Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 180 The Mysterious Master

Chapter 180 The Mysterious Master

What exactly does this Hella think of her?A showgirl?Seeing her contemptuous eyes, Xueyan felt very angry.She doesn't believe it anymore, she just won't dance today, let's see what the other party can do with her!Even if she falls one level, she will never accept such an insult!
After making up her mind, Xueyan stood there without speaking or moving, but just looked at the two of them coldly, without any expression.

Seeing that she didn't respond to her words at all, as if she didn't hear her at all, Hela couldn't help but narrowed her charming peach eyes, and hid her emotions well so that people couldn't see what she was doing. Think about something.

As for Zeus, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and didn't respond in the slightest.He just looked at the two of them with the eyes of a bystander, his eyes flickering, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

For a while, the atmosphere in the garden became very depressing, and a smell of gunpowder began to spread between Xueyan and Hela.The eyes of the two people kept touching each other, they kept colliding in mid-air, and they refused to give in to each other.Seeing that the gunpowder was about to rise, Zeus just drank tea and admired the flowers leisurely, and didn't care about it at all.

Hela released her coercion to force Xueyan to bow her head, but how could she be afraid of Hela who had never compromised under the pressure of Zeus?Although there is some discomfort, that discomfort can be ignored at all.So after Xueyan looked at Hela coldly for a long time, she simply turned her gaze elsewhere and really ignored her.

This move of hers undoubtedly angered Hela even more.I saw Hela's complexion became more gloomy, her originally squinted eyes were fully opened at this time, and her willow eyebrows were slightly raised, showing all the displeasure in her heart.At the same time, she, who was originally sitting, had already stood up from her position, as if she might attack at any time.

But just when the situation was about to explode, a servant hurried in.Glancing blankly at the situation in front of him, he hesitated for a moment and chose to whisper to Zeus' side.The man left without saying a few words, but after his disturbance, the direct situation between Xueyan and Hela eased somewhat.But it was just a little bit, Hela was still waiting for Xueyan to secretly think about how to punish her for being disrespectful to herself.

But this time, Zeus didn't give her another chance, just gently pulled her into his arms, and then also whispered a few words in her ear.Then I saw that although Hela's face was not reconciled, she finally nodded angrily, and then turned and left without looking at Xueyan again.

After Hela left, Zeus stood up and walked towards Xueyan, took her hand and said softly, "Miss Xueyan, how about we go somewhere together? Someone wants to see you!"

Someone wants to meet her?Who is the one?
A huge question mark appeared in Xueyan's mind!There are quite a few people she knows here, but it seems that no one has such a big face that Zeus can go to visit in person.Not only that, but also asked to see her by name?Who could it be?

Is it...?
Xueyan had just guessed the result, but she never thought that a sharp pain would make her feet go limp, her fingers slipped out of Zeus' palm, and she fell to the ground with a "plop".The pain started in her abdomen and spread rapidly throughout her body.Xueyan gritted her teeth and endured, big beads of sweat emerged from her forehead, and then dripped down her cheeks onto the ground.

Soon she felt her body being hugged by the waist, and Zeus' eager inquiry faintly came from her ears.After that, she didn't know it at all, and all her feelings were directly swallowed up by the pain.Her world is nothing but pain.It's just that at the last moment when her consciousness was swallowed, Xueyan was thinking in her heart that she couldn't get Ye's help this time!It's really self-inflicted. If she didn't drive him away at that time, I'm afraid it would be much easier now!
Xueyan didn't know when her body returned to other senses again, but when she just felt it, Zeus' very anxious inquiry came from her ears.

"Master, when will she wake up? Her situation seems very pessimistic!"

After hearing Zeus's words, Xueyan, who was originally drowsy, immediately regained consciousness.Grandmaster?What a strange name.

"Her condition has stabilized, and she will wake up soon." A very strange voice came into Xueyan's ears, but the voice was very harsh, and it was very close to her, so Xueyan couldn't help but want to Cover your ears.It's a pity that she can't do it even if she wants to move a finger now, and it's just like this that it avoids the fact that other people find out that she has woken up.

Is the person who made this unusually ugly sound the so-called master?Xue Yan secretly guessed in her heart.But this person seems to have some understanding of his situation, otherwise even Zeus would not have seen his situation, he actually knew that the energy in his body had stabilized!

