Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 196 The Crisis of Hades

Chapter 196 The Crisis of Hades

"By the order of my king, I am waiting for you two here!"

The voice is so neutral that there are no emotional fluctuations, but the good figure is even more heroic under the armor.When the visitor raised her head, Xue Yan suddenly realized that the visitor was the iceberg beauty who picked her up at the exit of the passage last time!
How can I say that this is the second time they met, and the other party is the same sex as me, although there was a little unpleasant memory of the last meeting, but she is also responsible for Xue Yan and does not blame her.So Xueyan really wanted to say hello to her and exchange some pleasantries.But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything for some reason.

Seeing the other party staring at her without any expression, Xueyan hesitated for a long time and had to give up.After getting off the boat, Yu Ye followed behind her, the three of them were speechless all the way.But Xueyan always felt lumpy in her heart, and she didn't know what was so awkward.

"Ye, do you feel that something is wrong?" After thinking for a long time, Xue Yan couldn't help asking Ye.

"Is something wrong?...No." After thinking for more than ten seconds, Ye looked at Xueyan suspiciously and shook her head. "Did you find anything?"

"I don't know, I just feel very awkward, but I can't tell where the problem is." Xueyan looked at the back of the person in front of her, and said in a low voice, somewhat at a loss.

"Maybe it's because it's too quiet here, but the gloomy atmosphere feels very similar to ghosts!" Ye speculated, looking around.Although the tone was very casual, he was secretly vigilant so that he could protect Xueyan in time when something really happened.He never doubted her keen sense.

Is it too quiet?But she remembered that it was just as quiet the last time she came here!As for whether it was the same as the ghost path, she didn't know. After all, she had never been to the ghost path, so it was impossible to understand it.But it might be similar, maybe, after all, the people here can’t feel the slightest bit of life!
ah!correct!She finally figured out what was wrong!That's right, it's vitality!The last time she came, although the people here were equally indifferent and expressionless, at least they could feel the vitality in them.But this time, whether it was the extradition man by the Wangchuan River or the maid who escorted them, she couldn't feel any vitality in them!
How is this going?Could it be said that after staying in the underworld for a long time, even the living will become the dead?Looking at the waitress who acted a little stiffly, new doubts appeared in Xueyan's heart.

Passing through the passage made of black vines, Hades' palace appeared in front of them.Xueyan continued to walk towards the palace while looking at the other underworld guards around.Except for those black knights, the other guards outside the main hall were equally lifeless.The black knight was originally an undead, and it was normal to be full of death.But the other guards are alive!How could they all be entangled in death energy?
And Xueyan also noticed that the purgatory three-headed dog Gebelos, who had been guarding the entrance of the passage, was far from the spirit she saw when she came last time.At this moment, it was lying on the side of the exit of the passage, and the three huge heads all looked listless, as if they didn't even bother to move.

"Have you noticed?" A deep voice sounded, and it was only then that Xue Yan noticed that Hardy was standing at the door of the hall and looking at them.

And belatedly, she only realized at this time that Ye's cold eyes were staring at Hardy.The handsome face was uncertain, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Uh, did something happen here?" Xueyan said, taking a step forward and blocking Ye and Hardy without any trace.Although Hardy didn't have any expression on his face, and didn't even meet Ye's eyes, Xueyan was still worried that he would suddenly get into trouble, so it's better to be careful!

"Yes, you two come with me!" After saying that, Hardy turned and left alone, not worried that the two of them would not follow.

Xueyan followed Hardy for a few steps, and suddenly felt something was wrong.He stopped and looked back, only to find that Ye was standing where he was, not moving at all.

"What's the matter with you? Ye." Looking at the unhappy Ye, Xue Yan asked in confusion.

"Why do we have to go with him? Isn't it good for us to go directly to the eighteenth floor of purgatory?" Ye Leng asked.He was the one who asked him to come by himself at the beginning, but now he came to the appointment, but was directly ignored by others, how could it make him feel better?

"Uh, Ye, we are not completely sure that Blood Shura is in the [-]th floor of Purgatory. And I think the current situation in Hades may be caused by an accident, and the place where the accident happened is likely to be the [-]th floor of Purgatory. So we have to follow him , Knowing more things is not harmful to us." Saying that Ye was awkward, really irrational at all, Xueyan looked at him a little depressed, and explained the current situation to him as much as possible.

But the present night is much cuter than before. In the past, Ye kept everything in her heart and asked her to guess carefully.But now in front of her, there are more and more expressions on his face.That special sense of existence filled her with a sense of joy and satisfaction.

