Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 172 Amphora Dolinty

Chapter 172 Amphora Dolinty

Xueyan didn't know what the two of them talked about that day, she only knew that when she returned to her side that night, her expression was much calmer.Xueyan didn't ask, she believed that if Ye was willing to tell her, he would tell her even if she didn't ask.But if he doesn't want to say it, then it's useless to ask him.

But it was from that day that Ye and Poseidon began to approach each other.Xueyan didn't know where the two of them went, nor what they were doing.She only knew that it was difficult for her to see Ye from that day on.

As of today, it has been their 10th day here.During this period, Ye would suddenly appear by her side only when her internal injuries occurred, and use his Yuan power to channel the violent energy in her body and relieve her pain. At other times, she couldn't see him at all.Every time when her pain began to subside, his people had already left, and she didn't even have a chance to speak to him.

Because she couldn't see him, Xueyan felt that she missed him even more.His mind is full of him, and he can't forget it even if he wants to, so that he is absent-minded when doing anything.Alas~ What should I do if this goes on?I'm afraid that even if I want to leave, I won't be able to do so!
"Xue, don't sigh any more. If you really want to see him, then we'll go to them." Affdolinti couldn't stand her situation, so she simply suggested.

But Xueyan just shook her head, casually sitting on the ground leaning on the crystal pillar.It took a long time before she asked, "Amphora, Poseidon has been fighting outside for many years, aren't you lonely here alone?"

Anfu Dolinti didn't expect that she would suddenly bring the topic up to her, so she couldn't help but froze for a moment.After hesitating for a while, she also made it to the crystal floor like Xueyan, and slowly said: "Lonely! How can I not be lonely? Every time I watch him leave, I start to look forward to the day when he returns. I spent the whole day worrying and thinking about him, until he appeared in front of me safely again, I could really feel at ease."

"If that's the case, why do you still love him so much? Don't you blame him?" Hearing her words, Xueyan asked a little puzzled.Although she does not deny that she has fallen in love with Ye, she still feels very confused about the relationship.

"Why don't you love me? He has been like this from the time I met him! He always leads his soldiers and horses to fight everywhere, working hard for his dreams. I was killed by him heroically on the battlefield. I was attracted by his figure, moved by his persistent spirit, and then became obsessed with everything about him and fell in love with him. And the reason why I worry about him is precisely because I love him!
Although I also hope that he can guard me and stay with me all the time.But in that case, he would not be able to realize his dream.And if he can't realize his dream, he will not be happy.He is everything in my life, if he is not happy, how can I be happy?So I would rather he continue to fight and continue to realize his dream, and I will wait for him here quietly, until one day his dream comes true, and then happily guard me! "

Although this road is far away, Anfudolindi is still willing to continue to wait for him.Thinking of him, a happy smile appeared on her face.

Xueyan looked at her smile and was surprised that that smile added a lot of brilliance to her, making her more beautiful.Is it because she is very happy that she shows such a smile?Doesn't she care even if Poseidon always ignores her for his dreams?
But why isn’t this the case for me?Willingly do anything for him, but never ask him for anything.Even if he was a bunch of intelligent programs, just a virtual life, why did he care about it?
So why should she bother?Whoever he likes and what he wants to do is his freedom, and she just needs to continue to do what she should do according to her own heart.Don't worry about him, don't try to restrain him, let everything go with the flow.In this case, even if you leave her, you won't have any regrets!

Xue Yan suddenly thought that her mother would treat that man the same way!Although she never thought that man was good at all, her mother really loved him.That is because I love him, so I will do anything for him willingly.It was because she loved him that when she was hurt, she just chose to leave, but she still didn't have any resentment towards him.

Hehe, it turns out that after falling in love with someone, one becomes so stupid!

Xueyan, who figured it out, felt that her mood improved a lot, and the depression in her heart was swept away by her.Standing up briskly, she stretched out her hand in front of Amphora at the same time, and said with a smile: "Get up quickly, let's go together!"

"What are you going to do?" Anfudolindi looked at the smile on her face from the heart, and couldn't accept her such a quick change for a while, she put her hand in hers and asked in a daze.