"Really? That's good, but what happened to her? Why do I feel a very strong energy in her body? And I don't feel it at all, is it hidden by her? Said To be honest, her strength really cannot be underestimated!" Although he got an affirmative answer, Zeus continued to ask with a deep frown.

After all, what happened today was very sudden, which not only caught him off guard, but also made him feel that things were not completely under his control.This feeling is very bad, and he doesn't like it very much.

"Those energies don't belong to her, so you don't have to worry about it." The piercing voice sounded again.

If Xueyan could open her eyes at this moment, she would definitely sigh why everyone here is used to wearing the same dress.Because the master that Zeus spoke of was the same as the tower guard that Xueyan saw in the candy tower, he was covered in a pitch-black cloak, not even showing his face.And they have one thing in common, that is, their voices are all equally ugly.No, the master's voice is worse than that of the tower keeper!

But since Xueyan couldn't see anything, she naturally wouldn't have such doubts.What she was wondering at the moment was why this master was so clear about her situation?Could he really know the past and the future?
"Doesn't it belong to her energy?" Hearing what the master said, instead of loosening his brows, Zeus frowned even more tightly. "Since that's not her energy, what exactly is her energy? Can she really fulfill my wish as you said?"

"Are you doubting what I said? If that's the case, you don't have to listen to me, just throw her out of Mount Olympus and let her fend for herself. And I don't need to stay here any longer." The voice was still flat and unremarkable, but anyone could hear his strong dissatisfaction at the moment.

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is, at this point, can't you tell me how she can fulfill my wish?" Hearing his answer, Zeus suppressed the unhappiness in his heart as much as possible. asked politely.

"The secret must not be revealed, you just need to follow the plan I told you and continue to do it. A few days will be a very good day, you'd better marry her into the door as soon as possible, so that the night will not be long and dreamy!" Seeing him take a step back, The mysterious master didn't pursue it too much, but urged him a little impatiently.

Only at this time did Xueyan understand that the reason why Zeus was so determined to marry her was because of this master's instigation!But what did Zeus say that she could help him fulfill his wish?What exactly did he want her to do?Is there anything he can't do that she can't do?
Seeing that he still couldn't get any information out of his mouth, Zeus had to temporarily put the question aside, and asked instead: "Hermes, are you okay?"

"He's very good. I haven't seen such a talented and well-behaved child like him for a long time." Speaking of Hermes, the mysterious master's mood immediately improved, and his piercing voice eased slightly.

"That's good. Originally, I was afraid that he would not suit you, so I planned to find someone else to serve you." Seeing his answer, Zeus also showed a very satisfied expression.

"No, I'm very satisfied with that child." The mysterious master waved his hand, paused and continued: "Actually, I know very well what your idea is, but it's not that I don't want to teach him, it's just that at his level It is very rare to be able to learn this step. No matter how much I teach, it will only be harmful to him, and it will not be of any help to you."

"Oh, why is that? Didn't you say that his talent is very good? Why can't he continue to learn more?" Now that he already knew it, Zeus didn't hide anything anymore, and simply asked directly .

"It has nothing to do with his talent. If he didn't have any energy in him before meeting me, I would definitely accept him as a disciple and let him learn my true inheritance. It's a pity that his ability has been finalized. Even if I force him to Abolishing his original ability will not help the matter. It is impossible for him to have more room for development! Alas, what a pity!" After saying this, the master shook his head and sighed regretfully.

Zeus remained silent, because he was not sure whether what he said was the truth, or whether he said it just to perfunctory him.But there is one thing he is very sure of, that is, it is difficult for Hermes to get any benefits from him anymore.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back. You'd better hurry up and do what I said. What you want to do is not only you who want to do it, there are other people waiting eagerly! It's not good for anyone if it drags on for a long time." The mysterious man stood up and finally said emphatically to Zeus.

"Didn't you wait for her to wake up? Don't you have something to prove to her?" Zeus looked at Xueyan who still didn't wake up, and asked puzzled.

"No, I've already got the information I want!" The mystery still drifted away while speaking, leaving no chance for Zeus to speak at all.

(End of this chapter)

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