Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 167 The Unlucky Beginning

Chapter 167 The Unlucky Beginning

After Xueyan finished her visit to the Nine-Tailed White Fox, Heye returned to Qianyue's stone palace again, and Qianyue couldn't wait to send them away from this place.

This time Qianyue did not open the portal with a magic weapon like last time, but directly used her own energy to tear a crack out of thin air.

Xueyan looked at the dark gap in front of her, then at the impatient Qianyue, she couldn't help but looked at her suspiciously and said, "Are you sure this can lead to the western continent? Just throw it somewhere else?"

"How could I do that? Hurry up, this door won't last long!" Although she said it affirmatively, Qianyue's eyes flickered obviously.Coupled with her repeated urging, Xueyan felt that there must be something wrong.

Although she didn't get along with Qianyue for a long time, she believed that she knew something about Qianyue.In terms of Qianyue's personality, she is definitely the kind of master who only takes advantage of her advantages but not disadvantages.Otherwise, she wouldn't have exchanged a message for Mo Zhen.But this time she obviously didn't get any benefits, and she didn't hesitate to expend such a lot of effort to open the door of space for them personally. This is really not her style!
After hesitating for a while, Xueyan shook her head. If there were only two continents in "The Fantasy World", it would be easier to say, even if she and Ye didn't spread to the western continent, at worst they would go back and join Leng Ye Guxing and the others.But this is not the case. She once asked Candy Moon, besides these two main continents in "Fantasy World", there are many other islands like Qianyue.In this way, it is possible for them to be thrown anywhere!
This is going to be thrown into an uninhabited place where every day should not be called and the ground is not working. What should the two of them do?So Xueyan would rather not go anywhere than take this risk.

"I said you changed your mind, right? This is not okay, you can't count your words! Go over here quickly!" Seeing her shaking her head, Qianyue became even more anxious, reaching out to push her directly into the door of space , but was avoided by Xueyan.

"Unless you can prove that behind this door is the Western Continent, I'd rather stay here than go anywhere!" She was determined, and Xueyan was even more determined than her.He dodged and hid behind Ye, not giving her the slightest chance to take advantage of it.

"You!" Qianyue stomped her feet in anger, but there was nothing she could do about her. "I, Qianyue, swear to the Supreme God that behind this door is definitely the Western Continent. If it is not, I will be wiped out! Then you should believe it?"

Uh, I didn't expect her to swear to prove it!When Xueyan heard her vow, she couldn't help being stunned.It took a long time to look at Ye, and saw him nodding slightly towards him, and then he came out from behind him and came to the front of the gate of space.

"In this case, then I believe you. After disturbing you for so many days, we should go. I hope to see you again when we have a chance!" After finishing speaking, without waiting for her to react, Xue Yan stepped into the gate of space , Ye followed closely behind.Neither of them had the chance to see the smug smile on Qianyue's face the moment the two of them disappeared.

Hmph, want to fight her?There are no doors!Do you think that she will have no way to retaliate against them?Soon they should know how powerful she is!

The gate of space is not like a portal, as long as they step on it, they will reach another place in a second.The door of space is like opening a corridor, and only when you reach the end of the "corridor" will you know where the door is finally going.

After Xueyan and Ye entered the gate of space, the entrance behind them disappeared, and they could only continue walking along the passage.

"Is swearing really useful?" Although Yedu confirmed the validity of her words, Xueyan always felt uneasy and couldn't help but confirm again.

"There will be no problem. She swears to the Supreme God and says her name, and her oath will be recorded. If she tells a lie, then her oath will definitely be fulfilled. This is the potential The rules are not only effective for people like us, but also for you adventurers. So today's incident can be regarded as a reminder, you must not do this kind of thing lightly, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!" Ye's His expression was very serious, and he was afraid that he might not attract her attention.

"So there is such a saying!" Xueyan nodded knowingly, although she still felt that there seemed to be something wrong there, but her heart was much more at ease.

The space channel was not very long, and soon they saw the exit emitting white light.Immediately, he quickened his pace and walked towards the exit.But when Xueyan went out from the exit, she was immediately dumbfounded!