Ye Qi glanced at Hardy who was going away, and finally stepped forward to hold Xueyan's hand, and walked towards Hardy together.It's just that the cold light in his eyes didn't fade away, but became more and more intense.

"Ye, may I ask, why do you dislike him so much? Did you have any conflicts?" After hesitating for a while, Xueyan asked cautiously.This question has been lingering in her heart for a long time, and today she really can't help the curiosity in her heart.

When Ye Ye heard her words, her body froze obviously, and she turned her head to meet her puzzled and curious eyes. Those words that envied Hardy's intimate contact with her skin could not be uttered even if killed.After being bored for a long time, he coldly highlighted the word "no", and then he pursed his lips tightly and refused to speak again.

After waiting for a long time, only two words were perfunctory. Although Xueyan wondered what he was hiding, since he refused to say it, she couldn't force it.Silently following him and continuing to walk on the bluestone road of Hades, his thoughts began to wander indiscriminately again.

But after walking a few steps, Ye suddenly stopped, and before Xueyan could ask why, something appeared in front of her eyes.A lifelike carved black phoenix pendant only 1/4 the size of her palm!Xue Yan could tell at a glance that the material of this pendant was of the same type as his ink pendant.And the shape of that phoenix is ​​very strange, it doesn't look like it is flying into the sky, but the two wings are close together, as if it is guarding something.

What is he doing with this thing for her to see?Xueyan looked up at him puzzled, waiting for his explanation.

"For you!" Feeling the questioning eyes, Ye didn't look at her, but said lightly.

"Send me? Why?" Well done, why did he ring to send something to her?His answer puzzled her even more.

"I said I would give you something to replace that mermaid heart!" Seeing that she was still in a daze, Ye directly put the black phoenix pendant threaded with special silver thread on her neck, Just stop explaining in a low voice.

Instead of a mermaid heart?Recalling that scene that day, Xueyan suddenly realized.She finally understood why Ye was full of hostility towards Hardy, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the smile on her face, Ye Ye couldn't help showing bursts of tenderness in her eyes.This black phoenix pendant is called Suoxin Knot, and it is made of a very rare black ink jade.Wearing it on the body can not only improve the wearer's mental strength, but also the ability to gather energy.

The most important thing is that this heart lock knot and his ink pot come from the same piece of black ink jade.If he takes out the ink pan, no matter how far the two things are apart, they will have a very strong sensing ability!Not only that, but if these two things meet within a certain range, an extreme field will be created. All monsters or people in this field, regardless of their cultivation level, will gradually be sucked away and passed on to the masters of these two things. body.

In addition, the lock heart knot is very spiritual like Mo Zhen, once you recognize the master, it will remain unchanged for life!In addition to helping her improve her strength, giving such things to Xueyan at night has another meaning.I just want to lock her by my side forever, never to be separated!
Hardy led the two of them to a high platform before stopping.It was a five-meter huge red stone platform, which was in the shape of a cylinder as a whole, and it was carved with strange patterns.On the top of the stone platform, there are three crescent-shaped stone pillars arranged in a triangle.The three-month-old teeth are closely connected, and the shape is very unique.But Xueyan felt that there seemed to be something missing in the middle of the crescent stone pillar.

"This platform is called Soul Gathering, and it is used to condense all the souls in the underworld. Without it, the underworld is just a world of undead without souls. Anything with a soul here will gradually lose its soul , Turn into a walking dead!" Hardy's faint voice didn't have a trace of waves, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

But Xueyan sensed the unusualness in his words, hesitated for a moment before asking: "I saw people here seem to be lifeless along the way, could it be because of something wrong with this Soul Gathering Platform? "

"That's right, it is indeed because of the Soul Gathering Platform that Hades became what it is now. Because if you want the Soul Gathering Platform to work, you must have the Soul Gathering Orb! Without the Soul Gathering Orb, this Soul Gathering Platform is just nothing. It’s just an ordinary stone platform.”

"Did someone break into Hades recently and take the Soul Gathering Orb?" Since she didn't see the Soul Gathering Orb, the loss was the only explanation.

"It is true that someone took the Soul Gathering Orb, but not recently. As early as 2000 years ago, the Soul Gathering Orb was lost!" Hardy said slowly, although his expression remained unchanged, Xueyan felt that she A strong anger was felt in him.

But since the Soul Gathering Orb was lost more than 2000 years ago, why did the underworld appear strange recently?What exactly is going on?

(End of this chapter)

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