"Didn't you say you wanted to take me to find Poseidon and the others? Didn't you forget about it so quickly?" Xueyan asked the lithe girl from the ground pretending to be puzzled.

"No, of course not. Let's go now!" Although she didn't know why, but seeing her happy, Amphoretti finally felt relieved, showing her unique sweet smile on her face.

"Where are you two going?" Without waiting for the two of them to move, Poseidon's voice suddenly came from behind them.

The two looked back at the same time, only to see Poseidon and Yetong walking side by side from a distance.Anfu Dolinti hurried up to meet her, and then hugged Poseidon's arm affectionately and said with a smile: "We were talking about looking for you, but you showed up unexpectedly!"

"Looking for us? What's the matter? Are you too bored in the palace and want to go out to play?" Seeing the smile on his beloved wife, Poseidon asked in a very good mood.

"Of course not. In fact, I was mainly looking for it to accompany Xueyan..." Anfudolindi was about to say that she was looking for Yeye to accompany Xueyan, but she was interrupted by Xueyan before she could finish her sentence.

"Poseidon, I have something to do with you." Facing him, Xue Yan returned to her usual indifference.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Poseidon asked with great interest. In fact, he also had something to discuss with her.

"I want to know, have you found out why Zeus wants to get me?" Without talking nonsense with him, Xue Yan went straight to the point.She had thought about this question for a long time, but she had no clue.She believed that Poseidon was no less concerned about this matter than she was, so instead of guessing wildly by herself, it would be more fun to ask him directly.

Hearing that this was the question she asked, Poseidon suppressed his smile and didn't speak.In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but that he really didn't know how to say it.According to the news from the undercover he arranged on Mount Olympus, Zeus seemed to have obtained a very strange prophecy, but his people did not know the specific content of the prophecy.All I know is that Zeus seems to attach great importance to this prophecy, and there seems to be a very important person in the prophecy, and that person seems to be Xueyan!

There was so little useful information that he had nothing to say even if he wanted to.So after being silent for a while, Poseidon shook his head, expressing that he didn't know yet.

Although Xueyan was surprised by such a result, she didn't say anything, and then continued to ask: "Then how is your relationship with Pluto Hardy?"

"Hardy? It's normal. What's wrong?" Poseidon didn't expect that her question spanned such a wide range, so he was stunned for a moment before answering.

"Is it normal? Then if you ask him about something, there shouldn't be any problem, right?" Xue Yan asked with a frown. She thought that the relationship between the two of them should be good, but she didn't expect it to be normal.

"It shouldn't be a problem. What do you want to ask? I'll send someone to him right away!" Seeing that she just wanted to ask something, Poseidon readily agreed.

"Well, you only need to ask him 'where is the blood Shura'. There is no need to say anything else, just tell him that the matter is urgent, and please let him know." Since Hardy said at the beginning that they must If he said something like this, it meant that he knew what they needed.So Xueyan only asked Poseidon's people to ask this question, and she believed that as long as Hardy heard it, he would know that they were here.

Although Poseidon didn't know the meaning of this sentence, he immediately recruited his subordinates and told them to go to Hades immediately.In front of Xueyan, she told her subordinates exactly what she had said, and made sure he was not mistaken before letting him leave.

And Xueyan didn't say anything about his act of showing sincerity, she knew what he was planning.It was also because of this that Xueyan entrusted this matter to him.Because she knew that for his own wishful thinking, he would never let this matter go wrong.

"Miss Xueyan, are you satisfied with living here these days? Is there anything else you need? Just ask, and I can ask my servants to prepare for you as much as possible." After arranging this matter, Poseidon was very polite Asked Xueyan.At the same time, he was thinking about how to speak and make his request.After all, his request is not acceptable to everyone, especially her, it may be even more difficult to accept, so he must think very clearly.

"Everything is fine with me here, but I still want to make a deal with you. I don't know what Neptune wants?" Xueyan said with a smile, who had already guessed what he wanted to say.Since things are inevitable, it would be better to let the initiative be in her hands!

It's even later today, so I'll post the three chapters together! !

(End of this chapter)

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