Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 183 The Purpose of the Wedding

Chapter 183 The Purpose of the Wedding

Zeus stood in the hall wearing a gorgeous dress, waiting for Xueyan's arrival.In addition to him, there are many men and women standing on both sides of the hall, ready to welcome the arrival of the bride.Some of these are Zeus's most trusted subordinates, as well as his children born to other women.Each of them has different abilities, and standing here today, apart from participating in Zeus's wedding ceremony, they also have an important mission, which is to prevent possible accidents from happening!
The time has not yet come, and the bride has not yet entered the venue, so everyone in the hall is looking for their best friends to get together and chat.For a time, the hall was very lively with people talking and laughing!And Zeus didn't say anything about such a scene.At this moment, all his thoughts were on how to get what he wanted from Xue Yan. As for other things, he didn't care at all.

Suddenly, the noise in the hall stopped abruptly.The sudden silence finally made Zeus feel that something was wrong. He thought it was time and the newcomer had arrived.Turning my head and looking outside, I realized that it was a mysterious person standing at the door of the hall who had appeared from a place where there were no longer many people.A black cloak made him look out of place in today's environment, unusually abrupt and dazzling.

The mysterious man walked straight into the hall and came to Zeus's side.He ignored the speculations and probing glances of others in the hall.There is no layer of barrier at hand. The black barrier not only blocks the curious sight of those people, but also prevents the slightest sound from being heard within the barrier.

"What are you doing here?" Zeus didn't ask until he finished setting up the barrier, his tone full of doubts, because his behavior today was very abnormal.

"I'm here to give you this thing." With a piercing voice, a very delicate jade-carved wine cup appeared in front of Zeus, and the green cup was filled with red liquid .

"What are you doing with a glass of wine?" Smelling the faint smell of wine in the air, his behavior has always been unexpected, and I really don't understand what the hell he wants to do this time.

"Wait a minute, you must let that woman drink the contents of this cup. No matter what method you use, you must let her drink it, remember!" the mysterious cloaked man urged Zeus repeatedly in his piercing voice.

After hearing what he said, Zeus reached out to take the cup, looked at it carefully for a long time, and smelled it with his nose. Then he looked at him with a slight frown and asked: "What is this? It seems that it is not simple. Bar? What's the use of this thing? Why do you have to drink it for her?"

Four questions were asked in one breath. Since he couldn't see the other person's face, Zeus could only stare at his black cloak.If he doesn't explain the matter clearly today, he will ignore it!

"This is indeed not wine, but love!" The mysterious man was not dissatisfied with his question, and gave an explanation very happily. "The function of love is to stimulate the energy in a person's body and the full potential in the body. When the potential in a person exists in the form of energy in his body, that person will become a person because the huge energy has nowhere to vent. It’s extremely painful. It’s as if a person eats all the food he should eat in his life at once, and the result is only one, which is to be stuffed to death.

Although that woman looks ordinary, she contains very powerful energy, which you should have felt before.Not only that, her potential is immeasurable.If left unchecked, she will not only surpass you in the future, but she will also be the most likely person I have ever seen to become a god!
It is for this reason that I chose her to improve your strength.As long as you can make her drink this cup of love, you can get the energy converted from her endless potential.In this way, you can easily break through the current bottleneck, directly enter the highest realm, and become the well-deserved God of the Sky!At that time, will you still care about Pluto and Neptune?Wouldn’t it be easy to achieve your wish? "

The last few words of the mysterious man were quite seductive, and even made Zeus have an illusion, as if he had become a god, and then trampled Hardy and Poseidon under his feet!In the entire Western Continent, no one can compete with him again!
But if he is really made into a god, I am afraid that not only the western continent, but even the eastern continent will not be able to find anyone who can compete with him!

