Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 219 Suspicion

Chapter 219 Suspicion
Leng Ye Gu Xing was suddenly interrupted from his cultivation, and just as he was feeling puzzled, an urgent voice of inquiry came from his ear.Looking at the worried and eager expression on the other party's face, Leng Ye Gu Xing's mind was quickly pulled back from the practice.

"What happened?" Because Ye spoke without thinking, Leng Ye Guxing didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words for a while.

"Xue didn't appear in place after it disappeared, do you know what's going on?" Ye tried to calm himself down as much as possible, and asked again.

Leng Ye Gu Xing was stunned for a moment before realizing that what Ye said about disappearing actually meant going offline.But when he went offline and came online again, he didn't appear at the same place. This was the first time he had heard of this.After thinking about it, he opened the friend bar and wanted to communicate with Xue Yan.But he didn't expect that the system would prompt him that the other party refused to talk to a stranger!

How is this going?Why did she suddenly delete herself from the friend list?Leng Ye Lone Star frowned and thought for a moment, then connected to the communicator of Dark Night Killer God.

"Master Dark Ye, do you know where Xue Yan has gone?"

"Huh? Didn't you discuss that she and Ye went to investigate the situation in the Silver Desert, why didn't she go?" The Night Killer felt very strange when he heard his question.

"No, I can't find her. Can you contact her for me and just say that I have something to look for her, can you?" Because the relationship with the Night Killer is very normal, Leng Ye Guxing said it very politely.And the reason why he didn't look for the Xingchen brothers was because he was afraid that those two were also practicing, and it would be dangerous if they were disturbed.

"Uh, alright!" Dark Night Slayer hesitated for a moment and agreed.But I was even more puzzled in my heart, I didn't understand why he didn't tell Xueyan directly, instead of telling him himself?
Find Xueyan's name from her friend column, and then send a communication request.But what sounded in the communicator was the system's prompt, and the other party refused to talk to strangers!After hearing this prompt, Dark Night Killer was stunned for more than 10 seconds before reacting and hastily connected to the communication with Leng Ye Gu Xing.

"I was deleted as a friend by Xueyan, and there is no way to contact her!" As soon as the message was connected, Dark Night Killer said directly.If his guess is correct, Leng Ye Gu Xing should be asking for his help because he encountered the same situation!

"Have you been deleted too?" Leng Ye Gu Xing felt very bad.

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, Ye became more and more anxious and worried!What happened to her that she would cut off contact with everyone?
"What's going on here? Did she just delete you and me from friends, or did she delete everyone at the same time?" Hearing his answer, Night Slayer asked immediately.

"I don't know. According to Ye, she went offline suddenly before, but she didn't show up at the same place when she went online again. Do you know what happened?" Leng Ye Guxing repeated Ye's words to him.

"I haven't heard of such a thing. Wait a minute and I'll ask Yueyue for you to see if she knows!" After speaking, Dark Night Slayer immediately ended the communication and went to find Candy Moon.

Leng Ye Gu Xing and Ye waited silently for the result, their expressions were full of uneasiness.The communicator was quickly connected again, and the Dark Night Killer had the final result.

"Yueyue said that she has never seen this kind of situation, but she knows that there is a way to cause such a result. That is, the game room itself has been specially set, and every time the player goes online, it will be sent to the already set The place that was fixed, and it will not appear in the place where I am offline! Could it be that Xueyan has changed the game warehouse?" Dark Night Killer finally asked in doubt.

Changing the settings of the game cabin is not something that players can do by themselves.There is no other possibility except to replace the game compartment.But why did she suddenly change the game compartment?

Leng Ye Gu Xing was about to speak, but he heard a burst of noise from the side of the An Ye Killing God, as if many people were looking for him to deal with something, and he waited for him to say: "I see, you go to work first Go ahead. If there is any news, I will contact you again!"

"I'll go offline and call her to ask about the situation. Maybe there is something wrong with her original game room, and maybe there will be some problems after changing the game room." After finishing the call with the other side, Leng Ye Lone Star turned to Ye and said.After that, regardless of whether he understood or not, his figure disappeared in place!
Looking at his gradually disappearing figure, Ye felt uneasy and at the same time felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.Originally, he thought that as long as he recovered his previous strength, there would be nothing he couldn't solve.But when things really happened, he realized that power can't solve everything!Once things involve their world, no matter how powerful he is, he will be helpless!
It was as if right now, he could only wait here and had no other choice.Time passed by every minute and every second, and his heart was tormented while waiting.She was thinking about her current situation in her heart, and at the same time, a trace of resentment arose!Why didn't she come to him?Doesn't she know how worried she is?
Finally, Leng Yeguxing appeared in his line of sight again, and before he could speak, Ye saw his serious face.

