Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 2 Could it be a BOSS?

Chapter 2 Could it be a BOSS?


Looking at the place I went, more than a dozen small wooden houses constitute the main body of this small village, and a row of fences circles the scope of the village.But in this small place, players kept appearing. In just a few minutes, the village was full of people.

Xueyan watched the swarming players receive the task from the old village elder next to her, and then rushed out to grab a few bunnies with the large group of players. The battle was extremely fierce.

"Beauty, don't get in the way if you don't accept the task." An impatient voice came from behind.

"Sorry." Xueyan turned her head and smiled apologetically, then walked out of the village.

"She is really a beauty!" Passerby A was petrified on the spot.

The terrain near Xinshou Village is very simple, with cliffs on the north and west sides, and only the east and south sides can be walked.All the way to the east, bypassing the crowds of monsters, the level of monsters is getting higher and higher, and the number of players is getting rarer.

At the end of the large fields is an invisible forest.Xue Yan was standing at the edge of the forest.

There are no other players here, but what about the monsters here?

Xue Yan looked around. The sound of "hissing", although very light, is clear enough for those with keen senses.As soon as I looked up, a green snake was entwined on the branch and spitting out its snake core—a level 8 tree snake!

After hesitating, the monster at level 8 didn't know whether to fight or not.Open the skill bar, there are only 2 skills in it:

Xueyan petrochemical... 㗿
"Zi Yueyue, Smelly Yueyue, how could you harm me like this!" Xueyan was depressed and wanted to kill someone.

No matter how good she is, she still knows that she is a support job.Auxiliary profession, from the name, it is known that it is a support-based combat, supplemented by a low attack power type, how does this make her play? Do you have to delete the account and start again?

"Pity my artifact, if you delete it, it will be gone..."

By the way, I haven't looked at the attributes of the artifact yet.Thinking of this, Xueyan hurriedly opened her storage bag to check.

Demon (mask):

Artifact (sealed state)

Spirit +50
Recover MP10 points per second

Not tradeable, not dropable, not stealable
"It's decided. You can't delete the account even if you rush to this artifact. Just support it. The gap between yourself and the attacking profession should not be too big with the artifact in your hand."

He happily equipped the monster, opened the status bar and saw his own image clearly like looking in a mirror. A beautiful black butterfly-shaped mask appeared on his face, with red and gold patterns outlining a monster pattern.

"Do you want to activate the artifact effect?" The system prompts.

"Yes." Anyway, there are no other players around me, let's see the effect first.

In an instant, colorful rays of light appeared on the monster, and the fluorescence flowed, which was breathtaking.

After half a day, Xue Yan reluctantly turned off the effect.I started to fight monsters with excitement.

"Frost Arrow", the magic staff flashed, and the blue arrow shot towards the snake on the tree like lightning, nailing exactly seven inches above the tree snake.

Critical hit -600.Instant kill.

Sure enough, this game has the same weakness attack as stand-alone, so it's easy.

Xueyan looked at the effect she had created with satisfaction, and confidently began to massacre the tree snake.At the same time, things continued to explode on the ground.

Copper coins, good things to pick up.

Equipment is also good. Although it is a white board, it can be sold for money and picked up.

Snake corpses... I don't know if the village chief collects dead snakes besides dead rabbits and pigs?Pick it up, it can be superimposed anyway, don't waste it, don't waste it.

In this way, Xueyan slaughtered and mopped up at the same time, everything she passed was really...clean ⊙﹏⊙b sweat!
With the bountiful experience reward of the tree snake, Xueyan quickly rose to level 10.In the case that most players are rushing to do novice tasks, this speed is definitely very fast.

Replace with the equipment you got:
Cloth shoes (bronze) agility +4 stamina +3 dodge +5 use level 8

"Congratulations to the player who has reached level 15. The system will reward you with a reputation of 200,100 gold coins. Players at level 15 can go to the nearby main city to accept professional tasks."

"Since there are already players at level 15, the system will open the rank list, comprehensive strength list, and wealth list. I wish you all a good time."

