer!What about the other one?Since they intended to create such a balanced situation, why would they want to break it now?Some people feel that they have been calm for too long and feel a little flustered when they are idle, so do you want to find some stimulation?
Such a reason may seem ridiculous, but it is very possible!After all, few players play games specifically for fighting monsters and upgrading!The battlefield is where players, especially male players, yearn for!Only there can they find the passion and excitement in their hearts.It is also for there that they will have the motivation to continuously upgrade!
The situation dominated by the five major gangs has brought the conflicts and frictions between players to almost the lowest point.And the similar strength among the five major gangs made none of them dare to take the lead in breaking this situation!But the opening of the cultivation system gave them an excellent opportunity!An opportunity that can take them from tied for the first place to become the champion!

And behind this opportunity is naturally the war between gangs!Whether the balance is broken, or to break the balance!Helping battles are an indispensable part!As for who can become the real winner in the end, it is still unknown!

Thinking of this, Xueyan couldn't help being very curious, who was the first to propose the gathering of the five major gangs?Who is so eager to end this peaceful status quo and start a war?Is that person so confident that their gang can far surpass other gangs?Or is it that he has another purpose at all, and this gathering is just a cover for him to achieve his purpose!
After all, only members of the five major gangs participated in this gathering. It is not impossible for someone to join forces with other gangs to take the opportunity to attack a certain gang!
Thinking of this, Xueyan said the first sentence after entering the room: "Who initiated this party?"

"The gathering of the five major gangs was not initiated by the players, but jointly initiated by the five major city lords!" Sword Soul shook his head and gave the answer!After thinking for a while, he added: "To be precise, it is going to be launched! This news has not been announced yet, and it is an insider information that only a few players know!"

Is there such a thing in the game? Can all NPCs go through the back door?After hearing what he said, Xueyan couldn't help but froze for a moment!After all, after she lost her memory, she hadn't dealt with NPCs yet, so she naturally had no way of knowing how realistic the NPCs here are!Otherwise she wouldn't be so surprised!

But since the party was initiated by an NPC, many of her previous conjectures were not true!She had to think again, but since it was initiated by an NPC, its purpose must be much simpler!

Just turning her thoughts, Xueyan couldn't help thinking, what does all this have to do with her?Whether there is a purpose or a conspiracy in this!This doesn't seem to have anything to do with her, does it?After all, the only thing she has to do now is to cultivate to become a god. She doesn't have a clue about her own affairs, so how can she have the time to care about these things?

With this level of understanding, Xue Yan will reject Sword Soul's proposal!But she just had time to say the word "I", and before she could say her rejection, she was interrupted!
"Master, who is this woman?" The speaker's tone contained a strong smell of gunpowder!
(End of this chapter)

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