Thinking of this, Zeus showed a very satisfied smile on his face.However, after all, he is the king who controls one side, and he has not been completely dazzled by the beautiful dreams woven by the mysterious man.He tried his best to restrain his excitement at this time, holding the cup of love tightly in his hand, and then asked as calmly as possible: "It's rare that you have done so much for me, what do you want as reward this time? For no reason , you seem to have no reason to do such a big favor for me! Moreover, since you only need to drink love for her, why do you have to marry her? "

"Hehe, as expected of the king who rules the world, even if the victory is in sight, he still maintains a clear mind and extraordinary reason! It's really admirable!" The mysterious man let out an unusually piercing laugh, laughing He also sighed at the same time.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business! The time is almost up!" Zeus urged while resisting the urge to cover his ears.What exactly are this person's vocal cords made of?How could there be such a terrifying sound?Listening to him is simply torture!
"Qingshang! Qingshang! Loveshang! Have you never thought about why it is called this name?" The tone of admiration for Zeus before has turned into contempt now!
"You mean to say that if I want to achieve my goal, I have to make her feel affection for me?" Zeus said with some uncertainty, suppressing the desire to throw him out.

"To be precise, if she doesn't have you in her heart, you will definitely not be able to get her power! Her power will only completely dissipate with her!"

"Is there any difference? Does getting married make her fall in love with me?" Zeus raised his eyebrows, really unable to agree with his statement.In any case, he is considered an expert in love, and he still knows a woman’s thoughts very well!

"Marriage is indeed not enough to make her fall in love with you, but it is enough to make her hate you even more! When her hatred for you reaches its peak, she will only have you in her heart! And as long as you grasp this Once you get a chance, you can definitely get what you want!" The mysterious man explained without haste.

His words sounded very reasonable, but Zeus always felt that something seemed wrong.But after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't find out what went wrong.Seeing that Xue Yan was about to come, Zeus could only put this question aside for the time being, and continued to ask him more critical questions.

"So what exactly do you want from me?"

"When you give her Qingshang to drink, I can get what I want!"

In a word, the vigilance in Zeus's heart was raised to the highest point in an instant.Only when Xueyan drinks Qingshang can she realize her wish.But what he wants can only be obtained at that time.Could it be that his purpose is the same as his own, and it is also for the power of that woman?

But this doesn't make sense. If he also wanted the power of that woman, he wouldn't have to tell himself these things.He could take the person away on his own and drink love to her.Then all the power in her body belongs to him alone!So why did he do this?

"What exactly do you want?" Zeus had to continue to ask. If he couldn't figure out this question today, he would definitely not be able to carry out the wedding with peace of mind!
"Don't worry, what I want and what you want are definitely not the same thing, you don't have to worry at all! However, I think even if I say this, you will never feel relieved. So, in order to make you feel at ease, I I will leave now! I hope we still have the opportunity to continue to cooperate!" After all, without giving Zeus a chance to continue speaking, the barrier set by the mysterious man was removed from everyone's eyes, and his figure followed in front of everyone's eyes What is in front of me disappears!
Feeling that his breath was completely gone, Zeus still couldn't let go.He reached out to recruit a few servants, and ordered them to search the entire Olympus Palace thoroughly, and at the same time sent more people to guard against it.Although he is indeed gone at the moment, Zeus still doesn't want to be disturbed at critical moments.So it's better to be careful!
But at this moment, there were bursts of children's laughter outside the hall, and then Xueyan in a white dress, surrounded by 20 pairs of boys and girls, slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

The snow-white low-cut dress not only highlights her fair and smooth skin, but also perfectly outlines her figure curves.The layered and complicated hem and the embellishments on the dress made her look so graceful and luxurious.Her long black hair flowed behind her, and there was only a beautiful flower crown as decoration on her head.Not only is it not monotonous, but it makes Xue Yan look like a fairy from the dust.Coupled with the fact that the mask on her face has not been removed, it adds a bit of mystery to her.

For a moment, not only Zeus was deeply attracted by her, but couldn't look away a little bit.Even the other people in the hall couldn't help being amazed by her.I have never seen any woman who can integrate so many temperaments into one, and it is so harmonious!The word "perfect" seemed to be created for her, and it couldn't be more suitable for her!

Holding the floor-length skirt with both hands, Xueyan walked very carefully.The long skirt made her feel very uncomfortable. From the beginning, she always felt that she would fall because of the damn long skirt.Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

She finally came to Zeus smoothly!

(End of this chapter)

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