It turns out that you can leave Novice Village at level 15, so let's go after leveling up to level 15.But the speed of that person's upgrade is really fast. I thought my speed was fast enough, but it seems that I still can't.Xue Yan continued to throw skills to fight monsters while thinking, her current attack can instantly kill the monsters here even if she doesn't have a vital attack.

"You caused -500 damage to the Green Mamba Snake King."

Green Mamba?Xueyan looked up, and saw a green snake that was thicker than ordinary tree snakes was rushing towards her quickly, biting with her mouth open.

Xueyan was startled and tried to dodge but it was too late.

"You were attacked by the Green Mamba Snake King - 20 HP."

"You have been poisoned by the snake, -2 HP per second."

Oops!I was bitten by a snake on my leg, it hurts so much.When I first entered the game, I didn't lower the perception, but now it has a 100% effect, and the feeling of being injured is very realistic.In addition to the pain, it was a little numb.

"Frost Arrow" quickly threw out its skills, interrupting another attack of the Snake King.At the same time, move horizontally to the left, hide behind a big tree, block yourself with a thick trunk, and cast water healing for yourself.

However, the Water Healing Technique could not dispel the poison, and the blood continued to flow down.

And the Snake King chased after him again.

"Frost Arrow" throws skills, dodges, and adds blood to himself.

Fortunately, the speed of the snake's movement is not very fast. Even though it is a king snake, it is only bigger than a normal snake, and it will pause for 2 seconds when it is attacked. With the help of the big tree that the two hugged, Xueyan managed to deal with it.

Xueyan entered a state of high concentration, watching every move of the snake king, keenly sensing every attack of the snake, dodging in advance, and throwing skills at the same time.

At this time, if anyone could see this contest between man and snake, they would definitely marvel at Xueyan's precise control and sensitive reactions.Although the Green Mamba moves slightly slowly, its attack speed is less than 1/10 of a second, and Xueyan can actually make it miss every time!

Dodge, throw skills, increase blood.Xueyan kept repeating this series of actions, not daring to relax her attention in the slightest.After an unknown amount of time, the Green Mamba Snake King finally lay down on the ground and stopped moving.

Xueyan quickly picked up the 2 gold coins, three pieces of equipment, and the corpse of the snake king, and then she slumped on the ground and couldn't move.

"It's over, my legs are completely numb." Xueyan depressedly pinched the place where she was bitten by the snake, hoping to squeeze out some venom.It's a pity that during the fight with the Snake King just now, the venom has penetrated deeply.The system reminds her that in the state of moderate poisoning, -5 HP per second.Although it is still fatal now, if this situation continues, death is only a matter of time.However, I didn't feel anything in my legs, and I couldn't move at all. It was impossible for me to go back to the village to find someone to save my life.

"Huh? You have been promoted to 4 levels in a row! What kind of experience was that so much just now?" Xueyan looked at her status bar in surprise.Could it be that the one just now was the legendary BOSS?

Thinking of this, Xueyan hurriedly looked through the system prompts. She seemed to hear something just now, but she hadn't recovered from the killing just now, so she didn't pay attention.

"Congratulations on killing the BOSS that threatened the Novice Village - the Green Mamba Snake King. You received a reputation reward of 50 points."

It seems that I have won the jackpot. I don't know what kind of punishment will be caused if I die once. I hope it will not be too serious. I don't seem to be losing anything within level 4.It seems to be a bit of a loss. I have been tired for a long time, so I have to make up for it...

While adding blood to herself, Xueyan leaned against the tree and thought wildly.Although he knew it was meaningless to do so, he still couldn't bear to let himself be poisoned to death.

"Congratulations, the level of the water healing technique has been raised to the intermediate level." After an unknown amount of time, Xueyan heard the system's prompt.Is that all right?
Well, well, it's worth dying once.

Just when she was about to give up adding blood to herself, when she decided to die and go back, two voices suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations to player Xue Yan for acquiring the primary poison resistance skill. Poison resistance is increased by 20%. HP is reduced by -4 per second."

"Are you okay, miss?"

(End of this chapter)

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