On the endless sea, countless fish-like humanoid monsters stand on the sea with knives, forks, swords and halberds in their hands!The formation is very neat, and looking up at the sky with murderous intent, it seems that there is their sworn enemy there!
And there are indeed many people standing in the air not far from them, the number is by no means less than those fish-like and human-like guys.And these guys in the sky are genuine human figures, no different from ordinary humans.They also hold weapons in their hands, ready to fight to the death with each other!
The troops of both sides are waiting in full battle, and they will immediately charge into the battle and kill the enemy bravely as soon as the leader gives an order.But at this critical moment when the situation was about to explode, two strangely dressed people suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield, attracting everyone's attention!

MG, how could they be sent to such a place?Xueyan turned her head and looked around her, the situation couldn't be more obvious, this is definitely the battlefield that is about to unfold!Seeing the people on both sides looking at the two of them with murderous eyes, even she, who has always been fearless, couldn't help but retreat in her heart.

"Mysterious Miss Xueyan, I never thought that we would meet again under such circumstances. It shows that we are really destined!" Just as she was wondering if there would be any problem if she just left under their noses , an elegant and magnetic voice echoed between the two groups of people.

There was a bit of surprise in the speaker's voice, it was a surprise to see her again here.But Xueyan closed her eyes the first time she heard this voice.She really, really doesn't want to see him!That lustful and sentimental Zeus, why is he here?
Now she can be very sure that they are indeed in the western continent!But why did she have to see this guy as soon as she came here? Thinking about how she messed up Zeus last time, Xueyan didn't want to see him even more.She can be sure that he will never let it go! ?This is too bad luck! (Qianyue: I won’t let you be unlucky, it’s hard to dispel the anger in my heart, hum! There are even more unlucky ones!)
"Miss Xueyan, you left in a hurry last time, and you didn't even keep what you promised me. Didn't you show up suddenly this time to fulfill your promise last time?" I don't mind Xueyan ignoring him , Zeus in silver light armor drove out from the crowd in a golden carriage pulled by four horses.Ignoring the eyes on the other side who wanted to eat him alive, he swaggered towards Xue Yan and asked with a smile.

But before he came to Xueyan, someone blocked his way.The smile on Zeus's face was gone, but his slightly narrowed eyes showed that he was unhappy at the moment.Although the appearance of the man in front of him is stunning, but a man is a man, he has no interest in men at all, and has always been impatient.

And when Zeus looked at him with probing eyes, Ye Ye looked at him indifferently.It's just that the black eyes were not as calm as usual, but there was a faint cold light.He listened to the other party's words verbatim just now. Although he didn't reveal anything on the surface, his heart was filled with disgust for him.

"You are blocking my king's way, what's the matter?" In the silent confrontation, Zeus couldn't help asking first, his tone was full of arrogance as a superior, and at the same time he released his domineering, Want to exert coercion on the other party.

Unfortunately, his words did not receive any response.And his mental oppression didn't help at all.Ye still stood with his hands behind his back, but looked into his eyes with a bit more disdain.

Can anyone be king here?Then this king is too worthless!

The other party didn't speak, but Zeus read the content very clearly from his eyes.This made the smile on his face fade gradually, and the eyes looking at him became a little more wary.The energy in the body slowly spread out, tentatively covering the night from all directions.He wanted to see what level of expert this black-clothed man in front of him was!

Ye felt his energy enveloping him, but he still didn't move at all, and he didn't even move his eyes, as if he didn't want to resist at all.

Seeing his own energy invade the opponent's body without hindrance, Zeus also showed disdain while being disappointed.At first, I thought that a master came, but I didn't expect it to be an empty shell that can only pretend!

But just when he wanted to release more energy to get rid of this unsightly guy in one fell swoop, something unexpected happened!Ye, who had no intention of resisting at first, suddenly raised his right hand.And in the palm of his hand instantly condensed a huge golden energy ball, and he compressed all the energy that Zeus had invaded into his body just now!
"Your stuff, return it to you!" With his extremely cold voice, Ye raised his right hand lightly, and the ball of light in his hand came out, aiming at Zeus's head at lightning speed and flying over!
But the ball of light didn't hurt Zeus, he was slightly deflected, and the ball of light rubbed his golden curly hair and went towards the sky.

In this way, the two won't be divided, and it will be a tie?
(End of this chapter)

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