Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 189 Awakening

Chapter 189 Awakening
His heart is already scarred!

His heart is dripping with blood!

His heart has long been numb from the pain, and he has no feeling!
But why did he suddenly wake up at this moment?
When he saw her hurt for the first time, dissatisfaction spread in his heart!It's just because she doesn't want to cherish herself, and she doesn't want to let herself help!But he doesn't know it!
When he saw her die in front of him for the first time, his dissatisfaction escalated into anger!But I never thought about where this anger came from!

The first time he saw a man's hand touching her body, he wished he could chop off his hand!Why did such emotions come, but he didn't care at all!
Watching her face danger again and again, allowing her to be scarred, but still insisting on protecting him.Time and time again, she watched her risk her life for herself.His heart has been worried, angry, painful, and even joyful, but why didn't he think of the reason?
Why?Obviously he is worried about her more than himself; every time he sees her hurt and sees her in pain, he will definitely suffer more than his own injury; obviously he can't wait to bear everything for her and protect her behind him, but why does he Didn't you think that kind of feeling is love?It's an idiot to think that the reason why I have such feelings is because of the role of the contract!

In fact, it's not that he didn't think of it at all, but that he didn't want to admit it at all.He thought up the original contract, so how could he not know the function of the contract?Except for the freedom of his body, that contract can't restrain his heart at all!To say that he is affected by the contract is simply deceiving himself!
The basic thing is that he can't believe that he actually likes someone, and he can't let go of the fundamental differences between them.That's why he would find such an excuse to escape from his heart!He only thought that the two of them were people from two different worlds, but he did not expect that since he was given feelings, he already had the right to like and love someone!
Why did he run from his own heart?Why can't he face his feelings?Obviously, her weight in his heart has far surpassed his own.For her, he could even give up his life, but why couldn't he discover this earlier?

he loves her!Deeply in love with her!
But it's too late now!
Recalling what she said that day in the Neptune Temple, Ye hugged her tightly with a smile on his face. "You said that the person you love should only have you in your heart. No matter whether you are rich or poor, regardless of life, old age, sickness or death, you will never leave, and you will be with you in life and death! So how can I leave you alone? Since you have already given up on this world, Then let me leave with you!"

His eyes, his expression, and his tone are all so gentle!But that tenderness could not conceal the deep despair in her heart!Since everything is irreparable, let him disappear from this world too!

"Wait a minute, Ye! She may still be saved!" Poseidon, who had been by the side all the time, after hearing Ye Zi's words, knew that he had no thoughts of life, so he couldn't help but said anxiously.

Ye Li opened his eyes immediately, and a ray of hope flashed in his desperate black eyes: "Water symbolizes life, since you are the king in charge of water, then you should be able to get rid of the poison in her body!"

"It's useless. Although all the water is under my control, I haven't become a god yet, so it's impossible to get rid of the toxins in her body. Besides, even if I can do it, it's too late now, the toxicity is already gone." Spread it out, there is no way to take it out!" Poseidon shook his head, expressing that he had no way at all. "But I can't help it, it doesn't mean you don't! You and her come from the same place, and the energy is essentially the same. Zeus can't absorb it, but you can! As long as you suck out the excess energy in her body, maybe you can Keep her alive!"

Even though Poseidon said that, he didn't have a clue in his heart.What he said was only his own inference, and he was not at all sure whether it was effective or not.And he didn't know Ye's bottom line. Maybe if the person was not rescued, it was not impossible for him to be blown up by those energies first.But they also have no choice, right?
After Ye heard his words, the light of hope in his eyes became even brighter.Immediately grabbed Xueyan's hands, then reversed the energy in her body, and began to forcibly absorb the excess energy in Xueyan's body.Since Xueyan has not yet entered the stage of cultivation, except for the two energies before, the other energies in her body have no attributes and are the purest primitive energies.So when those energies entered Ye's body, they were immediately transformed and absorbed by his elemental power!
To practice magic, you only need to go through five stages: foundation building, alchemy, heartbeat, fusion, and crossing the catastrophe. Before Ye fully recovered his strength, his strength was between the core formation stage and the fusion stage, but it was not the heartbeat stage.Because he has been tempered by the bloodthirsty array of ten thousand calamities, and he has a firm mind.So now, as long as he passed the alchemy stage, he would directly enter the fusion stage, but because of this, his alchemy stage required much more energy than ordinary cultivators.