"What exactly happened?" The bad feeling grew stronger, and Ye's voice couldn't help but become extremely cold.

"She didn't answer my call!" Leng Ye Guxing shook his head.Not only did he call her, but he also called the men he arranged to protect her near her home.They did see four people wearing Longteng's overalls carrying a game pod into her house, but they left after a short while.

Is it really just a problem with her game room?So much so that she went online and went to other places, and even her friends were inexplicably deleted?Is there such a possibility?

"Since she is still in the game, there shouldn't be a big problem. It's just that no one can contact her, which is a big trouble. Now I'm afraid that apart from finding her in the game, I'm afraid I can only hope for her. She left a message. If she sees the message, she should take the initiative to contact me, but I don’t know when it will be!” Leng Ye Gu Xing concluded after telling Yu Ye everything he knew.

Ye didn't speak after listening, and after being silent for a while, he teleported away.Since there is no other way but to look for it, let his men go out and look for it!As for the consequences of doing so, and what kind of thoughts it will cause the immortals and Buddhas, he doesn't care!I hope she's okay, otherwise he doesn't guarantee that he will do anything!

Soon many cultivators in the Demon Realm left the Demon Realm and went to the mainland to look for their princesses under the order of the Demon King.And this news quickly spread to the two realms of immortals and Buddhas, and for a while, people in both realms felt nervous because of this news.Because they are not sure, are the demonic people really looking for someone, or are they trying to control the entire Eastern Continent in the name of looking for someone, so as to re-ignite the smoke?Such speculation forced them to concentrate their manpower so that they could cope with unexpected situations that might arise at any time!
And when the three things were in a mess, Xueyan who caused all this had just finished her first practice after amnesia, and was about to leave the place where she was staying now, and then walk around!She was still wearing a sand-proof white robe, covering up her ice silk suit.Because she had taken off her white robe to see it, the style of that dress really made her a little embarrassed.She couldn't accept that she was dressed like that, and then let people see it at will!

Dressed in a white robe, she still attracts attention very much, but they are all curious and probing eyes, which she can still accept!Because she didn't know where to go, and she didn't like dealing with strangers.So she just chose a random direction and left the Novice Village!
After leaving the village, Xueyan didn't meet many players along the way.Even if I meet a few players, they are going in the opposite direction to her, but no one is going in the same direction as her!It wasn't until a high mountain stood in front of her that she suddenly realized that the end of this road turned out to be a dead end!

Do you want to go back and reroute?Xueyan looked hesitantly at the high mountain in front of her, hesitating in her heart.After thinking about it again and again, she decided to forget it.She is not familiar with the environment here, even if she chooses a new path, the same result will inevitably happen again.What's more, this mountain doesn't seem to be a big problem for her!Because she clearly remembered that when she checked the equipment, there was an additional skill that could make her fly!With her current MP, it shouldn't be a problem to fly over a mountain!

After making up her mind, Xueyan began to use her skill "Flying Apsaras"!As soon as the name of the skill flashed in her mind, a large amount of spiritual energy quickly gathered under her feet, and then slowly flew upwards holding her body!Feeling the breeze blowing on her face, the cool and comfortable feeling swept away the oppressive feeling brought about by her being coerced before!While flying to the top of the mountain, her heart seemed to be floating!Can't help but forget all the troubles, just want to fly freely!

Floating to the top of the mountain, restrain your mood!Xue Yan suddenly discovered that there is only a distance of a mountain, but there is such a big gap in the scenery on both sides of the mountain.One side is lush and beautiful, while the other side is a gray and white depression!The bones of the dead all over the mountains and plains make people feel extremely desolate!
This side of the mountain is far less steep than the other side, so Xueyan didn't use Feitian to walk down the mountain on foot.Looking around, Xue Yan only felt that the scene here looked so familiar.But just when she wanted to recall carefully, she found that she couldn't remember anything at all!

A long and narrow valley at the foot of the mountain appeared in front of her eyes, and the familiar feeling emerged again!She hesitated in her heart whether to go in and have a look, maybe she could recall some things, but at this moment, the sound of fighting came to her ears!

(End of this chapter)

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