For the same reason, it is precisely because he has formed the inner alchemy that his body can accommodate Xueyan's huge energy.As soon as the pure energy entered his body, it immediately rushed towards his dantian.Yuan Dan in the body is desperately absorbing those energies at an almost crazy speed.Due to the purity of those energies, the process of compressing and refining them at night just happened.

Seeing that the Yuan Dan in his body became bigger and thicker, and the originally blue Yuan Dan gradually turned into silver.Ye knew very well that he had entered the late stage of the alchemy stage, and it would not take long for him to break through the bottleneck and enter the fusion stage.But once he enters the fit period, his body will usher in an evolution.At that time, he couldn't control his body at all, so how could he help Xueyan continue to absorb energy?

Ye couldn't help but secretly anxious, the growth rate of energy in her body showed no signs of weakening.If he suddenly stops absorbing her energy, she still cannot escape the fate of being exploded.And he suddenly thought that if he really sucked all the energy in her body, then she might still be unable to escape the fate of death after completely burning out her potential!

Is there really no other way to save her?But he was really unwilling to give in. He had just understood his feelings and didn't even have time to tell her. How could she die like this?Even if they live and die together, at least it must be after she understands her own thoughts!
Thinking of this, Ye suddenly let go of Xueyan's hand, and silvery blood sprayed from his wrist and scattered on Xueyan's body in his arms.Blood fell, but did not spread on the snow-white dress.Instead, it directly penetrated those clothes, touched her skin, and then penetrated directly!

Blood continuously flowed from Ye's wrist, and then entered Xueyan's body.Xueyan's body began to glow red, and Xueyan, who had fallen into a coma, began to regain consciousness little by little!It was just the physical pain that caused her consciousness to struggle constantly.She wanted to wake up, but as soon as she felt a little bit, there was an unbearable pain in her body.All the meridians in her whole body were in extreme expansion, which made her extremely painful.

"Xue, I know you can hear my voice. So please listen carefully! I have a way to save you now, and this is the only one. I don't know the chances of success, but I still want to Give it a try! But I need your cooperation, so please don't give up, okay? But don't worry, even if this method doesn't work, I won't let you leave alone. I will live and die with you, I want you to know - I love you! The world means nothing to me without you! And I've never really done anything for you! So, you have to work hard with me to make me I have a chance to love you even more!"

Ye gently kissed Xueyan's soft and moist lips, and whispered softly in her ear.Feeling the sudden tightening of his hand holding her, Ye knew very well that she had heard her own words.After receiving her response, Ye showed a gentle smile that had never been seen before!

When his blood was all over Xueyan's body, Ye gently parted Xueyan's red lips, and then pressed his wrist lightly against her lips, making her drink some of her own blood.Then Ye sealed the wound with his own power, so that no blood would flow out.

Stretching out his hand and pressing hard on his abdomen, Ye kissed her fragrant lips again.The tip of her tongue gently pushed her teeth open, Ye greedily sucked the fragrance in her mouth.At the same time, the Yuan Dan in his body slowly gushed out of his body and then slid into Xue Yan's body.

Reluctant to let go of her sweet soft lips, Ye's voice rang in Xueyan's ear again: "Okay, it's about to start now. Do you still remember that every time I suppressed the internal injury for you, I restrained the energy in your body?" The route you have run? Just imagine that route, and don’t worry about the rest. Although this process will be very sad, but for me, please be patient.”

After speaking, Ye raised her head, straightened Xueyan's body, then connected her hands, and began to send energy into her body.And Poseidon nervously watched his every move, not knowing how confident he was in doing so.

But without anyone noticing, Zeus, who had been in a coma for a long time, woke up!Although Zeus was seriously injured at this moment, he still couldn't die.In addition, in this space, his energy can be replenished infinitely, so not only can he not die, but his injury is better than before.

He slowly raised his head and saw that Poseidon was guarding Xueyan and Ye, and he didn't notice himself at all. A cruel smile appeared on his face: "You three are going to die for me!"

After finishing speaking, Zeus disappeared from this space, and then the whole space began to shake violently, and then began to slowly collapse!

(End of this chapter)

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